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Mumbai Attacks

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ok with resoect my dear sir can i ask wich side this guy looking pakistani?

a blind can say he in an indian:P

Imran bhai, look at the train picture.

Are they all Indians? There is no difference in the way 80% of Pakistanis look compared to Indians. The tribal people may look a bit different, and not all of them too.
Imran bhai, look at the train picture.

Are they all Indians? There is no difference in the way 80% of Pakistanis look compared to Indians. The tribal people may look a bit different, and not all of them too.
Are you serious? Punjabi speaking Pakistanis don't look like Indians... Migrated folks look like Indian but you will find very few South Indians migrated to Pak.

DECCAN is a plateau covering most of the south region right?

Deccan Mujahideen... Hello?

For all we know the Tamils did it. They were pissed off with India's lack of support on the beating the Tamils received from the Sinhalese in SL.
sir abu salim is ghost but this one of them we can see what abut only this . who is this guy. ??????

Sir, just only with the picture and ribbons i cant say whether he is india or pakistan . Both look same.

Once if he is captured alive or at least his body then we will get to know his identity.

Associated Press Writer Anita Chang, Associated Press Writer – 4 mins ago

MUMBAI, India – Black-clad Indian commandoes raided two luxury hotels to try to free hostages Thursday, and explosions and gunshots shook India's financial capital a day after attacks by suspected Muslim militants killed at least 110 people.

About 10 to 12 gunmen remain holed up inside the hotels and a Jewish center, a top Indian general said. The remaining gunmen appeared to have been killed or captured, Maj. Gen. R.K. Huda told New Delhi Television.

Authorities said 110 people died and 300 were injured when suspected Islamic militants — armed with assault rifles, hand grenades and explosives — launched a highly coordinated attack against 10 sites in the city Wednesday night.

Officials said eight militants were also killed.

Dozens of people were being held hostage at the hotels, as well as a nearby Jewish center, by the well-trained and heavily armed gunmen, authorities said.

While hostages trickled out of the hotels throughout the day, witnesses said many bodies remained inside and the two-day siege showed few signs of ending quickly. Several bodies were carried out of the five-star Taj Mahal Palace and Tower hotel.

The attackers had specifically targeted Britons and Americans inside the hotels, witnesses said.

Dozens of people were also apparently still hiding in their hotel rooms, terrified by occasional bursts of gunfire and explosions, as well as fires burning in parts of both hotels, and waiting for authorities to get them to safety.

After dusk Thursday, police brought hostages out of the Oberoi, one of the city's best-known five-star hotels.

One man, a who identified himself as a Pole but did not give his name, told reporters he had seen many bodies inside, but refused to give more details, saying he had promised police not to discuss details of the rescue operation.

The Maharashtra state home ministry said 84 people had been freed from the Oberoi — 60 of them hostages — and dozens more were still trapped inside.

Police said they were going slowly to protect the captives.

A previously unknown Islamic militant group claimed responsibility for the carnage, the latest in a series of terror attacks over the past three years that have dented India's image as an industrious nation galloping toward prosperity.

Among the dead were at least one Australian, a Japanese and a British national, said Pradeep Indulkar, a senior government official of Maharashtra state. An Italian and a German were also killed, according to their foreign ministries.

1 hr 1 min ago

ISLAMABAD (AFP) – Pakistan's foreign minister on Thursday asked India to wait for proof from an investigation before blaming anyone for involvement in the Mumbai terror attacks that have killed over 100 people.

The statement was a response to a televised speech by Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in which he said that those behind coordinated attacks against Mumbai were based "outside the country" and warned "neighbours" who provide a haven to anti-India militants.

Pakistan's foreign minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi, in New Delhi for peace talks, told the private Dawn television station that nobody should be blamed until investigations were complete.

"Our experience in the past tells us that we should not jump to conclusions," Qureshi said.

Qureshi said that Singh had constituted a federal investigation team to look into the attacks on luxury hotels, restaurants and the main train station in India's commercial heart, which have killed at least 100 people and injured about 300.

"We should not go for a knee-jerk reaction," Qureshi said, adding he would meet Singh on Friday and express condolences, solidarity and support to him and the people of India.

"We need to be calm, we need to be composed and we need to be supportive of each other."

Qureshi said Pakistan and India needed to fight terrorism together, saying "this is a global menace... we have to join hands to deal with this menace collectively."

India has in the past frequently accused arch-rival Pakistan of backing Islamic militants active in India, although the prime minister did not identify any country by name during his speech.

Militant Pakistani group Lashkar-i-Tayyiba, which is fighting Indian rule in Kashmir, on Thursday denied any involvement in the Mumbai attacks.
who many times they storm and raid on hotels every 1 hour they say hotel is now free then again raid ?
Imran bhai, look at the train picture.

Are they all Indians? There is no difference in the way 80% of Pakistanis look compared to Indians. The tribal people may look a bit different, and not all of them too.

That’s just not true, Pakistanis are very different...it is just the Muhajir population that makes it harder to tell (but that too not all of them) because of their Indian origins. Punjabis tend to have brownish skin, all the Pathans and Gilgit people you already know with pale skin and colored eyes. Besides it’s not just the skin color, his frame and height makes it easy to guess too. Besides Pakistan Armed services mostly recruits NCOs from Punjab and NWFP tribes because of the martial traditions there (who tend to be taller and broader). Officers tend to vary a little more in ethnicity, but I don’t think that ISI will send its officers on such missions in enemy territory (even if I did think that the ISI was lowly enough to waste time with this pointless violence) besides this kid looks no more than 20

I’m not sayings it’s a completely fool proof way of reference, but its reasonable under the circumstances. Besides those train people, if you had a closer picture you could tell that their skins and height are not exactly the Tamil type (like it seems with this dude), they tend to be notability more reflective and brownish and slender. Trust me I know.
See this is how I see it.

If in a week's time Indians start begging America to attack Pakistan or start mobilizing its own troops then I'm sure its an inside job, rather state sanctioned. Nothing like a massive national tragedy to give the nod to open war.

But if they do spend time to investigate it all, then we know they are not behind it and something really went bad for them. All this song and dance about harping that its about Pakistan is making me think that perhaps the Indian government is the terror culprit here!

The problem with the conspiracy theorists is that they are such "chikney ghadey"! They move from one conspiracy theory to other smoothly and if 99.99% of their theories fail, they can still go on inventing new ones.

India can take actions on its own if required. USA will join if it really feels there is a common threat that effects them too.

There is a reason for all that pressure about ISI and the chants of "Do More"!
TYPICALLY INDIAN - The Indian General claims he is quite sure that the said perpetrators were from Pakistan. I am sure he will soon also find NADRA ID CARDS and PASSPORTS issued by our Ministry of Interior on these disgruntled locals!

I think that the Indian Navy finds thousands of abandoned Inflatables and fisher boats going in an out of Mumbai everyday! I am also sure that they 'allowed' these terrorists to come in Mumbai, kill a few hundred innocents just to blame Pakistan for it?

Fool some of the people some of the time, not all of the time! Time is to grieve on the death of the innocents and not have a holier-than-thou attitude by pointing fingers to Pakistan.
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