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Musharraf Faced Charges of Complicity in Iran Nuclear Connection


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Musharraf Faced Charges of Complicity in Iran Nuclear Connection
By Gordon Thomas - G2 Magazine
Nov 16, 2008

Pakistan’s President Pervez Musharraf was forced to resign because he had been told he could face charges of complicity in agreeing to allow Pakistan to provide Iran with details of how to build nuclear bombs.

Musharraf had a direct phone link to President Bush in the Oval Office and had been regularly praised by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice as “our most important ally in the region in the war on terrorism”.

He was also a close friend to Abdul Qadeer Khan, Pakistan’s leading nuclear scientist and “father” of its nuclear bomb.
On February 4, 2004, Khan had sat in a television studio in Islamabad and made one of the most astonishing confessions in the long history of treachery.

[B]“I am solely responsible for operating Pakistan’s international black market in nuclear weapons”, Khan intoned.
Before a stunned world could adjust to the revelation, President Musharraf, dressed in commander fatigues – he’d been an army general – took Khan’s place before the camera to announce that though he was “shocked by these relevations”, he would nevertheless pardon Khan whom he called “my hero” because of his “service to Pakistan”.[/B]

What the world did not know until this week was the full extent of the president’s own connection with Khan.
Until shortly before he resigned, Musharraf had clung to the hope that his role in allowing Khan to sell blueprints to Iran would remain a closely guarded secret.

But for months before he dramatically quit office, MI6 has been piecing together how Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, which has overall responsibility for the country’s nuclear programme, have set up a number of companies whose activities have been carefully concealed from the United Nations nuclear inspection teams.

The companies, based on the outskirts of Tehran, are working on constructing components for the advanced P2 gas centrifuge, which can enrich uranium to weapons grade capability at three times the speed of conventional P1 centrifuges.

Only last month, as his political opponents closed in on the embattled Musharraf, Iranian nuclear scientists secretly visited the country’s research laboratories in Pakistan, which Khan had set up. Since Khan’s astonishing confession that he was the mastermind behind Pakistan’s nuclear proliferation, the Tehran ayatollahs have consistently denied his help had been crucial.

But earlier this year, MI6 and other European intelligence services established that Iran had resumed work on even more sophisticated enrichment technology – based on Khan’s original blueprints.

Khan’s activities have continued to gain Pakistan immense influence in the Muslim world.
An MI6 report states: “His influence is demonstrated by the huge sums of money lodged in Khan’s bank accounts. He remains one of the wealthiest men in Pakistan”.
One estimate places his fortune at US$40 million – a vast amount in a nation where the average monthly family income is less than US$100. MI6 believe his money is held in banks in Dubai and Switzerland.

While Khan is officially still under house arrest, despite Musharraf’s pardon, Western intelligence sources say the two men have remained in contact.

It has also been established by MI6 that Khan is in touch with one Iranian company working with his blueprints. Sited in the residential quarter of Amir Abad in west Tehran, the Kalaye Electric Company is developing the latest component of the P2 centrifuge. The company insists it is only producing wristwatches.

“Abdul Qadeer Khan may reveal more in the coming weeks in return for his freedom. In that cast the disgraced President Musharraf will come to regret his friendship with the scientist he lauded as our equaliser in the nuclear world”, said one MI6 analyst.
“The former president will then also have to explain how much he really knows about Khan’s connections with North Korea and China while fawning in the praise of the Bush Administration”.
Gordon Thomas is the author of a new edition of Gideon’s Spies: The Inside Story of Israel’s Legendary Secret Service, The Mossad, by JR Books of London and available on Amazon Books.
(C) G-2 Bulletin, Washington D.C., USA, and Gordon Thomas.
Last Updated - Nov 16, 2008
Musharraf Faced Charges of Complicity in Iran Nuclear Connection
By Gordon Thomas - G2 Magazine
Nov 16, 2008

Pakistan’s President Pervez Musharraf was forced to resign because he had been told he could face charges of complicity in agreeing to allow Pakistan to provide Iran with details of how to build nuclear bombs.

Musharraf had a direct phone link to President Bush in the Oval Office and had been regularly praised by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice as “our most important ally in the region in the war on terrorism”.

He was also a close friend to Abdul Qadeer Khan, Pakistan’s leading nuclear scientist and “father” of its nuclear bomb.
On February 4, 2004, Khan had sat in a television studio in Islamabad and made one of the most astonishing confessions in the long history of treachery.

[B]“I am solely responsible for operating Pakistan’s international black market in nuclear weapons”, Khan intoned.
Before a stunned world could adjust to the revelation, President Musharraf, dressed in commander fatigues – he’d been an army general – took Khan’s place before the camera to announce that though he was “shocked by these relevations”, he would nevertheless pardon Khan whom he called “my hero” because of his “service to Pakistan”.[/B]

What the world did not know until this week was the full extent of the president’s own connection with Khan.
Until shortly before he resigned, Musharraf had clung to the hope that his role in allowing Khan to sell blueprints to Iran would remain a closely guarded secret.

But for months before he dramatically quit office, MI6 has been piecing together how Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, which has overall responsibility for the country’s nuclear programme, have set up a number of companies whose activities have been carefully concealed from the United Nations nuclear inspection teams.

The companies, based on the outskirts of Tehran, are working on constructing components for the advanced P2 gas centrifuge, which can enrich uranium to weapons grade capability at three times the speed of conventional P1 centrifuges.

Only last month, as his political opponents closed in on the embattled Musharraf, Iranian nuclear scientists secretly visited the country’s research laboratories in Pakistan, which Khan had set up. Since Khan’s astonishing confession that he was the mastermind behind Pakistan’s nuclear proliferation, the Tehran ayatollahs have consistently denied his help had been crucial.

But earlier this year, MI6 and other European intelligence services established that Iran had resumed work on even more sophisticated enrichment technology – based on Khan’s original blueprints.

Khan’s activities have continued to gain Pakistan immense influence in the Muslim world.
An MI6 report states: “His influence is demonstrated by the huge sums of money lodged in Khan’s bank accounts. He remains one of the wealthiest men in Pakistan”.
One estimate places his fortune at US$40 million – a vast amount in a nation where the average monthly family income is less than US$100. MI6 believe his money is held in banks in Dubai and Switzerland.

While Khan is officially still under house arrest, despite Musharraf’s pardon, Western intelligence sources say the two men have remained in contact.

It has also been established by MI6 that Khan is in touch with one Iranian company working with his blueprints. Sited in the residential quarter of Amir Abad in west Tehran, the Kalaye Electric Company is developing the latest component of the P2 centrifuge. The company insists it is only producing wristwatches.

“Abdul Qadeer Khan may reveal more in the coming weeks in return for his freedom. In that cast the disgraced President Musharraf will come to regret his friendship with the scientist he lauded as our equaliser in the nuclear world”, said one MI6 analyst.
“The former president will then also have to explain how much he really knows about Khan’s connections with North Korea and China while fawning in the praise of the Bush Administration”.
Gordon Thomas is the author of a new edition of Gideon’s Spies: The Inside Story of Israel’s Legendary Secret Service, The Mossad, by JR Books of London and available on Amazon Books.
(C) G-2 Bulletin, Washington D.C., USA, and Gordon Thomas.
Last Updated - Nov 16, 2008

if its true, then i guss ! musharaf should be awarded with 5 nishan-e-haidar at least, he was a true muslim leader, working to give needed power to islamic world!:tup:
salute to him, & shame on them who, back stabed him, in hour of need?:angry:
if its true, then i guss ! musharaf should be awarded with 5 nishan-e-haidar at least, he was a true muslim leader, working to give needed power to islamic world!:tup:
salute to him, & shame on them who, back stabed him, in hour of need?:angry:

^^^^ you see batmannow, the future intentions of international agencies against us thru such type of propagande tactics:crazy:
Its interestingly noticeble that our honrable adviser for interior, Mr. Rehman Malik have good connections with MI6.:coffee:
They should have made AQK the president when the pressure was on pakistan.
We must have learnt by now that if you give the west 1 inch they take a mile.
if ! musharaf should be awarded with 5 nishan-e-haidar at least,:

are you serius can you please read batmanow nishan e haider for shaheeds only say mushi he will die gov give him 5 or more no prob :D
Musharraf lied about Dr Khans role in Nuke program, alleges scientists wife-

London , Aug 10 (ANI): Hendrina Khan, the wife of Pakistan ‘’s nuclear scientist Dr AQ Khan, has alleged that President Pervez Musharraf had lied about her husband’’s role in the country’’s nuclear program.

In a detailed account to be published in Der Spiegel on Monday, she said that her husband was pressured to make a false confession and that he only carried out government orders.

Khans wifes account would be published on the day when the PPP-led coalition government would be initiating impeachment proceedings against Musharraf for allegedly mismanaging the country.

Lodging serious accusations against Musharraf, she claimed her husband, currently under house arrest, was not a nuclear dealer, and that he only ever executed the instructions he was given by the government.

About Dr Khans infamous trip to North Korea allegedly to transfer nuclear technology, she said the trip was carried out at the specific request of Musharraf.

Dr Khans wifes version is seen in contrast to Musharrafs disclosures in his memoirs In the Line of Fire published in 2006, in which wrote that he or his administration had no prior knowledge of Dr Khans nuclear network. He wrote: On the basis of the thorough probe that we conducted in 2003-2004. I can say with confidence that neither the Pakistan Army nor any of the past governments of Pakistan was ever involved or had any knowledge of A.Q.’’s proliferation activities. The show was completely AQs.

Hendrina Khan said her husband’’s health was deteriorating, and that she feared the government would continue to prevent the truth from coming out until the day he died.(ANI)
Pakistan comes first! Whatever Musharraf or AQ Khan did, it was in the best interest of Pakistan back then. While hindsight is always perfect, one has to realize that both knew what they had to do to protect Pakistan and they did it. In my mind, lying, underhand, and any other means are totally legitimate when its a matter of the nation's security. My only regret would be if AQ Khan opened up his big mouth to salvage his own ego as that can only hurt Pakistan.

I just wish that Pakistanis stop being so damn apologetic about this episode. I do not see anything catastrophic to have come out of this so what is the fuss all about? Folks were kidnapped and made to work on indigenous nuclear programs all over the world in the past 50 years, smuggling, lying, deceit is how the nuclear arsenals all over the world have been developed so what really is there for Pakistan to be apologetic for? Since the Nuclear deal is not forthcoming in any case, not sure why the foreign office and the GoP don't stick up a big *** index finger to MI-6 and tell them to spend their time looking after AQ crackpots instead of wasting time on the "supposed" Pakistani connections here or there.
223368]Musharraf lied about Dr Khans role in Nuke program, alleges scientists wife-

This looks to me a classic case of 'relationship going sour' or 'ending on divorce' and then both the mother-in-laws end up bad-mouthing each other's families, to prove one's innocense.

Musharraf till now kept his lips sealed and did not hand over AQKhan to IEAE.

AQKhan should also seal his lips for the country - permanently!

And, we Pakistanis should condemn every such article that follows, from now onwards, that intends to raise this issue time & again!
This looks to me a classic case of 'relationship going sour' or 'ending on divorce' and then both the mother-in-laws end up bad-mouthing each other's families, to prove one's innocense.

Musharraf till now kept his lips sealed and did not hand over AQKhan to IEAE.

AQKhan should also seal his lips for the country - permanently!

And, we Pakistanis should condemn every such article that follows, from now onwards, that intends to raise this issue time & again!

but, plz check out MUSHARAF didnt took a word out , on any issue!
this is the way, how a hero should stand! i mean standing tall!:tup:
Our tyrants are better than theirs, may God grant the current leadership a tiny ounce of foresight and wisdom.
Full merit to Mursharraf IF he had done it but....
its kinda funny that MI6 has been mentioned unless they have conclusive proof, and the Idea that a connection between Nuclear, Musharraf and Iran sounds silly. Even more strange that its NOT been reported in any of the major news network here in England. Indicating that its false

Its False guys .

Further more there are more anti-Iran news like " Pirates die strangely after taking Iranian ship" suggesting that pirates suffered skin burn and hair loss due to poisonous chemicals shipped from Iran to Islamist in Somalia.

This gets better and better !
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