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'Musharraf A Traitor, Foreign Agent'?

LOL, if he released, how then can army escape the blame, obviously, if not khan, then spontaneously the military regime or army!!!, evidences can be made and erased!!, i dont think a proud man can lye, i believe qadeer khan is innocent, army is willing to hide their guilt and army has done the very thing!!!, abdul qadeer khan was used to prevent american attack on pakistan!!!

I don't think AQ has ever blamed PA for anything. He did blame Musharraf though and his government. If I am wrong please correct me with a credible source.

You are saying it as if Mr. AQ has not made any effort to put the blame on Musharraf. AQ has tried his best but he got little attention. He is also going to write a regular column in Daily Jang from now on. Let's see what he comes up with this time.

Also US attacking Pakistan was not going to serve the purpose.
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Who knows what Musharraf was...

The folks today are just several notches worse than Musharraf on his bad day.
IMHO, Musharraf was loyal to his country, always worked in best interests of his country.
Seriously, this piece of sH** (Dr AQ) should tried for treason and be hanged in public. He is a greedy wannabe corrupt politician and the real traitor.:argh:

And to question a man who fought wars and served the country beyond the call of duty. Displays his sick mentality.

Not only he backstabbed Pakistan but also caused severe diplomatic embarrasment. Burn in hell AQ.:angry:
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'Musharraf A Traitor, Foreign Agent'

(RTTNews) - Pakistan's disgraced nuclear scientist Abdul Qadir Khan has called former President Pervez Musharraf a "traitor" and a "foreign agent," saying that if he comes out in the streets, the public will feed him to "crows and kites," media reports said.

Khan, who was pardoned by Musharraf and who shielded him from being interrogated by the international nuclear watchdog, IAEA, acknowledged that former premier Benazir Bhutto gave him permission to acquire "help" from China and North Korea for the country's missile program.

The 72-year-old, who had earlier accused Musharraf of forcing him to issue a confession on state-run television, had only harsh and angry words for former army chief.

"One of the traitors and foreign agents in the cloak of presidency tried to harm me but could not succeed in his goal and was expelled from the Aiwan-e-Sadr (presidential house)," Khan said.

"He himself has been disgraced fully...Now that self-styled commando cannot set foot on the streets of Pakistan for his whole life," he added.

He said that he was proud of the "services" he made to the country including providing atomic power to it.

Khan was under house arrest since 2004 after admitting to stealing nuclear technology and know-how from western nations and selling nuclear secrets to countries like North Korea and Libya. He was released after the new democratically-elected government came to power earlier this year.

For comments and feedback: contact editorial@rttnews.com

'Musharraf A Traitor, Foreign Agent'

Smear Campaign! This author is talking out of his hat!

People never understood what Musharraf really stood for... And now they are paying for it! I met the General once during rescue work at Margalla Towers in 2005. He is a great man and if he comes out i will shower him with praise!
WOW i was surprised to see this article in google and what surprised and embarrassed me the most is having this come from Pakistan Defence Forum , i wouldn't be surprised if it were some Indian site spreading these kind of news ! but wow ahsan my man what is going on here ? is this Pakistan Defence Forum or what ?

I think the guy calling him a traitor is the worst traitor thief in Pakistan ! and he doesn't even stop there and becomes so low to make international allegations against him just to clear his name !
well, AQ Khan did come just come from years of confinement, and had a hard time along with his family. So his sentiments maybe understandable, although misplaced.

I guess, he expected Musharraf to do more for him, which is understandable. And Musharraf, under intense American pressure, thought that house arrest was the best option.

Dr AQ Khan's statement though not factually correct, is an expression of the ill-treatment he perceives to have received. Although it could have been much worse. It should not be taken literally.
well, AQ Khan did come just come from years of confinement, and had a hard time along with his family. So his sentiments maybe understandable, although misplaced.

I guess, he expected Musharraf to do more for him, which is understandable. And Musharraf, under intense American pressure, thought that house arrest was the best option.

Dr AQ Khan's statement though not factually correct, is an expression of the ill-treatment he perceives to have received. Although it could have been much worse. It should not be taken literally.

right assesment sir,
i guss , DR shahib had been desperate about his, detntion & he thought that, it was just musharaf's lone decicion to hold him in his house, but what he dont know ! is it was a collective decicion to close the door on this dirty & dangerous chapter.
i guss , he should be thankfull to musharaf to , let him clear out from all the mess , once what DR had created himself, on the name of country.:angry:
I guess, he expected Musharraf to do more for him, which is understandable. And Musharraf, under intense American pressure, thought that house arrest was the best option.

Dr AQ Khan's statement though not factually correct, is an expression of the ill-treatment he perceives to have received. Although it could have been much worse. It should not be taken literally.

A.Q.Khan should also consider the ill-treatment he has caused Musharraf by trying to malign him on every occassion. If it causes distress to me, as a Musharraf supporter, it must also cause Musharraf's family distress & tension.

For high profile figures, House arrest is also an option to safe-guard & secure them from getting kidnapped or targeted killed. High profile target killing takes place in almost every country of the world.

A.Q.Khan should just shut up and let Pakistan live in peace! His nuclear proliferation goes beyond Musharraf's era and government.
Why nobody blames PPP and PML-Q as traitors and go after Musharraf, some of you ppl are insane. North Korea is living without IMF and zardari is beggin IMF, US and the world for Billions of dollars to fill up his pocket where is that bloody AWAM AND MOLVIS WHO WERE CUSSING MUSHARRAF FOR ALL, I HAVE NOT HEARD OR SEEN THO SE BLOODY MOLVIES AND IMRAN KHAN AND OTHER MORONS IN MONTHS ON TV AFRAID OF ZARDARI?
There is credible evidence against dr khan. Don't blame musharraf even he exposed dr. khan he still did not hand over dr. khan to US thanks to musharraf.
the prob with us, pakistani nation is tht, when some body comes and saves the day, he becomes our "national hero", but then "bad elements" want to come on the screen and defile our "national hero's image" and then innocent pakistanis believe wht these elements want!!!. for god sake man, he saved pakistan!!!, wht has happened to u ppl???, dont believe propaganda, v have ever respected our "brave army", after wht army did in 1971, v r ready to admire them continuously, but v cant bear an innocent man who gave his wonderful carrier, cheerful life for sake of this country and all of u ppl have turned against him, sick!!, damn

those nations who dont respect their heros, dont get respect ever!!!

even hitler hasnt died out of german hearts!!!
the prob with us, pakistani nation is tht, when some body comes and saves the day, he becomes our "national hero", but then "bad elements" want to come on the screen and defile our "national hero's image" and then innocent pakistanis believe wht these elements want!!!. for god sake man, he saved pakistan!!!, wht has happened to u ppl???, dont believe propaganda, v have ever respected our "brave army", after wht army did in 1971, v r ready to admire them continuously, but v cant bear an innocent man who gave his wonderful carrier, cheerful life for sake of this country and all of u ppl have turned against him, sick!!, damn

those nations who dont respect their heros, dont get respect ever!!!

even hitler hasnt died out of german hearts!!!
Agreed.As much as i like Musharraf.I still have utmost respect for AQ.
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