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Musharraf Ki Yaad AAyi Us Kay Janay Kay Baad

From Dawn, what Kamran Shafi writes. It's understandable that a man like Musharraf did so much damage to the country and how he subterfuge the nation and still we can't realize that.

Yet, just look at the shenanigans of the newest godfather of the ‘Ghairat Brigade’: “I said to the Americans, ‘Give us the Predators.’ It was refused. I told the Americans, ‘Then just say publicly that you’re giving them to us. You keep on firing them but put Pakistan Air Force markings on them.’ That, too, was denied” — Gen (retd) Pervez Musharraf, former chief of the army staff, Pakistan Army, in a most recent interview with Seymour Hersh of the New Yorker. I ask you!

Where is the ‘Ghairat Lobby’ now when Musharraf’s subterfuge to trick the Pakistani nation has been made public: whilst going all the way with the Americans in allowing the drone attacks, asking them to camouflage their drones in PAF colours. Yet his acolytes have the gall to put the blame for drone attacks entirely on the present lot?

DAWN.COM | Columnists | A promise kept and the ?Ghairat Brigade?

The Ghairat Brigade is a nice term used by Kamran Shafi. This Ghairat Brigade is all up for wrong, but never up for right :confused:
Regardless of the criticism of President Musharraf's politics or personality, there is general agreement among independent economists that President Musharraf left Pakistan's economy in much better shape than he found it when he seized power in 1999.

Here are some of the key highlights of the results of Musharraf era economy:

1. Pakistan's tax base and government revenue collection more than doubled from about Rs. 500b to over Rs. 1 trillion.

2. Pakistan's GDP more than doubled to $144b since 1999.

3. Most recent figures in 2007 indicate that Pakistan's total debt stands at 56% of GDP, significantly lower than the 99% of GDP in 1999.

4. Pakistan attracted over $5 billion in foreign direct investment in the 2006-07 fiscal year, ten times the figure of 2000-01.

5. In spite of the election-related political turmoil, Pakistan’s economy maintained its momentum in 2007, growing by 7%, slightly more than the 6.6% for 2006. Agricultural sector growth recovered sharply, from 1.6% in 2006 to 5% in 2007, while the manufacturing sector growth continued at 8.4% in 2007, slightly more moderate than the 10% for 2006. Services grew at 8% in 2007, down from 9.6% in 2006.

6. The strong consumer demand in Pakistan drove large investments in real estate, construction, communications, automobile manufacturing, banking and various consumer goods. Millions of new jobs were created. By all accounts, the ranks of the middle class swelled in Pakistan during Shaukat Aziz's term in office. According to Tara Vishwanath, the World Bank's lead economist for South Asia, about 5% of Pakistanis moved from the poor to the middle class in three years from 2001-2004, the most recent figures available.

7. The Karachi stock market surged ten fold from 2001 to 2007.

Haq's Musings: Musharraf's Economic Legacy

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If Musharaf was a smart person than why did we go into a “big" mess at first during his tenure...

Just wondering....


I don't like Musharaf at all....at all...
One thing I liked about that guy was that he improved Pakistani Missile system....he was interested in it...

Anyways...He did not have any track to follow...in many things..
He just went to move one without any "significant" planning...

He could be a nice guy if he had some plan..it does not matter if he failed or not...but he did not have any plan to follow...

He was appointed by NS when other senior generals were present...
This shows the character of both NS and Musharaf...
Corruption is also present...

However, I acknowledge his missile related approach....

Where is the ‘Ghairat Lobby’ now when Musharraf’s subterfuge to trick the Pakistani nation has been made public: whilst going all the way with the Americans in allowing the drone attacks, asking them to camouflage their drones in PAF colours. Yet his acolytes have the gall to put the blame for drone attacks entirely on the present lot?

Gen. Musharraf was the President of Pakistan and he did what was right for the country. People of Pakistan didn't like his actions so he was forced to resigned by theri representatives.

Now I would like to ask you and Kamran sahib that please ask the current govt. to stop the drone attacks and I would also ask the thakedars of ghairat Nawaz Sharif, JI and others to drop everything and focus on stopping drone attacks.

There is no Musharraf now in power so lets push our current set of rulers and the friendly opposition to stop the drone attacks.
If Musharaf was a smart person than why did we go into a “big" mess at first during his tenure...

boss there is not one govt. in the world which is perfect or gives 100% results. I like Gen. Musharraf because he tried to set many things in the right direction.

It will take many years of consistent hard work to fix Pakistan, Gen. Musharraf corrected the direction of those things. For starters the Tax system, Gen. Musharraf highlighted that area and inreased the number of tax payers. It is the job of the current govt. to continue the move in that direction so that in next five years we can more revenue to our govt.

Gen. Musharraf also moved the SANDAK program to Chinese contractors which showed enormous result. There is a reason why PML-Q won majority of seats despite the Bugti operation. Gawader port was completed and Gold exploration was started.

These programs were always there but no one worked because everyone was interested in taking money out of Pakistan, Gen. Musharraf is the first leader in many years who gave Pakistanis teh feel good feeling.

okay Sir...

As you say..

He was the best leader...

Why do you compare Musharaf with Zardari or NS..

I did not support one of them...

I am against the whole corrupt thing..

Now don't push me to open my mouth..
I know when he was passing Sector F… in Islamabad late night with…..
The army had to do…

Sir please don’t compare anyone especially with politicians…

You are comparing a bad example with another bad example...
Your argument only supported that compare Musharaf with Zardari or NS..

Compare Musharaf with some good example and you will know

The money also went out in his period..where was he sleeping…he could take action if he wanted to…

How did he buy properties…can you buy that with the pay…
Now I recommend you to compare Musharaf with any Army Chief….
Most of them will…..

Powerful people among some army people sell their country and get the land of their own country in return to make houses…

“Big” people always thought that they are superior…I don’t know for what reason they thought…

Again yeah..you are right Musharaf also did good things for our country
But please if you want to compare Musharaf to someone....compare with a good guy….don’t compare him with other corrupt politicians like himself...

Us ko sharam nai aye apna aap ko Syed kehta wa....
Us ki shakal hai Syed wali...

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Here is one more to teh title of this thread 'Musharraf Ki Yaad AAyi Us Kay Janay Kay Baad':

Stop blaming Musharraf

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I would request politicians to stop blaming Musharraf for their own mistakes. It has been about two years Musharraf is practically out of any decision-making position. These politicians have had sufficient time to reverse the so-called bad policies of Gen Musharraf. In fact the current government has made no new policy and has been following almost 99 per cent of the policies which Gen Musharraf had introduced. They should stop using Gen Musharraf as a scapegoat. People have already started saying that the Musharraf era was better than the current civilian rule.

Asif Pathan


Stop blaming Musharraf
Another example of Musharraf Ki Yaad AAyi Us Kay Janay Kay Baad:

Media under Musharraf

Monday, November 16, 2009
I fully agree with M Ishrat who, in a letter titled “Media under Musharraf” (Nov 13), gave due credit to former president Pervez Musharraf for opening up the media and following a liberal news policy. It was a military dictator who realised that the people had a right to freedom of expression. Before Musharraf came into power, successive elected governments clamped down on the media. It is true, however, that in the last year of his rule Gen Musharraf did take some undesirable steps. Perhaps he thought that the electronic media had lost its objectivity. But that is another debate. What is important is that we should give credit where it is due.

Sahibzada M Khan


Media under Musharraf
Ohh my goodness...

Your example is like this

Hitler killed 500,000 people

Mussolini killed 100,000 people

So as you said I should say Mussolini was a good leader


Because he killed less people than Hitler


You are comparing one bad example with another

Musharaf >>> NS or Zardari..

I never supported any of them

If you love Musharaf so much can you please compare him with some good example?

Your arguments only support one side

The letters you posted, the arguments you did only said compare Musharaf with NS or Zardari..

Did Musharaf give you a Mercedes or a house???

because you have blind patriotism for a person

All of the politicians did good and bad work...
Musharaf also did good things but if you are obliged with him can you compare him with George Washington, Jinnah, Gandhi or anyone else...
People who did something..

Musharaf did not do anything significant..

During his tenure we had a good missile research stuff....I agree with it...he also improved economy as you said...but kindly compare him with a good example

I have seen him tun(drunk) on Basant festivals in Lahore...
anything else you wanna know about your leader?

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Blind patriotism for anyone is not good….

Blind patriotism for NS, Zardari, Zia, Bhutto,Musharaf and the list goes on…is stupid

They did good and bad things but the balance is on the bad side….

Our nation always suffered because of those so called “superior” people…

If Pakistan Army could make or break political parties, could make nuclear weapons and could defeat Soviets and Indians than why were they so afraid to favor a revolution…

PA and ISI is the front line and they are saving Pakistan but Army also took wrong decisions on many occasions…

Revolution will not effect our Nuclear program..
Revolution has many types….

Ohh my goodness...

Your example is like this

Hitler killed 500,000 people

Mussolini killed 100,000 people

So as you said I should say Mussolini was a good leader


Because he killed less people than Hitler


You are comparing one bad example with another

Musharaf >>> NS or Zardari..

I never supported any of them

If you love Musharaf so much can you please compare him with some good example?

Your arguments only support one side

The letters you posted, the arguments you did only said compare Musharaf with NS or Zardari..

Did Musharaf give you a Mercedes or a house???

because you have blind patriotism for a person

All of the politicians did good and bad work...
Musharaf also did good things but if you are obliged with him can you compare him with George Washington, Jinnah, Gandhi or anyone else...
People who did something..

Musharaf did not do anything significant..

During his tenure we had a good missile research stuff....I agree with it...he also improved economy as you said...but kindly compare him with a good example

I have seen him tun(drunk) on Basant festivals in Lahore...
anything else you wanna know about your leader?

Actually you just said one sided is not a good thing which applies to you too, You talk about he didn't do much? let's start with the basics of life, Jobs in his time? Almost every college student had a job who really wanted to work and looked for it, Call centers were paying 20,000 ruppes alone!!! We had almost no cell phones but in his time even a milk guy a labor worker had a cell phone not one but two two!!! This poor guy who couldn't afford call from PCO had cell in his pocket and called on cheaper rates.... People had less cars but in his time people who never thought of cars bought cars and the people who were on bicycles drop motor bickes! TV was not in every house but in his time even, people who live in huts even got tvs. Man you are either blind or people who hate him even blind in hate ugh... Real examples of my life. which should make you look around too. Our mazdoor who lived in a mud house ever since 1947, have a 10 marla brick house, his kids are going to school his elder daught is now in college. Same to our milk lady, they lived in a hut (joomperriii) Has a house of her own, her kids are in school her daughter is in college who neve even thought of finishing her 10 grades.... These are basics of life my friends, which surely improved... He build new roads i mean you must be joking when you say he didn't do enough... He time brought us from broken roads to clear roads. His time brought us from small bazzars to Malls, Our lifes surly improved if we feel it. Media is a big big freedom, We Pakistani were not known to new construstion on street level but he introduced us, I would suggest you to go back to 1998 pictures and then check 2008 pictures. Internet that you use was the dream of ours but now we have cabel in every house almost! it was because the 14 licences issued to 14 companies, which was impossible before his time, we don't even have wireless home service in USA but you guys have it in Pakistan in 07!!! we still don't have it upto 09... If i keep going i don't know where to stop. but it's pointless to speak since people are blind folded in hate :what::pakistan: You talk of if we can compare him with any good leader then i would say yes and i will pretty soon.
Many countries had the same boom....
After 10 years we will see different Pakistan under any leadership....
Change always happen...

Can you please tell me when did I say Musharaf was a bad guy...

I said many times he also did good things during his term....

But he cannot be compared to the revolutionary people…

Now don’t tell me you can compare him with Einstein or Hitler (dealt with recession in Germany)

I hope your next post makes sense as you compare him with people of his level…

I am a middle man..I do not support corrupt politicians nor do I support Musharaf….

Do not take Musharaf as a hero….

I am not convincing you for anything..I will not get any benefit for it…I just said take Musharaf as Musharaf not as a godfather…

and about the wireless thing...the funniest comment ever....
do you live in a Jomphiri?
as you said you don't have it till 09...
You don't have it or U.S. did not have it?

ohh I see new roads everywhere...

Dont be foolish..I always said he did good things but you are a "blind" supporter...
Now you want me to learn from you..

I never passed any hatred comment against him...
Did I?

If you think people cannot see what he did to make Pakistan a "Super Pakistan" than we are all blind....
Why do you even reply if you said people will not be convinced...
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So you wanna compare him with Revolutionary people...
I am curious....
You are so much obsessed with that guy...


I love you..

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