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Musharraf On Bugti, Indian Involvement


Jun 2, 2010
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Musharraf On Bugti, Indian Involvement

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'India is responsible for Balochistan unrest'

LONDON: Former president Pervez Musharraf said that the Indian government is responsible for creating unrest in Baochistan, while speaking to Munizae Jahangir during an interview on the Express 24/7 programme ‘Face Off’ in London.

Musharraf reiterated his earlier claims that Indian and Afghan involvement in Balochistan was creating unrest there, adding that the Pakistani government had solid evidence of their involvement and that the evidence had been shared with everyone. “Even (Afghan) President Karzai has been given (the evidence),” he said.

Musharraf said the military operation against Nawab Akbar Bugti was justified as he had been creating trouble in Balochistan. “There is a person who is firing 500 rockets on Sui. There is a person who has occupied the hill features and is firing rockets and weapons… on the Frontier Corps. They are blowing up the gas pipeline, the electric pylon, the railway line”.

He said that Nawab Akbar Bugti’s grandson, Bramdagh Bugti is received by agents from the Indian intelligence agency, the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), when he goes to India. “I know that they finance him, they give him weapons to create trouble and stab us in the back in Balochistan.”

‘India is responsible for Balochistan unrest’ – The Express Tribune
India is inciting same kind of sentiments in Karachi via MQM and Baluchistan via BLA like it did in East Pakistan using AL puppet!

On the flip side, why are be playing this game of duplicity..why not send all the bugti traitors down the drain hole in mass execution..it will relive the poor and destitute of bugti tribe they had been ruling over ruthlessly. These bugtis know a lot about human rights but forget their own lessons in dealing with their subjects.
First let this guy come back to the nation without fear of prosecution and other charges.. then we will start believing what he has to say.
the Pakistani government had solid evidence of their involvement and that the evidence had been shared with everyone. “Even (Afghan) President Karzai has been given (the evidence),” he said.

Only allegation?

Forget India, the Afghan govt had handed over solid evidences of the men behind Indian embassy bomb attack but Pakistan is not acting against them!!!! Why? Why Musharraf don't talk about this? No one agree with Pakistan's view of India's involvement in Baluchistan.

Pakistani spies helped Kabul bombers, US says - Asia, World - The Independent
First let this guy come back to the nation without fear of prosecution and other charges.. then we will start believing what he has to say.

We all know even if he does come back you Indians will always try to change the subject.
nice one from Mushy!! Best way to make space for yourself in pakistani public, 'blame india for everything is wrong in your country'!! half of the job done!! you are definitely on the right path towards a ever lasting political legacy!!
First let this guy come back to the nation without fear of prosecution and other charges.. then we will start believing what he has to say.

Facts don't need Musharraf's telling or return home, nor a confession from your side. Facts are Facts. Still for record purposes, he said all this even during his rule.
nice one from Mushy!! Best way to make space for yourself in pakistani public, 'blame india for everything is wrong in your country'!! half of the job done!! you are definitely on the right path towards a ever lasting political legacy!!

Thats seems like indian logic
nice political stunt by Gen.Musharraf.

even IF India has a hand in those unrest(which is completely in correct), you guys were the one to be blamed. Do you expect a country(not only India any other country) to remain silent till you cut 1000 times??? a country has every right to defend itself against any aggression. if u bring it straight you will get it straight else if you find any other means you will be contained accordingly.:agree:
nice political stunt by Gen.Musharraf.

even IF India has a hand in those unrest(which is completely in correct), you guys were the one to be blamed. Do you expect a country(not only India any other country) to remain silent till you cut 1000 times??? a country has every right to defend itself against any aggression. if u bring it straight you will get it straight else if you find any other means you will be contained accordingly.:agree:

Actually you have to blame yourself and your intelligence services every action has a reaction, if you're creating trouble inside Pakistan and our response will be more then just tit for tat and you will cry. :smokin:
India has much better and interesting things to do that getting involved in internal matters of another country....
India has much better and interesting things to do that getting involved in internal matters of another country....

Where was that logic when you supported terrorism in East Pakistan in 1971 and in Sri Lanka?
Where was that logic when you supported terrorism in East Pakistan in 1971 and in Sri Lanka?

Just go and ask question about 1971 terrorism from Bangladeshi people they will tell you in full detail.
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