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Mumbai demo turns violent, two dead and dozens injured

Tolerating intolerance is really not being righteous. Please visit the so called Islamic Party meetings, Religious sermons, Websites and try to understand what the Muslim kids, Youth are being taught by the Mullahs types about the people of other communities, especially Hindus and about themselves that they are the victims of discrimination and will have to teach Hindus mushriks a lesson. Very few are really getting education because the families with 7-8 kids can't spend for their children's education. It's an absolute nightmare dear for the people living in Muslim Majority regions. not just Pakistan. At least in Pakistan they are done with their job purging their land of Non-Muslims are successfully subjugated them.
Some Muslim candidate uses a slogan the "Hinduon ka naam aur nishan mitaana hain" in election campaign. Try to understanding the gravity of the situation. He thinks he gets the votes because he shouts "let's destroy the Hindus drive them away from our Lands/constituency" Imagine that.

Is it? you were muslims once upon a time? Or you must be trained in RSS camp

See what I meant?
Hey, are you even literate?

Do you see what I started commenting here with? Can you read or are you so blinded by your paranoia of the Hindu community that you have to make me one before commenting?

You don't know jack about this place so don't open your mouth based on some blogs. Banglas migrate here in droves in NE which you will never know.

So your ignorance is pitiful.

Learn something kiddo. You're not the only one who doesn't know about NE India.

I don't respect those who kill innocent Indians and support non-Indians using the veil of secularism which is misused.
Yes you are literate terrorist
Yes you are literate terrorist

If it means against your anti-national kind who support illegal non-Indian attackers against your own countrymen, then I am more than glad you consider me so.

Okay tell me, what you do know about my region?

Can you tell me something unique without doing a google search that would prove your credibility to even argue about us northeasterners?
See what I meant?
Man...dont propogate these lies.
One or two idiots would have made some speach who is little known to muslims itself. Like same way your fellow BJP honerable MPs speak. Their language is no different from these people.

So this doesnt make every one like same kind

If it means against your anti-national kind who support illegal non-Indian attackers against your own countrymen, then I am more than glad you consider me so.

Okay tell me, what you do know about my region?

Can you tell me something unique without doing a google search that would prove your credibility to even argue about us northeasterners?
I dont know what religion you are following. Dont say that you are follower of any religion. why to spoil your religion name?

These threads are quoted in some other threads when Hindus are prosecuted in Pakistan and Indians teach them minority lesson. Just dont forget that.
Man...dont propogate these lies.
One or two idiots would have made some speach who is little known to muslims itself. Like same way your fellow BJP honerable MPs speak. Their language is no different from these people.

So this doesnt make every one like same kind

See? You know nothing about this place. Why do you utter garbage when you know nothing about my region or any NE states other than wikipedia?

What BJP?

Quote me one line of mine where I said anything about any political party other than the ruling government.

How do you know he's lying? Do you live in Assam? Are you Assamese? Are you even a northeasterner? Do you even know the demographics of this region?

Do you even know what is the biggest political issue in NE?

I don't know about your area but this region is not as dreamy as you think.

Wake up and smell the coffee and don't try to shove some political party down my throat that I haven't mentioned, Kid.

I dont know what religion you are following. Dont say that you are follower of any religion. why to spoil your religion name?

These threads are quoted in some other threads when Hindus are prosecuted in Pakistan and Indians teach them minority lesson. Just dont forget that.

Man you're a dreamer. Come and debate when you have sufficient knowledge, kid.
See? You know nothing about this place. Why do you utter garbage when you know nothing about my region or any NE states other than wikipedia?

What BJP?

Quote me one line of mine where I said anything about any political party other than the ruling government.

How do you know he's lying? Do you live in Assam? Are you Assamese? Are you even a northeasterner? Do you even know the demographics of this region?

Do you even know what is the biggest political issue in NE?

I don't know about your area but this region is not as dreamy as you think.

Wake up and smell the coffee and don't try to shove some political party down my throat that I haven't mentioned, Kid.

Man you're a dreamer. Come and debate when you have sufficient knowledge, kid.
Yes i read ur comments about muslims. and seculars.
if you are talking about bangladeshis present in Assam. then try to send them back peacefully. dont kill them. Also no need to support those criminal Bodos once fought for new state.
Then treat all migrants same. Like some people here die for bringing Hindu migrants and die for expelling muslim migrants.

Also dont forget that there are many illegal indian migrants abroad. Like Malasia where many Hindu migrants are there.

First except that current problem is Riot. and need to stop it.
Your beloved Vajapayee created Bodo land. which included Non bodo area. Years before in some other riots they killed and expelled many Hindus also Idiots. Shockingly now also they live in camps.

But illegal Bangladeshis are not the native inhabitants in Bodo areas.
Yes i read ur comments about muslims. and seculars.

I was taunting the UPA government who misuse correct language for their cheap gains. After all who claims all this? UPA right?

if you are talking about bangladeshis present in Assam. then try to send them back peacefully. dont kill them.

Hey traitor, don't you get this? These fanatics attacked Indians! How difficult is that to understand? They attacked Indians in Indian territory after coming over illegally.

Why should Bodos be peaceful when they were attacked first?

If I attack your house and kill your brothers, would you fold your hands and tell me to leave the house?

Weird logic.

Also no need to support those criminal Bodos once fought for new state.

I think you are confusing the terrorist group with common people. Tomorrow if someone of your community gets together 10 guys and runs round shooting other people to form a separate "state" then would you feel it justified that you are also called a terrorist just because of those 10 guys?

No right? Then why this bias against Bodos?

Then treat all migrants same. Like some people here die for bringing Hindu migrants and die for expelling muslim migrants.

Again, you live in a very idealistic world. Ask your parents to buy you a flight ticket to this place.

Ignorance is dangerous but half knowledge is even worse. Please come out of your house and see the world yourself before commenting about it.

Also dont forget that there are many illegal indian migrants abroad. Like Malasia where many Hindu migrants are there.

Why do you hate Hindus so much and why the eff are you bringing them in my discussion? Are you a Hindu-hater or what?

What logic is that we should allow violent illegal fanatics in our country just because some others of our country migrate elsewhere?

Do you know what these people do here? Do you? Or is it that your imagination hasn't fathomed it so far?

First except that current problem is Riot. and need to stop it.

Riots are caused due to a problem. In Assam that's what happened. And there is no pathetic excuse to justify it.
////tshering--->+1////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////doublemaster---> -1///////////////////////////
Whole subcontinent is india's responsibility and indian leaders always shied from their responsibilities.

nation,visa /passport etc are the concept of western imposed world order.we are foolishly following their footsteps.

Why the hell the whole subcontinent is our responsiblity??. India is only for Indians and our responsibilities and resources are only for us.So first are Indians, then the animals(including dogs) of this country then any one else.If you have so much sampathy for the subcontinent, please use your personal resources, and dont try to use the public resources.

Thats what im saying..let the maoist rule the delhi .:agree:
Nope shift all illigal BD poll vaulters and their sympethisers to Myanmar. Once we do this next time they will think twice before jumping.
I dont know what religion you are following. Dont say that you are follower of any religion. why to spoil your religion name?

These threads are quoted in some other threads when Hindus are prosecuted in Pakistan and Indians teach them minority lesson. Just dont forget that.

Tsherring is a Buddhist from North-East.
Indian minoritis specially Muslims are no longer safe under india. Its time to divide india again and perhaps Shikh and other minorities will stake out their rightful independence claim. OIC specially KSA should stern message to india.
Right, we will through all your country ment in bay of bengal and give the land to our minorities, the BD was made for Indian Muslims.
I was taunting the UPA government who misuse correct language for their cheap gains. After all who claims all this? UPA right?

Hey traitor, don't you get this? These fanatics attacked Indians! How difficult is that to understand? They attacked Indians in Indian territory after coming over illegally.

Why should Bodos be peaceful when they were attacked first?

If I attack your house and kill your brothers, would you fold your hands and tell me to leave the house?

Weird logic.

I think you are confusing the terrorist group with common people. Tomorrow if someone of your community gets together 10 guys and runs round shooting other people to form a separate "state" then would you feel it justified that you are also called a terrorist just because of those 10 guys?

No right? Then why this bias against Bodos?

Entire bangladeshi community together attacked first? (I dont know who started first, for time being i will agree bds did it). No right? Going by ur own argument about generalizing. You shouldn't have attacked entire community. Right?
Now, after you defended your self then why attacking and killing others? Dont we have law in this country?
Did they kill only mgrants? No assami muslim killed?
It is pathetic that supporting killing of entire community for act of one. Your own logic doesnt seem to apply here.

By the way what %of bodos according to you did support seperate state and what % did not support?
Thousands of Adivasis, Bengali Hindus and other communities were driven out of their homes in 1993-94. Were they also ‘illegal migrants’? It is easy to term Muslims as ‘illegal migrants’ and hence this invented ‘struggle between the Indians and the migrants’. Interestingly when Bengali speaking Hindus were targeted in 1993-94, BJP did not say such thing. In Assam if you are Bengali speaking Muslim you are “infiltrator” but if you are Bengali Hindu then you are ‘refugee’ – this dichotomy of the BJP and the right-wing sections has now invented a new discourse of “struggle between Indian origin people and the Illegal migrants from Bangladesh”.

Hindus are religiously persecuted and have second class status in both Bangladesh and Pakistan but what about Muslims why they coming to India when they separated at their will in 1947 and got their new country.

Indian Muslims chose India but why Bangladeshis need to come to India when they separated from us at their will.
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