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Mumbai Attacks

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You guys give ISI more credit than any other nation anyway. We know our intelligence has failed domestically at sevral occasions but never in history they left an ISI badge behind...man its even too amaturistic for a bad Bollywood scenario.

Yes, it is no Super organization that so many people on this forum claim. They can be as much efficient or competent as the society they come from.
Its raining here! BTW in live in Northridge, CA and would be moving to NL in a couple of days so dont know how's the weather there.
Rain and snow for last couple of days...quite depressing. :cry:

Consulates of pakistan also serve as intelligence centers at different places. BLA? are you talking about Bangladesh..its a old story pal...[/QUOTE]
You're new to cyber arena I guess ;)
BLA - Balochistan Liberation Army :smokin:
Are you accepting that RAW recruits and train people who some how feel suppressed ?

RAW only go to those countries who want to disrupt our peace like the ongoing Mumbai encounter.........

If u believe u r one of them, who have elemnts who want to disturb peacein India, then RAW is surely in ur country, otherwise not........
Exactly my point. IF this was retaliation for what India did at the Marriot, then we could've easily just blown away the Taj, the Oberoi, the Trident and called it a day.

Instead kids were fighting with AKs and grenades.

You give yourself far too much credit!

the reality is more than a wee bit different.
Pakistan to send ISI chief to India

ISLAMABAD ( 2008-11-28 16:59:46 ) :Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani on Friday extended Pakistan's support to India in jointly combating extremism and terrorism and offered to send its intelligence chief to help with Mumbai investigation.

Prime Minister Gilani telephoned his Indian counterpart Dr. Manmohan Singh and strongly condemned the acts of terrorism in Mumbai.

The prime minister expressed sympathy on behalf of the people and government of Pakistan with Indian Prime Minister, Congress leader Sonia Gandhi, people of India and the families of those who lost their near and dear ones in "the unfortunate incidents of barbarism."

Gilani termed the incident "inhuman and condemnable from all aspects."

He said Pakistan too was a victim of terrorism and appreciated the fact that Indian Prime Minister was the first one to telephone him after the Marriott hotel blast.

"Singh told the Prime Minister that preliminary reports point towards Karachi and stressed the need for increased intelligence sharing and cooperation in order to evolve a joint strategy against terrorism and extremism," a press release from the PM House said.

Singh requested the Prime Minster to send DG ISI to India for exchange of information in this regard.

The prime minister accepted the request and said that after working out modalities by both the governments, the ISI chief will visit India at the earliest, the press release said.

The prime minister also extended his government's full support for jointly combating extremism and terrorism and also offered help in investigating the incident.
If we wanted to attack then we wouldn't go around helping the Indians.

We wouldn't kill a host of nationalities when clues can easily be traced to Pakistan. If the idea was to take everyone on then we would say so.

Nothing makes sense.

Oh and no one's going to come to your rescue. You amassed 1 million troops against us before. Then you had concede defeat and go back!

AFAIK, the troops pulled back after Musharraf promised to not allow any territory under Pakistani control for use in terror against India for the first time.
Rain and snow for last couple of days...quite depressing. :cry:

Consulates of pakistan also serve as intelligence centers at different places. BLA? are you talking about Bangladesh..its a old story pal...
You're new to cyber arena I guess ;)
BLA - Balochistan Liberation Army :smokin:[/QUOTE]

Sorry Misunderstood...never heard of that. And yes I am new to this type of forums...was going through articals about Mumbai Blasts and terrorism and landed here...felt like replying to some of the posts so registered...

We have acknowledged AQ to be a bigger threat to national sucurity than India, its time you guys did the same and broke with age old tradition to blame Pakistan or ISI for every single crime commited on your soil. Every day you ignore AQ is another precious day lost and you become more vulnerable and exposed to AQ.

Pakistan today is caught up in the middle of WoT, we're facing threats from inside aswell as outside only because we ignored the interior element for so long and paid a heavy price for our ignorance...as a matter of fact we're still paying it. Learn from our mistakes and join hands to fight the phenom together. :coffee:

I think the arrest of even the serving military man proves that India is looking inwards when required.
-The Government is also saying that the ISI is involved in the terror attack. They have hard evidence regarding this.

Very interesting situation developing!
As a Yankee, without a dog in this fight, I find the interplay between the Indian and Pakistani forum members amazing. Do you each really believe half the propaganda about the other that you spout here? Or is this just playful banter? Being so antagonistic to a neighbor, or even another country's people, is so foreign to me that I cannot imagine what you must teach your children. Not since WWII, when Americans truly hated the Japanese and Germans, have we had this level of invective against another country and its people. Even at the height of the Cold War with the Soviets, individual Americans did not hate the Russians or Chinese. We didn't even hate the Vietnamese! If you guys are representative of your populations true feelings, then South Asian tranquility is many generations off. That's too bad.
lol NDTV just posted an inflamatory SMS encouraging Terrorism from Raj Thackeray to be sent to kill terrorists (namely Muslims).
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