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Musharraf and the Army

our people are so fickle-minded that corruption worth $1.5billion is being ignored because BB just says "I am innocent" and everyone forgives and forgets

Because it fits into their agenda!

When they will return, and indeed if they return, to the good old "bad days" of the past, they will rue and yearn the day they took up cudgels against Musharraf, since it is 'fashionable' to do so! Mindless opposition and to be with the Joneses is not the answer.

I am not saying Musharraf and his govt is picture perfect, but then when it is compared to the past, one wonders what the future holds for Pakistan, if leader of the genre of the past take over the reins!
agree with Blain2 however must give credit to dabong1 for his persistence for posting anti-musharraf news. i wish i had the time to post ant-politicians news but where will it get us.
our people are so fickle-minded that corruption worth $1.5billion is being ignored because BB just says "I am innocent" and everyone forgives and forgets

My post's have more to do with letting people know that musharaff is no different to the rest of the bunch.....power hungry!

our people are so fickle-minded that corruption worth $1.5billion is being ignored because BB just says "I am innocent" and everyone forgives and forgets

I think ignoring the corruprion charges it has more to do with musharaff dropping the cases of corruption against her then the people of pakistan being fickle.
^^That only goes to show how bad the civilian politicians are in Pakistan. The MMA are Mush's only other choice, and he needs to form a joint government (hope you know what one is, though I doubt it), therefore he needed to make deals with Bhutto.
you may choose to ignore but i wont. Our army's performance is no way spectacular. Look at swat and fata. no one gives a damn
the musharraf govt is best at arresting lawyers and human right actvists. Lets give Sitara-e-Jurrat to musharraf

Again its your call as to what you chose to do with the articles. I know the background of Shaheen Sehbai thus I wrote what I wrote.

Our Army's performance is not spectacular because of the public perception and lack of support from our politicians. Give Army the national support to go after the militancy in Fata and then see the difference (the problem is that our nation does not know what it wants...on one hand they cry about the mullah's driving them nuts and on the other hand, there is no support for the military to take on the militancy). This fight against the militancy is not for someone else, its for ourselves. The Army has become cautious too after it was pushed into the Lal Masjid operation by the hypocritical Pakistani society (all and sundry were demanding operation against the militants at the LM prior to the bloodshed). No one is willing to own up to the fact that the operation against LM became a necessity. Last thing the Army wants is to conduct operations against own populace, however this hesitation has actually emboldened certain elements and this will continue on until you and I give our support to the Army for such operations

So when you want results in Fata and Swat, then expect to pay a cost.
A systmatic process had been created by CIA, to make 1 and last of strong man from ASIA.
this system is 70% consists of media, 30% of diplomatic interfrences, and 2% of fake political dust strom.

but still musharf, looking strong and in command .
at least he have the strong support of all crops .commanders.
media was working against musharf , scince the matter of CJ , MEDIA was involved in projecting musharfs negative image.

but, musharf was the most popular, chief of army sttaff within army.

opreations in NWFP, and in baluchistan area were kind of exercises, which army used to normaly perform.

to keep the blood hot??????
sorry, brother MANSOOR, i dont agree with u, it wasnt pakarmy which made , situation worse in 1971.
that was bloody politics, and our political leaders and thier arogant egos what made happen that time.
also the ground reality was more important, we were not, in any position to defend west PAKISTAN, because west pakistan was located in different part of world.

the more biger factor was CIA, that time ?
and the role of USA played was also the cause of fall of west pakistan.
pakistan was left alone, by its so called big friend(USA) at the time of need?

plz if u can read the book written BY sir HENNRAY KISSINGER as his bioghraphy , u will find more truth on this subject.

it was only BLOODY POLITICS, i mean it! every kind of politics, amreican politics, indian politics and our own week and selfish politics???
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