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Musharaf is severely ill may die soon

100% true.
Mushraff has been severly ill for last 3 months, doctors have told him he has only a few months.

Pakistan embassy in London knows of his condition, hence why all the talk of Gen returing to face trial were squashed.

sher ka baacha who would have taken entire illegally indian occupied kashmir had it not been for the fat coward Nawaz.
He got a good heart and at the right place and he loves his country and that's all matters to me. He may have made mistakes but then who doesn;t but he tried to make the country better. I got a huge respect for him as atleast he is a good man and still roars like a lion for Pakistan. :pakistan:
my sympathies for the best pakistani general ever.i salute general pervaiz musharraf.we are here alive and kicking because we created fear among our enemies.kargil has changed so many things.it makes pakistan army more aggressive than ever before.the idea of cold start itself came after kargil war.kargil was pakistani cold start.thank you general,you make us proud.
100% true.
Mushraff has been severly ill for last 3 months, doctors have told him he has only a few months.

Pakistan embassy in London knows of his condition, hence why all the talk of Gen returing to face trial were squashed.

sher ka baacha who would have taken entire illegally indian occupied kashmir had it not been for the fat coward Nawaz.
You are living in some fantasy land, you are. And why not? Ahmaqs belong in Ahmaqon ki jannat.
Controversial personality.

Pakistan lost so much by getting involved in this WoT and he was directly responsible.

Should still face trial.
Also responsible for stabbing India in the back after vajpayees historic visit.
Also how could he afford staying abroad on a retired army man's pension.?
he had done some good stuff and some bad and some really worst...
@Sully3 anyway, a pak general shdn't have invited Ashwariya for some party... I mean any american or else could work but as general you shdn't have your enemy's idols your favourite...
Do you know how dissapointed i fell when Gen Raheel video was leaked of him dancing at his son's wedding to bollywood songs. seems like naach gahna culture has been embraced even in the army

You are living in some fantasy land, you are. And why not? Ahmaqs belong in Ahmaqon ki jannat.
what ?
i meet him two months ago at a dinner in Eton.
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