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Musharraf On Bugti, Indian Involvement

Just go and ask question about 1971 terrorism from Bangladeshi people they will tell you in full detail.

Right, how about you go ask the biharis and the pro Pakistani Bengalis and they will tell you in detail about indian sponsored terrorists mukthi bahini or go ask Kashmiris and they will tell you about you about indian terrorism
This is nothing to do with the fact that india has interfered/caused terrorism in the internal situations of other countries with the examples of 1971 and Sri Lanka. So it wouldnt be surprising that india is involved in spreading terrorism in Balochistan

Yes India responsible for all that

Off topic
But your ex president accepting they trained militants in Kashmir
Half the Pakistan become safe heaven for terrorist (ya some people call that)
And we all know why Bangladesh is created and i am also told you to ask Bangladeshi people they will tell you full detail

And about srilanka read this
India's views matter, don't care about the world: Rajapaksa - The Times of India

On topic

I think its all propaganda against you ..right ???

I think this thread is about musharraf so make a separate thread we will discuss all these things their :wave:
Yes India responsible for all that

Off topic
But your ex president accepting they trained militants in Kashmir
Half the Pakistan become safe heaven for terrorist (ya some people call that)
And we all know why Bangladesh is created and i am also told you to ask Bangladeshi people they will tell you full detail

And about srilanka read this
India's views matter, don't care about the world: Rajapaksa - The Times of India

On topic

I think its all propaganda against you ..right ???

I think this thread is about musharraf so make a separate
thread we will discuss all these things their :wave:

I have no idea what you're trying to say. Anyways we're just doing with the Kashmiri freedom fighters as you did with Mukthi Bahini, so stop being hypocrites about it. And I want you to ask the Kashmiris about your armies terrorism against them and they will tell you in full detail ;)
Thats seems like indian logic

my friend.. maybe be you are right!! maybe something to ponder about, see if this logic makes any sense & help people to see things in different perspective. by blaming someone else you are masking your own shortcomings!!
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first time mushy made sensible and true statement i think pakistan should take this thing in international community as india do to pakistan
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