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Featured Museum in India Celebrating Muslim Dynasty Gets a Hindu Overhaul-NYT

Indians try to act super white and to please them wherever they are. This submissiveness is very common in Indians and South-East Asians hence the title „model minority“ :D.

Hinduism is the worship of power, this is the reason why they have so many gods and idols. As Muslims ruled India they worshipped the Mughal emperors, now they worship Trump and white skin because they think that they represent power.

Muslim rule gave India civilization, laws, art, architecture, science and and a unique culture. Instead of sustaining and celebrating it, these hateful people try to cover it up. Streisand effect anyone?
Very interesting points. I need to look up this "Streisand effect" too!
Rubbish. Our pre-Islamic history is ours. Keep well away from it. All of it. We have no inferiority complexes about our rich and varied history. Thanks for your concern.

Actions speak louder than words.
The whole existence and creation of Pakistan as a nation is a white paper on inferiority complex. Your "ring fence" on history is just another example of the identity crisis your lot faces on a daily basis.

You can say whatever you please in this safe space that protects your skewed version of history and events. But in the real world, you Pakistanis have no leg to stand on.
Your country and populace lie exposed.
Complete fucking nonsense. This Yogi and his stooges need a boot up their ***!

This is completely unacceptable and an embarrassment to all Indians.

Not really. Most Indians now like this kind of nonsense and vote into power people that unleash this nonsense.

On a separate note - I think the Mughal Museum was a great idea. A place where Mughal historical artifacts could be consolidated for all to experience. It would be also great if such museums existed for all great empires of India, including your namesake. Wonder why the Shiv Sainiks never thought of this.
Rubbish. Our pre-Islamic history is ours. Keep well away from it. All of it. We have no inferiority complexes about our rich and varied history. Thanks for your concern.

Thanks brother. Our ancestors before Islam followed a religion most like Kalash people, who are ancient Iranic nomads/farmers.

Hinduism was never prominient in modern Pakistan, and Buddhism (mixed with Greek influence) was present for a few hundred years only.

In no scenario does any inch of Pakistan or Kashmir belong to Indians, who are racial and cultural aliens to us.

"Same to Sames" are desperate to prove a connection which is not there. 1947 was a one way street in which Pakistani native population rejected modern-day India wholesale, and the Indians even massacred us for it. We lost a million Punjabis, lost Urdu speakers to mob violence, and we lost Kashmiri lives.

If they are going to erase Mughal heritage, then alhamdulilah, they lose the right to claim Taj Mahal, Chaar Minar, Agra Fort, Red fort, Delhi Jamia Masjid, etc.

Then that heritage reverts to Pakistanis and Indian Muslims only. Hindus should not lay claim to any of it.

Koh e Noor, Darya e Noor, and Peacock throne should be given back to Pakistan, to be kept in Lahore.

Mughal rulers' graves should be repatriated back to Pakistan.
Not really. Most Indians now like this kind of nonsense and vote into power people that unleash this nonsense.

On a separate note - I think the Mughal Museum was a great idea. A place where Mughal historical artifacts could be consolidated for all to experience. It would be also great if such museums existed for all great empires of India, including your namesake. Wonder why the Shiv Sainiks never thought of this.

they (shiv sainiks) prefer vanity projects like the statue of Shivaji in the middle of the sea instead of historic educational museums. Displaced priorities!

Not really. Most Indians now like this kind of nonsense and vote into power people that unleash this nonsense.

Also, I disagree about your comment above to generalize to all of india.
Yes, the scum is emboldened, and more importantly more vocal these days, but that does not take away from an India that does exist and is there. They are being suffocated, but it’s there. UP is a gone case and has been for a long time. But it does not extrapolate to the rest of India.
my opinion, but you’re Indian and you have your experiences to go by that corroborate your views, so I won’t question them. But know that people like me, stand with and for everything you believe in that should be India.
(Purely basing this on posts I’ve read of yours, but never having interacted with you before)
Thanks brother. Our ancestors before Islam followed a religion most like Kalash people, who are ancient Iranic nomads/farmers.

Hinduism was never prominient in modern Pakistan, and Buddhism (mixed with Greek influence) was present for a few hundred years only.

In no scenario does any inch of Pakistan or Kashmir belong to Indians, who are racial and cultural aliens to us.

"Same to Sames" are desperate to prove a connection which is not there. 1947 was a one way street in which Pakistani native population rejected modern-day India wholesale, and the Indians even massacred us for it. We lost a million Punjabis, lost Urdu speakers to mob violence, and we lost Kashmiri lives.

If they are going to erase Mughal heritage, then alhamdulilah, they lose the right to claim Taj Mahal, Chaar Minar, Agra Fort, Red fort, Delhi Jamia Masjid, etc.

Then that heritage reverts to Pakistanis and Indian Muslims only. Hindus should not lay claim to any of it.

Koh e Noor, Darya e Noor, and Peacock throne should be given back to Pakistan, to be kept in Lahore.

Mughal rulers' graves should be repatriated back to Pakistan.

taj mahal, char minar , agra fort , red fort , jama maszid or any other building was built by money looted of poor indians , on looted indian lands , by forced labour of indians , all that belongs to india and hindus . koh i noor , takht e taus all were looted from poor hindus of india .
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"Mughals, Muslim rulers who reigned over the Indian subcontinent from the 16th to the 18th centuries."

Indians on pdf @Peshwa @Protest_again @bahadur and other folks recently trying to explain stuff to people who doubt Indian awesomeness....please please please explain to us all once and for all, why.....WHY does the above burn you lot so so much that you literally erase your own nation's complex and convoluted history?

Do Brits - that every Indian diaspora member I've ever met tries to desperately emulate - erase or feel embarrassed by the Viking, Celtic and Roman eras of their history? Those folks were beyond brutal btw. If you have nightmares about Mughals, wait until I give you a "Viking pillaging of Britain" history lesson.
The reason is stupid governance. We didn’t invest enough in bringing enough people out of poverty. Of the poorest, Muslims have a very representation (not because the Hindus have kept them there, but because poor disenfranchised people, for a lot of reasons, are attracted to conver to other religions).
The poorest Muslims tend to represent ‘true’ Muslim aspirations to the majority Hindu population (again mostly poor). Being poor leads to a lack of proper education which may temper down one’s social behaviour. Hence poor uneducated Muslims, constantly and without any subtlety, evoke a religious superiority sentiment and invoke a fear of being forcefully converted in the majority uneducated Hindu community.
This is why modi and others are in power and the social fabric is broken.
Without Muslims, the Indians would not even be known for a single accomplishment, which is the Taj Mahal. Ask everyone in the world what they think of (after rape, slums, abject poverty, overpopulation, terrible climate, poor literacy, fake news) and they will say Taj Mahal.
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