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Musharraf plans to launch own party for another shot at Presidency


Jan 4, 2009
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Karachi News.Net
Thursday 29th January, 2009 (ANI)
Islamabad, Jan.29 : After eight years of 'dictatorial' rule in Pakistan, the former President Gen. Parvez Musharraf is now thinking of donning the Presidential suit by a more democratic method.

According to a report published in The Nation, Musharraf is thinking of launching a new political party in Pakistan, which he will be using as his vehicle to the country's top post.

Quoting sources privy to the former President, the paper said that a political party named "Pasdaran-e-Pakistan" is expected to be launched by the ex-military ruler.

"When the general euphoria that followed the elections of February 18th ,2008, was replaced by a general sense of disappointment because of the dismal performance of the new government, he (Musharraf) felt the time was right to step into politics," the paper quoted a source, as saying.

He had invited a select group of apex Pakistan Muslim League (Q) legislators, in April last year to the Presidency, and expressed his desire to "repackage" the League, the paper said.

But almost all of the leaders attending the meeting had opposed the idea.

It was the former Information Minister Muhammad Ali Durrani who had suggested to Musharraf to flaoat a new party called Pasdaran-e-Pakistan, rather than repackage the PML-Q.

However, people in the Musharraf camp perceived that the name Pasdaran would perhaps suggest orthodoxy. A newer, more modern name was needed. So a new name, Civil Society Alliance (CSA) came up.

The board of the CSA office in Islamabad now reads Pasdaran-e-Pakistan, which suggests that Musharraf is readying himself to gain people sympathy after the 'failure' of the present democratic set-up in the country.

(Please come back man pakistan and pakistani people really needs you)
good move,

But i doubt that sensibilty will prevail in our south asian countries (like india and pakistan) to - understand who should be pioneer for us.
mr. Musharraf is my fav leader, i dont think that he is anti - Indian. or his thought or act will harm india. But yes he loves his country alot. and for that i respect him. He will help pakistan's spine which has been hampered by illogical leaders, imagine even imran khan think he can be president.
Pakistan need mr. Musharraf and need him desperately. he will be good not only for his country but will also keep Indian leaders on their feets!
I think this is fake news.

Musharraf has clearly struck a deal where the present govt. will not prosecute him on corruption charges if he promises them to leave politics forever.

This is also visible in most of his interviews where he refuses to comment on the present governments progress and refuses and chance to re-joining politics of Pakistan.
i was very much against musharaf even first time ,I cast my vote just to get rid of him. but by observing incompetent Zerdari and immature Nawaz Sherif statements compel me to think what i had done, comparing the progress of Pakistan during Musharaf and present government, I am really worried how Pakistan will survive..Now I openly confess that Musharaf was far better leader than these jerks. please stop this non sense of dictatorship , we should open our eyes. Democratic governments are worst in Pakistan.
Forget about economical figures even they also proved the same I am just telling you a normal citizen observations that during musharaf govt when I used to go out every where development work was going on, when I went to Islamabad I was lost because of lots of new roads overhead crossings. Computers, tv, mobile were so cheap that daily prices were going down and down. but just see what is the atmosphere outside where are prices, even basic needs are difficult..
i was very much against musharaf even first time ,I cast my vote just to get rid of him. but by observing incompetent Zerdari and immature Nawaz Sherif statements compel me to think what i had done, comparing the progress of Pakistan during Musharaf and present government, I am really worried how Pakistan will survive..Now I openly confess that Musharaf was far better leader than these jerks. please stop this non sense of dictatorship , we should open our eyes. Democratic governments are worst in Pakistan.
Forget about economical figures even they also proved the same I am just telling you a normal citizen observations that during musharaf govt when I used to go out every where development work was going on, when I went to Islamabad I was lost because of lots of new roads overhead crossings. Computers, tv, mobile were so cheap that daily prices were going down and down. but just see what is the atmosphere outside where are prices, even basic needs are difficult..

This is all true, the economic depression part. Things have become more expensive, development has slowed down etc.

BUT, this is the case in the whole world. And this economic down turn took place in 2007, when Musharraf was in power. In his speech after declaring emergency, one of the main reasons for imposition of emergency in Nov 2007 was "Deteriorating economic condition".

Today countries like USA, UK, Italy, France etc. are facing recession and jumps in unemployment. Pakistan tu phir bhe developing country hai.
Well that's a good sign. The current incompetent government should've learned the "Positive" Aspects from musharraf's policies. Given the chance, I'd vote for him!

I would not sit in musharaf`s side beceause of his Atrosities. Every person make mistakes but Leader do learn and admit that they have commited them & lay the way forward by reconciling the differences(Balochistan). acts such Lal Masjid, Balochistan Issue-, then cooalition with Chaudhrey brotehrs are the worst acts and this is what he has to apoligies for from the core of his heart.
once he has done it then i will think about it. but i guess Imran Khan is due for the chance before Musharaf. and i will vote for Imran Khan he is also patriotic as mushraf.
Oh yea i knew it wouldnt be too long ! finally our real leader is coming back i wish him all the best and may inshallah be back in power and help our nation as he did before iam all for it!!
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i want kayani to be president
he knows want the people want and what is good for pakistan
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