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Mumbai Attacks

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Dude, and India has got hold of Thuraya (sat phone manufacturer) from the UAE and traced back the calls of the sat-phones used by the terrorists... the calls were all to and fro from Pakistan...

Give me a break. India also got hold of broom the attackers were carrying and detergent powered as if they were on a picnic :crazy:
Parnab has many gears in his tongue. One day he says something and the very next he backs off. So who can believe paranoid Parnab.

not really, from the begining, he stuck to his stand
that terrorists are PAKISTANIS.
that india has EVIDENCE against them.
that pakistan must DISMANTLE terror networks in its territory.
that masterminds must be EXTRADITED.
that to achieve above objectives ALL OPTIONS are open.

is he not reasonable?
Give me a break. India also got hold of broom the attackers were carrying and detergent powered as if they were on a picnic

Shows your unadulterated arrogance... that you don't even want to look at proof when it is shown !!!! Well, if you continue like this, I'm sure US will cut off aid to you, and your good friend China will be the only one left to support you....

But, don't be under the false impression that the Chinese will shower you with money the way the Americans did. The Chinese are in it FOR THE MONEY. They know that apart from them, the US and France, hardly any other country sells jets to you. They want to make hay while the sun shines.

They are in it because you want to buy weapons and the aid money is not theirs in the first place.

Let's see how China reacts when you ask them for aid money and then use the same aid money to buy weapons from them !!! hahahaha.... that would be a sight worth beholding...

It's like a child borrowing money from his father and then trying to force his father to sell him his own car with that money.... hahahahaha....
not really, from the begining, he stuck to his stand
that terrorists are PAKISTANIS.
that india has EVIDENCE against them.
that pakistan must DISMANTLE terror networks in its territory.
that masterminds must be EXTRADITED.
that to achieve above objectives ALL OPTIONS are open.

is he not reasonable?

Parroting Parroting Parroting

For being reasonable one needs some proofs other than parroting.
Parroting Parroting Parroting

For being reasonable one needs some proofs other than parroting.

Get a hold of the Dossier and read it parrot-face.... do you want links from where you can download the entire dossier... It contains names, IMEI numbers, the Satphones, the GPS, details, mobile phone intercepts... the works... also IP addresses traced back to Pakistan...

You want the link ???
Shows your unadulterated arrogance... that you don't even want to look at proof when it is shown !!!! Well, if you continue like this, I'm sure US will cut off aid to you, and your good friend China will be the only one left to support you....

But, don't be under the false impression that the Chinese will shower you with money the way the Americans did. The Chinese are in it FOR THE MONEY. They know that apart from them, the US and France, hardly any other country sells jets to you. They want to make hay while the sun shines.

They are in it because you want to buy weapons and the aid money is not theirs in the first place.

Let's see how China reacts when you ask them for aid money and then use the same aid money to buy weapons from them !!! hahahaha.... that would be a sight worth beholding...

It's like a child borrowing money from his father and then trying to force his father to sell him his own car with that money.... hahahahaha....

:undecided: Your comments are neither logical nor on topic.

You need to think before you speak so that you should know is the topic you are speaking about.

Your comments are miles and miles away from the topic at hands.
I don't need your inputs on whether the comments are on topic or off-topic...

The moderators of this community like Agnostic, for whom I have great respect will caution me when my posts are off topic like he did earlier today...

I don't need to be taught that by an imbecile...

And, by the way, you haven't replied to me, do you want the link from where to download the whole 69 page Indian dossier ???
Get a hold of the Dossier and read it parrot-face.... do you want links from where you can download the entire dossier... It contains names, IMEI numbers, the Satphones, the GPS, details, mobile phone intercepts... the works... also IP addresses traced back to Pakistan...

You want the link ???

Refrain from personal attacks.

I did read your fiction based dossier that is why i said your dossier mentioned that India recovered a broom and also detergent powder name “PAK” made in Pakistan from the attackers. And oh I forgot the match box made in Pakistan. If that is your proof than the world can only laugh at you.
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:undecided: Your comments are neither logical nor on topic.

You need to think before you speak so that you should know is the topic you are speaking about.

Your comments are miles and miles away from the topic at hands.

you need to come up with some thing more credible and logical to counter his arguements. all you do is express your personal opinions that have no logic or relevance.
And, trust me, only less than 15 pages of the dossier is about the daily use items that the self-styled defence analyst talks about...

Do you want it ???
“In a government of law, the existence of the government will be imperiled if it fails to observe the law scrupulously. Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for the law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy.”
Justice Louis Brandeis
December 05, 2008 "Information Clearinghouse" --- Is Pakistan responsible for the Mumbai attack in India? No.

Is India’s repression of its Muslim minority responsible? No.

Is the United States government responsible? Yes.

The attack on Mumbai required radicalized Muslims. Radicalized Muslims resulted from the US overthrowing the elected government in Iran and imposed the Shah; from the US stationing troops in Saudi Arabia; from the US invading and attempting to occupy Afghanistan and Iraq, bombing weddings, funerals, and children’s soccer games; from the US violating international and US law by torturing its Muslim victims; from the US enlisting Pakistan in its war against the Taliban; from the US violating Pakistan’s sovereignty by conducting military operations on Pakistani territory, killing Pakistani civilians; from the US government supporting a half century of Israeli ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their lands, towns and villages; from the assault of American culture on Muslim values; from the US purchasing the government of Egypt to act as its puppet; from US arrogance that America is the supreme arbiter of morality.

As Justice Brandeis said, crime is contagious. Government teaches by example, and America’s example is lawlessness. America’s brutal crimes against the Muslim world have invited every Muslim to become a law unto himself--a revolutionary. It is not terror that Washington confronts but revolution.

By illegal, uncivilized and undiplomatic behavior, the US has stirred Muslim peoples from their long slumber as serfs of Western colonial powers. Some Muslims have had all that they can take, and their fury drives them to rouse a billion of their fellows to throw off the yoke of foreign hegemony.

The arrogant incompetence of American governments brought this conflict to the American people and inflicted it upon the world. By destabilizing Pakistan, the US lost a puppet and created an opportunity for Muslim revolutionaries to exploit. By enraging India against Pakistan, the Mumbai attack has created new problems for Pakistan that will focus that government’s attention away from combating Taliban sanctuaries on Pakistan’s border with Afghanistan. If the US picks up the slack, it will have invaded yet another country and become trapped in a larger quagmire.

Having fomented terrorism, the American government now pretends to be the innocent victim, just as Israelis, having brought about terrorism by driving Palestinians from their homes and villages, pretend to be innocent victims.

Today European members of NATO, an outdated organization formed to defend Western Europe against Soviet invasion, are sacrificing the lives of their soldiers fighting the American Empire’s war in Afghanistan. If America continues to have its way, Europeans will soon be dying in Ukraine, Georgia, and Iran.

The American government, which preaches “freedom and democracy” has in the 21st century gone to great extremes to stamp out the US Constitution and the civil liberties that it guarantees. The US government has repudiated the Geneva Conventions and the prohibitions in US statutory law against torture. The US government has set aside habeas corpus, the ancient legal principle guaranteed by the US Constitution that prohibits governments from holding people in prisons without presenting charges. The US government has broken the laws of other nations by kidnapping foreign citizens and transporting them to other lands to be tortured.

These massive crimes have been justified in the name of the “war on terror.” In truth, America’s crimes foment revolution.

It was the US government that created the “war on terror,” which has been used to murder and dispossess millions of Iraqis and Afghans, to imprison US citizens as if they were medieval serfs, and to squander three trillion dollars for the sole purpose of enriching Halliburton and the military-security complex.

Investigative journalist John Pilger has shown that the so-called “moral superiority of the West” is a hoax designed to shield from view the self-seeking West’s crimes against humanity.

Obama promised change from this destructive behavior, but how does change arise when the most arrogant woman on earth is appointed Secretary of State and the rest of the new government is staffed with tried and true Likudniks and servants of the militar-security complex?

The change over which Obama will preside will have no American victories. The change will come from America as a failed state, from the dollar dethroned as reserve currency, from America repudiated by its allies and paid puppets, from massive unemployment for which there is no solution, from hyperinflation that produces anarchy.

The day might arrive when Washington is faced with revolution at home as well as abroad.
   Washington Arrogance has Fomented a Muslim Revolution           : Information Clearing House - ICH
Dude What?Why are you posting all the crap in this thread?Create separate thread?
As per the New York Times article, this comment made by the Pakistani high commissioner to the UK Wajid Shamsul Hasan was not corroborated by the Pakistani PM Yousef Gilani who said the following in response to Hasan's comments:

PM Yousef Gilani said:
Hasan had spoken too soon and that his government was not ready to comment on the dossier... the evidence was still being investigated by Pakistan's Interior Ministry and even he did not have details of that probe yet.

The Pakistani government seems to be dead set upon digging its own grave in regards to this matter, starting with the comical yet reprehensible attempts to obfuscate the surviving terrorist's identity after it had already been clearly established. There really isn't much to hide at this point. Numerous other intelligence agencies have already gathered information and are now merely waiting to see if the GoP admits it. Any more acts of deflection and subversion on the part of the GoP will only result in further damage to an already beleaguered Pakistan.
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