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Musharraf being targeted because he is 'Muhajir': MQM chief


May 10, 2012
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ISLAMABAD: Coming to the defence of Pervez Musharraf, Muttahida Qaumi Movement chief Altaf Hussain has said the embattled former Pakistani military ruler was being targeted because he is 'Muhajir' (a refugee from India).

"What are you doing to Musharraf, a Muhajir?...Punish Musharraf if you want, but also imprison those who acted upon the martial law orders on ground...Why are others being excused?" he said while addressing a gathering of his followers in Hyderabad in Sindh province yesterday.

"(Former army chief Ashfaq Parvez) Kayani, ex-Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry and other judges are also part and parcel of extra-judicial acts," he claimed.

Hussain, who stays in London but regularly addresses MQM workers on phone, is himself a Muhajir. The family of 70-year-old Musharraf, who is facing trial for treason for imposing emergency in 2007, migrated to Pakistan from Delhi.

Musharraf is the first general to be put on trial for treason. If convicted, he could get life imprisonment or the death penalty.

Hussain also demanded a separate province for Urdu-speaking Muhajirs who migrated during Partition in 1947.

"If you do not like Urdu-speaking Sindhis, make a separate province for them," he said.

He further said the demand for a separate province might turn into a demand for a separate country if the concerns of the Urdu-speaking people were not addressed in time.

Hussain lashed out at the PPP government in Sindh and demanded an immediate solution to the problems of the Muhajirs.

He said the Urdu-speaking people knew "how to cross rivers of blood".

"It was experienced well by our ancestors and we, being their children, know how to take what's ours," he said.

"We neither came to Pakistan to become slaves, nor are we here to become masters, we merely want to become equal citizens."

Musharraf being targeted because he is 'Muhajir': MQM chief - The Times of India
Lol@ Funny Guy, and Musharaf Targeted NS since he was Muhajir as well..

So tradition continues, Muhajir Targeting Muhajirs .... hahahah
But this Muhajir from India is the most rabid anti India basher! The Pakistanis should love him for this. So why is he being targeted?

Funny world! :fie:
This is a very sad statement from MQM chief who mostly tries to talk about rule of law and upholding our constitution, even though actions of his party many times may not match his words which is unfortunately the case with other political parties as well.

We are all Urdu speaking in terms of Urdu as our national language and general language of communication between people of all ethnicities, something ethnic Urdu speaking people should be proud of.

Either Altaf Hussain wants to play ethnic card which is extremely sad again or he is totally out of touch with reality.

All Pakistanis including MQM supporters should ask Altaf Hussain to not make any statements that can, in any way, damage our country.
And of course, we want MQM to do excellent work in Karachi, leave the ethnicity card and become a truly national party by emphasizing "Muttahida" and not "Muhajir" and earn political support and sympathies everywhere in Pakistan based on how they develop Karachi and implement their agenda there. If they could do model development work there, people of Pakistan would prefer them on other parties.
As always terrorist mqm at it again, playing ethnic card for cheap politics !!


just the other day they talked about breaking the country's integrity and today playing ethnic card. what bunch of shameless terrorist loser :sick:
Cheap, ugly and racist!

Was he a Muhajir when he was the President, was he a Muhajir when he commanded our armed forces and nukes, was he a muhajir when commanded the most elite of our troops?

This loud speaker needs to be banned from public adresses, for he's insighting hatered.
I have no doubts its the fact i live in karachi i know how mahajir/urdu speaking is being systematically abused by govt everyday even by police .. Its really shameful this is mahajir that cant joint pak army or other civil aviation jobs this is mahajir that cover 16% of pakistani population and are most patriotic peoples Not just mahajirs all other minorities groups live like hell in our country although i belong from quetta but i have so far no problem here in karachi .. So called altaf bhai is not mahajir he is just one shit politician.. I have dream that one day will come when we all of us call ourself pakistani with proud and live peacefully inshahllah..
I have no doubts its the fact i live in karachi i know how mahajir/urdu speaking is being systematically abused by govt everyday even by police .. Its really shameful this is mahajir that cant joint pak army or other civil aviation jobs this is mahajir that cover 16% of pakistani population and are most patriotic peoples Not just mahajirs all other minorities groups live like hell in our country although i belong from quetta but i have so far no problem here in karachi .. So called altaf bhai is not mahajir he is just one shit politician.. I have dream that one day will come when we all of us call ourself pakistani with proud and live peacefully inshahllah..

I respect your thoughts and want to be just Pakistani, but your analogy is actually not true, i would say. Infact, if you see last 35 years, most of the COAS, Presidents, PMs, CJs were Mahajirs, sindhis, Pathans, Baluchis or Siraiki Speaking. Infact Punjabis are 33% of total Population, can you share the names who were Punjabis in those positions? I only remember three names General Kiyani (5 years), Ch. Shujat (1 month PM), & Justice Sheikh Riaz Ahmad (1 year).

Ps: i know Being Majority, Punjabis have extra duty towards institution, understand why they don't speak much on issue of discrimination.
I have no doubts its the fact i live in karachi i know how mahajir/urdu speaking is being systematically abused by govt everyday even by police .. Its really shameful this is mahajir that cant joint pak army or other civil aviation jobs this is mahajir that cover 16% of pakistani population and are most patriotic peoples Not just mahajirs all other minorities groups live like hell in our country although i belong from quetta but i have so far no problem here in karachi .. So called altaf bhai is not mahajir he is just one shit politician.. I have dream that one day will come when we all of us call ourself pakistani with proud and live peacefully inshahllah..

Cleary you are delusional....stop waiting for that one day be a Pakistani now, although you call yourselves separate identity even after 65 years this only shows a particular identity is not interested in integrating in the society of Pakistan as Pakistanis but I personally believe this is the case with hate mongering political party mqm alone, not those who are urdu speakers and those who do not associate themselves with mqm they call themselves free and Pakistanis, do you think you people suffer more than people of Baluchistan and KPK.
Cleary you are delusional....stop waiting for that one day be a Pakistani now, although you call yourselves separate identity even after 65 years this only shows a particular identity is not interested in integrating in the society of Pakistan as Pakistanis but I personally believe this is the case with hate mongering political party mqm alone, not those who are urdu speakers and those who do not associate themselves with mqm they call themselves free and Pakistanis, do you think you people suffer more than people of Baluchistan and KPK.

But Nawaz Sharif raised the slogan of Jaag Punjabi Jaag.. as to Baloch.. as do Jeay Sindhi Qaumi Mahaz? SO how is the Mohajir slogan so problematic and the others not?
But Nawaz Sharif raised the slogan of Jaag Punjabi Jaag.. as to Baloch.. as do Jeay Sindhi Qaumi Mahaz? SO how is the Mohajir slogan so problematic and the others not?

Probably because the Jaaag Punjabi Jaaag was & is for all intents & purposes - Irrelevant because the Punjabis themselves never responded to it !

I wish they had !
@Secur - You still support this guy ? :mad:

So that is what you get from my posts ? I support something else , not this guy , but equal share in resources and opportunities for urban Sindh and an even playing field . I see nothing wrong in asking for that , I am just amazed that people are ready to talk with terrorists but when it comes to a certain political party , they are more than eager to chant death to its supporters/voters/activists/leaders without a second thought , not even realizing what they are saying . The other political parties and their leaders have done and said far worse , but I never see these comments for them . Amazing ? I myself am astonished to see this phenomenon , I thought it didn't exist .

Lets see the next thing here . Talk of article 6 and then put to trial , a single person , I do not agree with this comment on the cause for persecution but one seriously asks why only Musharraf ? Why is he being put to trial from the day he enforced the emergency and not from the day , the coup took place ?
6. High treason.—1[(1) Any person who abrogates or subverts or suspends or holds in abeyance, or attempts or conspires to abrogate or subvert or suspend or hold in abeyance, the Constitution by use of force or show of force or by any other unconstitutional means shall be guilty of high treason.]

(2) Any person aiding or abetting 2[or collaborating] the acts mentioned in clause (1) shall likewise be guilty of high treason.

3[(2A) An act of high treason mentioned in clause (1) or clause (2) shall not be validated by any court including the Supreme Court and a High Court.]

Read the second and third clauses and ask yourself , answer me why only Musharraf ? Act equally or do not act at all , the message is simple . You provide opportunity to opportunists when you do not act equally and indiscriminately against all involved . Then why complain when they take advantage of it ? Learn from the mistakes and do not create monsters when there are none . Prevention still lies better than cure , mate .

@Oscar Is it the first time that a political leader has said something like that - referring to his Hyderabad speech where he said the things could reach to a breakup of the country if the same treatment is continued ? Why then people condemn one and not all ? Double Standards ?
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