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Mumbai II could lead to a full blown Indo-Pak war

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if it was for me i would have have started the black operations intel strikes and high global pressure and show the complete evidence to the world unlike u people not leads

---------- Post added at 08:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:10 PM ----------

couldnt have put that better my self

How is that different from cold-start/surgical strikes?
there are other options available to India rather than a full scale war. water control, RAW should be made more effective and given more teeth. Covert operations on enemies soil can cause far more emotional scars than a war on border....
For Pakistan, I would like to say that GROW UP. it is good to have allies like china,arab etc but they r not going to fight ur wars. Remember what Israel did in 1967 ,arab countries could not do anything to defend themselves with all their so called allies.they r far too divided among themselves to come to ur aid.

That said there is no fuc**** reason we should have war in the first place. we need more people like quereshi and bopanna to show us that we can coexist peacefully and actually help each other to excel..
In case of another Mumbai there will be confrontation for sure but it will only be limited to surgical strikes.There is not going to be a full blown war.One can envisage bombing missions carried out by the IAF and a a barrage of bramhos missiles being fired.

And we will cherish these surgical strikes and send a thank you note to india..

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there are other options available to India rather than a full scale war. water control, RAW should be made more effective and given more teeth. Covert operations on enemies soil can cause far more emotional scars than a war on border.....

That's exactly what my opinion is.
How is that different from cold-start/surgical strikes?

in black operation military is not involved it the intellegence agencies and and u dont use planes and tanks and other military vehicles u use a simple 9 mm gun and three men are sufficient for the whole single operation get the biff
in black operation military is not involved it the intellegence agencies and and u dont use planes and tanks and other military vehicles u use a simple 9 mm gun and three men are sufficient for the whole single operation get the biff

Oh ok...I got it.

So that would comprise proxy cum special-ops retaliation.

Ya that could happen.
Guys I personally believe that war/surgical strikes won't be a beneficial option for India.

See, in war/surgical strikes, one has to have a clear objective of what one wants to achieve. Even if India makes surgical strikes and manages to avoid an all-out war, what is the guarantee that such terrorist camps would not come up again?

That's why I believe a combination of diplomatic/black-ops/proxy/threatening would be the best option.
Who knows if India has been paying back to Pak in the same coin. May be Mumbai attack is the reason that Pak is/was losing it's soldiers in Swat/Balochistan/NPWF. You can never tell if India is the reason that Pak's economy is in deep sh*t. Nobody will ever confirm to you whether India has or hasn't taken any steps. So all those guys in Pak who believe that India is incompetent, just add the total number of dead due to terrorist attacks in Pak after 26/11 and may be there is some truth to your conspiracy theories.

Even though I held the belief that all this deep **** problem has arisen due to ISI support to Jihadists but who knows if any of those conspiracy theories without any proof may have some standing and Pak may be paying price for provoking India. However I don't believe in this. ;) ;)
how can people planning attacks like 26/11 be so dumb? if mumbai -II can be done so can be Karachi-I.
Diplomatic pressure is okay but sometimes u have to send a very clear and strong signal.Surgical strikes can do exactly that.even though terrorist camps can come up again but they will know that they will not go unrewarded for their actions.
brahmos on Su-30 MKI = surgical strike and a deadly one at that..
The indians wet dream of a war with Pakistan but any confrontation will be severly limited scale. What ever they can dream to play will be seriously countered by Saudis, UAE, Turkish and Chinese efforts. And dont forget world wide ravage which would launch against indian nationals particularly in Middle east.

For India to take any action it has to present a creditable proof of Pakistani state involement which in series of Mumbai drama is still lacking. Just because they can make some chutia making dramas on Zee and NDTV does not mean the whole world can be fooled form Indian stage.

The Chinese will not refrain from providing a material support and arabs will not back away from moral and financial support. In the end we are looking for a Vietnam style bloody useless war and acute Indian economical destruction.

care to explain the bolded part? are you trying to sayy that indians in mid east countries will be attacked by people, against the laws of those countries?

as to what the chinese will do is upto them and not for you to decide. they may use the oppurtunity to sort out the border problems with india once and for all. or they might sit it out as they did in 1971. i will put my money on the latter. they r too smart to go for the former.
Who knows if India has been paying back to Pak in the same coin. May be Mumbai attack is the reason that Pak is/was losing it's soldiers in Swat/Balochistan/NPWF. You can never tell if India is the reason that Pak's economy is in deep sh*t. Nobody will ever confirm to you whether India has or hasn't taken any steps. So all those guys in Pak who believe that India is incompetent, just add the total number of dead due to terrorist attacks in Pak after 26/11 and may be there is some truth to your conspiracy theories.

Even though I held the belief that all this deep **** problem has arisen due to ISI support to Jihadists but who knows if any of those conspiracy theories without any proof may have some standing and Pak may be paying price for provoking India. However I don't believe in this. ;) ;)

I don't think India has done anything like it so far.


Simple. Yaar had we been doing anything like it, why the hell would Pak govt sit silent and not approach UN just like we did after mumbai?

The reason is simple, they do not have evidence.

Rehman malik has said hundreds of times that RAW/India is involved. Question is, where is the proof?

Also, I would take this opportunity to state that I don't agree when some people say that Indian evidence after mumbai was frivolous or fake or inconclusive or whatever.


Because had that been the case, why would UN ban Pakistani organisations on our request? Yaar we are no America who could force the whole world into believe that Iraq had WMD's when it didn't.

We are still a very minor player in international politics and for sombody like us to get the UN to condone our stance, we will require very conclusive and solid evidence.
Surgical strikes can do exactly that.even though terrorist camps can come up again but they will know that they will not go unrewarded for their actions.

The same thing was done with the terrorist camps in P_O_K in the 90's but all the ISI/PAKMIL did was move the camp to NPWF and during the Talibs regime to even Afganistan. When it is state sponsored terrorism the only way is either to attack that country(limited or full blown) or make it bleed by creating terrorism there and thus make them realize that for 300 people they are going to lose 3000 of theirs. It works both ways.
I sure hope there is no war .... and a attack on Indian soil doesnt happen again from anywhere and likewise for Pakistan. If there is war just put it this way too many will die on both sides and GOD forgive if it came to the nukes then count us both in set back to the stone age i sure hope there is peace and friendship soon.
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how can people planning attacks like 26/11 be so dumb? if mumbai -II can be done so can be Karachi-I.
Diplomatic pressure is okay but sometimes u have to send a very clear and strong signal.Surgical strikes can do exactly that.even though terrorist camps can come up again but they will know that they will not go unrewarded for their actions.
brahmos on Su-30 MKI = surgical strike and a deadly one at that..

I don't think so. See our purpose is not to brag like 'see if you send terrorists, we send sukhois'

Once those camps are up and running again, our whole point of doing surgical strikes will go waste.

We have better options than that.
how can people planning attacks like 26/11 be so dumb? if mumbai -II can be done so can be Karachi-I.
Diplomatic pressure is okay but sometimes u have to send a very clear and strong signal.Surgical strikes can do exactly that.even though terrorist camps can come up again but they will know that they will not go unrewarded for their actions.
brahmos on Su-30 MKI = surgical strike and a deadly one at that..

26/11 was wrong but if you think that that the PAF and PA will let your planes have full access to our airspace and allow you to bomb our country, then your wrong, any attack can be matched with a counter-attack.
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