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Musharraf to be tried for 'Treason' | Nawaz Sharif

Even Nawaz Sharif is guilty of an high treason for not allowing the airplane carrying the COAS to land and ordering the pilot to land in India , go figure . What if the opposition launches the case against him ? Why did the Govt choose the trial to start from 2007 Emergency and not from the beginning of the coup ? To be very honest , this will open a Pandora box so big that these bald men wont be able to handle it since the article 6 doesn't only include only Mr.Musharraf , it includes the whole army top brass and countless other influential men beyond the reach of this country's law . I thought , after ruling Pakistan two times , the PML N would have learned its lesson but it appears that they haven't . This is more big than we can even imagine , especially at a time when the country is facing such instability , this is actually insane . These men will leave unscathed but what about the situation in the country during and afterwards ? 

6. High treason.—1[(1) Any person who abrogates or subverts or suspends or holds in abeyance, or attempts or conspires to abrogate or subvert or suspend or hold in abeyance, the Constitution by use of force or show of force or by any other unconstitutional means shall be guilty of high treason.]

(2) Any person aiding or abetting 2[or collaborating] the acts mentioned in clause (1) shall likewise be guilty of high treason.

3[(2A) An act of high treason mentioned in clause (1) or clause (2) shall not be validated by any court including the Supreme Court and a High Court.]

Read the third clause , what does it mean for the judiciary ? Who's safe ? Even the revered Bhutto used to be a foreign minister in Ayub Khan's rule , cmon ! :D
my very dear sir!:angel:
let them cook it, we will enjoy the dinners as allways?:cheers:
you & me different sides of the same coin, i guss but just i like drakness more?:smitten:
are all the Insafian hiding their faces now that musharaf is being tried by ulu-ke-pathey league

Whatever, just look at the focus of Mian Nawaz Sharif on his 'qemay wala nan'... no wonder he made 'haleem wala' a President.
Previous PPP govt wasted their entire tenure on protecting Zardari... & now the current govt's seems to have misplaced priorities instead of attending to issues related to common Pakistanis. Doesn't look like Pakistani politicians will ever get serious about matters pertaining to people beyond their own!
Sorry to say, but with due respect, Pak Army Generals specially COAS Mr Kiyani has disappointed the nation, Army should now wear Bangles and polish Nawaz sharif's Shoes, seems like that. 
why not the cases under Article 6, proceeds from 1999 coup ???? b'caz then many Generals & CJ of Pakistan can be hanged under Treason act. what a bias Law, God Bless us....yaar Army ko kia ho gaya hai...no they will let their Generals hanged by this corrupt Mian Sahibs.. Shame... 
I am afraid there will be a coup within ARMY, may arise if this will ever happen. this will be very dangerous for Pakistan as nation, Allah woh din kabhi na dekhaey..
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Labeling General Musharraf a traitor is crossing the line
Labeling General Musharraf a traitor is crossing the line | Dear Pakistan

Dear Pakistan:

The treason debate rages on around General Pervez Musharraf, one of the most controversial and captivating figures in Pakistan. So many questions surround him. Why did he come back? Was there a deal? What was he thinking? Does the army still support him? How will his trials and tribulations in Pakistan undermine the military?

So many questions…but politicians in Pakistan forget one thing. The title of General is earnedand it comes with a lifelong affection for those who have served with him and under him. General Musharraf has fought with them, has taught them, mentored them, shared their joys, felt their sorrows, and reveled in their triumphs and victories. He has been their General and much more.

Politicians also forget that a soldier’s love and respect for his General never fades. This love was indisputably evident upon General Musharraf’s return, against all odds, to Pakistan in March of this year. Paramilitary troops stepped in and formed a protective shield around him the minute he set foot on Pakistan’s soil, keeping him safe from the Taliban threat. It was evident during his first few days in Karachi, when the General humbly accommodated a soldier’s shy request to take a picture with him, fulfilling a lifelong hope to meet General Musharraf. It was evident when others couldn’t thank the General enough for remembering their comrades in countless Facebook and twitter posts condemning the vicious and soulless attacks by the Taliban on military personnel. When Pakistan’s soldiers, labeled by the Taliban as enemies of the state, were ruthlessly attacked, tortured and butchered, the General called out to them from a thousand miles away, feeling their pain and anguish and rallying them to continue protecting his and their beloved Pakistan.

When the confused political elite failed them, turned a blind eye to their sacrifices protecting against external and internal enemies, forgot the strength, comfort and relief they provided when earthquakes and massive floods hit, and labeled Pakistan’s soldiers as traitors for fighting what these politicians called someone else’s war, General Musharraf’s message came to them loud and clear over the confusing national rhetoric: they are the custodians of the sovereignty and integrity of Pakistan; their cause of Pakistan was worth fighting for and that he stood with the fallen and the victorious.

The soldiers of Pakistan heard his call, alongside the call of their current military leaders, to stay strong. They have patiently and silently borne the disdain, insult and disregard of some political elites towards their martyrs. They have admired General Musharraf’s courage and strength to come back home and fulfill the soldier’s commitment to return “by land, by air, or by sea, even at the peril of his life.” They have patiently borne the General’s will to face and fight all the politically motivated cases brought against him as the Chief of the Pakistan Army and President of Pakistan.

But Dear Pakistan, labeling their beloved General a traitor to Pakistan, the nation for which he, like them, has fought and bled for, may be one too many burden to bear.
At least, this puts to rest all the conspiracy theories of Imran Khan and JI that P.Musharraf has come to Pakistan under a deal!

I personally, do not see any Pakistani national, have balls big enough to hang Musharraf.
Sharif Family and Nisar Khan both have no stakes in Pakistan, as habitual they will run to US when time comes.

In the end, its funny to see a system, where ex.army chief and president, who strengthen Pakistan and gave enemies shivers for their lives is indicted for treason, merely for imposing emergency in reply to violent and illegal riots of Imran Khan.
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In the end, its funny to see a system, where ex.army chief and president, who strengthen Pakistan and gave enemies shivers for their lives is indicted for treason, merely for imposing emergency in reply to violent and illegal riots of Imran Khan.
Yes indeed as if the US was begging Pakistan to allow her to operate within Pakistani airspace. As if Musharraf threatened Richard Armitage to bomb US to stoneage if she entered Pakistani airspace.......
General Zia was the best. Don't you forget it kiddies. Even your fathers will not speak against Zia.
General Zia was the best. Don't you forget it kiddies. Even your fathers will not speak against Zia.

I dont know where you from but I can guarantee you most people here have only one
well Mush is lucky, he will soon be cleared of all the charges and will start political activity in the presence of the nooras what irony :rofl:
well Mush is lucky, he will soon be cleared of all the charges and will start political activity in the presence of the nooras what irony :rofl:

and Altaf hussain will come back to Pakistan
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