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Mumbai Attacks

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Made And Produced In India

India trains all sorts of peoples, from terrorists to militants to fanatics, to suit its national and international needs. But in order to cover up its nefarious activities it focuses on Islam, Muslims, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, Hajj, etc.; and blames its neighbors. Indian intelligence agencies are frustrated over the strong lobbying for highlighting Kashmir human rights violations at international forums by some NGOs in Europe and U.S., with the support of Indian human rights and peace activists. A huge lot of resources are being wasted on propaganda purposes by Indian government directly throughout the world.

By George N. Fernandez

Friday, 28 November 2008.

Ahmed Quraishi-Pakistan/Middle East politics, Iraq war, lebanon war, India Pakistan relations

MUMBAI, India—The police investigation into the synchronized September 29 bombing attacks in Malegaon, a city in the west Indian state of Maharashtra, and Madosa, in the neighboring state of Gujarat, has rattled India's political establishment. The police have thus far arrested 11 people, while indicating that others, potentially many others, may yet be implicated in what they have termed an "extensive" Hindu-extremist terror network.

The arrested include a lieutenant colonel attached to the Indian Army's Military Intelligence Corps and a retired army major.

Two of the suspects, a Hindu sadhu (holy man) and a sadhvi (holy woman), have long-standing and extensive contacts with prominent politicians and businessmen. All of the alleged principals in the bombing plot have ties to one or more of India's major "Hindu-nationalist" [the term is used by the Anglo-American media; the real term should be terrorist] organizations: the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the official opposition in India's parliament, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP, World Hindu Council), and the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh or RSS.

Terrorism and Territory

Armed with latest weapons, "democratic" India occupies Kashmir forcefully, killing thousands of Kashmiri Muslims. India tactfully annexed its neighbor Kashmir, heavily militarized it and killed the freedom fighting Kashmiris and also branded them as "terrorists" and "cross-border-terrorists". On top of that, India accuses Pakistan and Bangladesh of training "terrorists" against "innocent" India.

India trains all sorts of peoples, from terrorists to militants to fanatics to suit its national and international needs. But in order to cover up its nefarious activities it focuses on Islam, Muslims, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, Hajj, etc. blames its neighbors and Indian intelligence agencies are frustrated over the strong lobbying for highlighting the Kashmir human rights violations at international forums by some NGO's working in Europe and USA with the support of Indian human rights and peace activists. A huge lot of resources are being wasted on propaganda purposes by Indian government directly throughout its missions and various NGOs and other secret agencies the world over, including the Arab World. But it makes strenuous efforts to see that Muslims in India and Kashmir do not make any anti-India propaganda by placing before the world the real situation in the country.

The intelligence wings in India have marked the Indian Muslims into different categories. The major chunk of Muslims is described as "terrorists", spies and agents of Pakistan, Kashmir and Bangladesh. In order to create make-believe strings, they link the freedom fighting Kashmiris abroad and their media supporters to Pakistani intelligence in order to rob the Kashmiri cause of legitimacy and put Pakistan on the defensive.

Christian Killings in India is

Hindu Fundamentalism

Thousands of terrified Indian Christians are hiding in the forests of Orissa while Hindu fundamentalists burn their homes and kill them without any real reason.

What actually is happening in India is that mobs are targeting churches, orphanages and homes of Christians. Officially, more then two hundred people have now been reported dead and twenty of them were deliberately burned to death in the aftermath of the murder of Hindu leader Lakshmananada Saraswati [unofficial figures have reached 600]. The Christians in India are terrified they left their homes and are taking shelter in forests.

A Christian religious leader said that even in the forests they are not safe. This is not the first time that we are seeing religious hatred in India, in the past we can see examples of Muslims being targeted and the violence cannot be explained in words. There has been very little or no Anglo-American media coverage. The western media outlets are generous enough to give India’s domestic Hindu extremists the label of religious fundamentalism not terrorism.

In the state of Chhattisgarh, four sisters were attacked and abused. In Jharkhand, Hindu fundamentalists attacked a church and tried to "reconvert" the Christian faithful. Four churches have been damaged in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Madhya Pradesh. In New Delhi, two churches have been damaged, and another four attacked. In Punjab, three Christians have been detained by the police under false accusations. In Uttar Pradesh, three pastors have been beaten, together with the wife of one of them. In Uttarakhand, two Christians have been killed, a priest and his employee.

Anti-Sikh riots of 1984

Thousands of Sikhs were killed in a government-planned genocide. Government officials, politicians and police openly participated. Innocent people were burned alive, women and young girls raped. Yet, there has been no justice.

When Sikhs chose to be part of India, it was promised that they would have an autonomous state where they could learn their own language and go about their own religion. To date, three religions, Sikhism, Buddhism and Jainism continue to be forcibly listed as sects of Hinduism in the Indian constitution, so that their followers are not given their due rights.

2002 Gujarat violence

Hundreds of mosques and other Muslim shrines were damaged or destroyed and makeshift Hindu temples were installed in their place in some cases. In Ahmedabad, the dargah of the Sufi saint-poet Wali Gujarati in Shahibaug and the 16th century Gumte Masjid (mosque) in Isanpur were destroyed. The Muhafiz Khan Masjid at Gheekanta was ransacked. Police records list 298 dargahs, 205 mosques, 17 temples and three churches as damaged in the months of March and April, 2002.

According to Human Right Watch estimate, 2,500 Muslims were killed in anti-Muslim riots in Gujrt in 2002. Some 1,223 Muslims were reported missing, 3,548 injured, 1,919 women widowed and 2,606 children orphaned.

An international fact finding committee formed by experts from U.S., U.K., France, Germany and Sri Lanka reported that “sexual violence was being used as a strategy for terrorizing women belonging to minority communities in the state.

MUMBAI November 26, 2008

India always prides itself on being a democracy, yet human rights are violated every single day. It is time to raise our voices, and show enough is enough. The Indian government has supported the killing of Dalits, Muslims, Sikhs and Christians and many other groups. November 26, 2008, Mumbai attack may be a reaction of killing of innocent people by Indian security forces.

Current security situation is the result of the governments' (past and present) poor handling of matters. Indian Government & Media will try to cash this attack and will start killing of innocent Muslims & minorities in India again. I am also confident on my prediction that India will blame Pakistan, ISI & Kashmiris.

Making indiscriminate arrests of innocent Muslim youth, producing new "master minds" every 24 hours, presenting arrested persons before the media with faces covered with the traditional checkered headscarves — worn by Arabs and Muslims, producing sensational background information are all wrong signals that could damage the communal harmony and alienate the minorities.

The terrorism has not spilled over to India from Pakistan rather India is involved in criminal sets of terrorism in Pakistan. If you see the timings of Mumbai attack you will notice that on 26 November, 2008 Court martial proceedings started against a retired Lieutenant-General (Lt Gen (retd) S K Sahni) on corruption charges for allegedly procuring poor quality food items for troops fighting insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir four years ago.

Recent Mumbai attacks were preplanned, well organized and very professional. These were carried out by local Indian groups & Indian Intelligence agencies to convert the attention of Indian & world media from the court martial proceedings.

Please forward the email (see the evidence in the attached pictures one and two). The world should know how Hindus treat Muslims, Sikhs, Christians and other minorities in India.
The link is

Pakistan's Probe Finds Local Links To Attacks On Mumbai - WSJ.com


Write to Matthew Rosenberg at matthew.rosenberg@wsj.com and Peter Wonacott at peter.wonacott@wsj.com
We can see the American / Jew / Hindu influence in the article .... when in the picture it shows 1948 as the date of ISI's date of start .. cause I am sure ISI was created after the creation of RAW & it's terrorism especially in at that time East Pakistan.

Also from 1993 .. it shows Pakistan's support on WOT in 2001 .. in between it conveniently forgets to mention the Sanctions which USA had put against Pakistan for it's nuclear bombs way back in 1994 !

In this way the writers have not covered any point in how the USA grew ISI more stronger to take on RAW & KGB for their covert action against USSR, when USA did not have the balls to face the USSR in the first 3 years of Afghan Jehad and had to buy Russian weapons from PLO & Egypt to show their neutrality to USSR !
Sorry but you are just blaming others. US had used you but it is you who has allowed to be used you should not have done it in first place.
So, finally clues of Pakistan based elements are coming out. This is what India has been saying right from the beginning and now getting vindicated by Western media quoting Pakistan officials themselves. Lets see how it goes from here now.
The diplomatic row between India and Pakistan continues to deepen following the November terrorist attack as both countries send more troops to their borders.

By David Montero

posted December 31, 2008 at 9:50 am EST

A war of words continues between India and Pakistan amid new evidence that a Pakistani militant group masterminded the terrorist attacks in Mumbai (formerly Bombay) last month. And as Pakistan continues to move troops to its eastern border with India, analysts say Pakistan may be too distracted to effectively fight militants at home.

This week, The Wall Street Journal reported new evidence linking Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba to the Mumbai attacks:

At least one top leader of militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba, or "Army of the Pure," captured in a raid earlier this month in Pakistani-controlled Kashmir, has confessed the group's involvement in the attack as India and the U.S. have alleged, according to a senior Pakistani security official....

Pakistani security officials say a top Lashkar commander, Zarar Shah, has admitted a role in the Mumbai attack during interrogation, according to the security official, who declined to be identified discussing the investigation. "He is singing," the security official said of Mr. Shah. The admission, the official said, is backed up by U.S. intercepts of a phone call between Mr. Shah and one of the attackers at the Taj Mahal Palace & Tower, the site of a 60-hour confrontation with Indian security forces....

[The revelation will increase] pressure on Pakistan to accept that the attacks, which left 171 dead in India, originated within its borders and to prosecute or extradite the suspects. That raises difficult and potentially destabilizing issues for the country's new civilian government, its military and the spy agency, Inter-Services Intelligence -- which is conducting interrogations of militants it once cultivated as partners.

Despite the revelation, "India on Wednesday said Pakistan was in 'denial' over the Mumbai attacks and refusing to acknowledge evidence linking the gunmen who carried out the assault with elements in Pakistan," according to Agence France-Presse (AFP).

[India's Home Minister P. Chidambaram] said the Pakistani father of the sole surviving gunman had confirmed to Pakistan television that his son was involved.

"If that is not evidence then what is?" Chidambaram said.

Amid the tension, both nations moved troops to their border, the Associated Press (AP) reports.

Pakistan claimed India had moved troops to their shared border Tuesday, days after Pakistan itself shifted soldiers to the frontier, but New Delhi insisted it had done nothing to add to tensions between the nuclear-armed countries....

Most observers say a fourth war between the countries is highly unlikely, not least because few can imagine a scenario where India would benefit from it. Any attack on Pakistan would destabilize the country's new civilian government and strengthen its militant fringe, they say.

Last week, "Pakistani intelligence officials said the country was shifting up to 20,000 troops from the Afghan border area – where they are among more than 100,000 fighting al-Qaida and Taliban militants – to the Indian frontier. They spoke on condition of anonymity." The AP reports.

Indian officials denied that their troop movements were in preparation for any sort of attack, calling them normal winter exercises, according to The News, an English-language newspaper in Pakistan.

Indian External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee denied on Tuesday mobilisation of Indian forces on Pakistan border. He was responding to [Pakistani] Foreign Minister Shah Mehmud Qureshi's proposal to India to de-activate forward bases and re-location of army units to peacetime positions to de-escalate tension in the region.

"We have not created any tension.... First there should be escalation from Indian side then the question of de-escalation will come. We have not escalated anything," he said. Mukherjee said the Indian army has made it clear that its military movements were a "normal winter exercise" and there was no question of such mobilization.

The focus on tensions with India is distracting Pakistan from its real threat: the rise of militancy along its border with Afghanistan, The Washington Post reports.

Many Pakistanis still view India as their real enemy and are far less concerned about the spread of radical Islam in their midst, while the country's powerful army appears to be more comfortable facing its conventional cross-border adversary to the east than waging a messy counterinsurgency campaign against fellow Muslims and Pakistanis on its own territory....

Even if the recent shift of troops away from the Afghan border and toward India proves largely a symbolic gesture, however, some analysts here say they worry a thinning of military ranks in the northwest could give Islamist forces a chance to become more entrenched in the conservative, impoverished region less than 100 miles from the capital.

Pakistani militant confesses to role in Mumbai attacks | csmonitor.com
Sorry but you are just blaming others. US had used you but it is you who has allowed to be used you should not have done it in first place.

Excuse me, but are you any better than us then?????? Now, it is you who is being used by US in this great game being played in the region. Instead of lecturing us on what we should have done, why dont you do it yourself??????? Mumbai was the first direct result of your involvement in this dirty game but it may not be the last one. I hope you develope the courage and fortitude to bear the strategic cost of your biggest political faux pas in the recent history but i must admire the situation created to assure its digestion by the masses who will pay the real price inadvertently. Good luck, its your own choice.....:cheers:
Sorry but you are just blaming others. US had used you but it is you who has allowed to be used you should not have done it in first place.

I think he is pointing out that it is hypocritical for the West to criticize ISI actions, when the West herself was complicit in utuilizing the ISI for similar actions when it suited their own interests.

Not only that, but the US and India have both utilized proxy wars and covert support to proxies to destabilize and influence events in other nations, so its a case of the 'pot calling the kettle black'.

Anyway , back to the thread topic.
If this stor is true, then it is good to hear, and a negation of all those who said that Pakistan would not pursue the case in Pakistan, nor crack down effectively on the JuD and LeT.

Recent interviews from teh JuD leadership have clearly indicated that the Pakistani crackdown is having a severe impact on their operations.

"We have been badly affected by the Pakistan government's actions but we have the goodwill of the people. Even the Hindus and Christians have held demonstrations in Pakistan saying that we are not a terrorist organisation. The ban has ensured that we are left with no money but we have our network of 156 health care centres and ambulance services in 73 towns and cities spread across the country. The ban is illegal and we will very soon approach the UN with our case,'' stated Muntazir, adding that the JuD was also hopeful of securing the release of its leader Hafiz Saeed soon."

Muntazir went on to elaborate how the organisation was having to contend with the Pakistani authorities who, he claimed, had deployed men at all its schools and hospitals to prevent it from functioning.

Defiant JuD to continue charity work despite ban-India-The Times of India
So, finally clues of Pakistan based elements are coming out. This is what India has been saying right from the beginning and now getting vindicated by Western media quoting Pakistan officials themselves. Lets see how it goes from here now.

I would rather attribute it to inveterate hindustani desire to see it attributed to Pakistan, by hook or crook, even if the evidence has to crafted to prove the connection. Your these westeren media have predictably failed to talk about the indian internal link which was so vital to this operation's success. the intelligence, logistics, weapons, ammunition, explosives, detailed knowledge of the area..... was that all probably the result of intution by the terrorists????.
Do you remember your marine commandoes saying in the press conference that they were handicapped by the lack of knowledge of the interior of hotel???????? So if the terrorists came there for the first time, how did they manage to perform head and shoulders above your elite commandoes?????
Does that sound some alarm bells???? well probably not.... because you are here only to carryout the assigned task i-e propaganda against Pakistan so i assume your western officials, so called/alleged Pakistani officials and yourself wont like to discuss the internal links. It is interesting that this alleged Pakistani official was hell bent on proving the Pakistani link but has failed to investigate the suspect regarding the internal help provided to them by hindustani elements, isn't it a little strange for a Pakistani????????
Isnt it strange for you that this job was entirely done from outside without intelligence and everything that i mentioned, yet the terrorists outclassed your elite of the elite in every sense of the word in tactics, combat and training????? if that is the case, then instead of boasting about your armed forces, you should better go and ask your military and politicians about the purpose of maintaining that white elephant??????
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I will caution everyone to wait until official confirmation is given.

There have been way too many inaccurate 'sources' the media has used for its reports, not necessarily deliberately.
I think he is pointing out that it is hypocritical for the West to criticize ISI actions, when the West herself was complicit in utuilizing the ISI for similar actions when it suited their own interests.

Not only that, but the US and India have both utilized proxy wars and covert support to proxies to destabilize and influence events in other nations, so its a case of the 'pot calling the kettle black'.

Anyway , back to the thread topic.

Agnostic Muslim .. I would have not been able to put it better than what you have presented.
Listen up - I do not want any more articles being posted in the thread unless they have anything new to add.

Way too many threads just become filled with articles reiterating the same thing.

This is a discussion forum, so use what little Grey matter you possess and DISCUSS things.
General AgNosTIc is right.... it is the media and particularly the Indian corporate fascist media which under the influence of USA based neo-liberal economic policy is just selling out sensational news to the hindu masses so that the media can easily increase their sale to either the viewership or readership and as the indian cow belt hindus are already obsessed with the nationalist sentiment which is essentially hindu, such sensational news have always been overemphasized. This is a part of a larger game plan, after the Middle East, USA has long been trying to establish its base in South Asia to counter communist China and has found India as a very flexible ally to use as a potential market for business and then throw. Now USA is trying to demonize Pakistan as it has demonized communists and Islam (for oil resources of the Middle East) through Hollywoody propaganda and project the whole Pakistani nation as a major threat to the stability of indian economic development so that india could provide a shelter to the Nato type USA forces. And it is working as the majority of indian hindus have been brainwashed by the renewed (after Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay type hindutva forces of the 19th century) nationalist chauvinist political institutions since the 1920's of the time of Savarkar and are hostile whether covertly or overtly to the Muslims. Thus it is a very complicated situation to as almost all aspects including , region, culture religion, politics as well as economy, are entangled with each other in a way that in order to understand one aspect one needs to know all others as an entire system. Now it is again the Hindutva forces which used the threat of Muslims vis-a-vis Pakistan to rally the 'other' contending voices such as Dalits and peripheral voices like the North Eastern mongoloid regions so that in terms of number game, their side can always have the upper hand since only in india approximately over 14 crore Muslims live and it is bigger in number than the whole population of Pakistan. So again the Hindutva forces cannot be so overt to spread its fascist propaganda keeping the aspect of electoral politics in india. But in some way, the corporate media whose main object is to do business only is helping them to consolidate the evil axis of power in india which if we ignore today, will definitely become another zionist oppressive israel to make the Muslims an extinct community. I am not going to legitimize the terror crimes of Mumbai, but it is again pertinent o know why such attacks if we are to believe in cause and effect theory. Why not in Bhutan or Nepal or China? Why not in Canada, Switzerland or in latin American countries? Even if we are bound to believe that Let wherever it is that does not matter is responsible according to Newton's third law every action has similar and opposite reaction, now which action's reaction was the Mumbai attack? Is it for the Indo-US nuke deal? Is it for the election of Kashmir? Is it for india' weak security? why? There are more questions than answers.
And it is very ridiculous to believe that Pakistani civil society or any govt agency is involved in Mumbai terror crime. People who are already biased can believe that. I think, Pakistani defence or intelligence agencies have many other things to do than to sit idle for long and plan an attack in india and sponsor such foolish crimes. Itna waakt barbaat karne ka waakt mile, tab na?
ISI was created during Ayub Khan era and it was very weak. It caught real strength when it was used by CIA to organized Afghan war against soviets and turn to be most lethal.
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