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Mumbai Attacks

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Ok last question bf4 i go to sleep... is bar serious hoon yaar.

Question is directed to Indians:

Just tell me how much faith do you have in your media? Like is there ever that u dont believe them? Lets go thru history. Samjhauta express turns out to be done by an Indian hindu fanatic who turns out to be an army major. Malegaon was blamed on us then on the hindu fanatics. In this attack on Mumbai the policemen who had for the 1st time ever managed to ensure that the real culprits and hindu fanatics responsible for the bombing were going to be and about to be punished were killed. Who are you guys fooling. Other than this lets check out your history of blame on Pakistan and its ISI and some headlines in Indian newspapers:

Pakistani female ISI agent established sexual relationship with British military attaché to Pakistan.

ISI trying to spread H5N1 virus in India

ISI agent Shiv Shankar Sahu arrested

ISI infiltrating Jihadis and Seperatists from Bangladesh and Nepal

The Nefarious Activities of Pakistan's ISI

ISI has infiltrated every corner of India

Female ISI agents using sex to court Muslim males in India into terrorism

ISI agenda to capture Kerala coast

ISI Using Sex, Lies & Video Tapes Against Judges

India blames BD terror groups, ISI for blasts in Hyederabad, Andhra Pradesh

BJP blames ISI for Jaipur blasts

Mumbai Police blames ISI, LeT for 7/11 blasts

Suspected ISI agent shot dead in Ahmedabad

Graves of ISI agents turn out to Kashmiri civilians

Intelligence report: ISI plot to spread HIV in Army

ISI agents posing as females to recruit Hindu boys.

Bangla influx part of ISI plot: Advani

Pak's Nepal Embassy a hub for ISI activities

ISI agents given free sex and other benefits when in India

And Finally we are blamed for the current attacks in Mumbai now:

ISI role in Mumbai mayhem

In truth this blame game is pure amusement for us Pakistanis. I only come round here on this thread everytime cauz I knew you'd be blaming Pakistan for your personal satisfaction. The real culprits Deccan Mujahideen (accepted responsibility through contacting the media) are sitting there happily going about their terrorist prowling and stuff...

I am really cracking up... i mean comeon yaar. Just put that nationalism aside and think ke is'nt this just stupid? Do you really really really believe this apocalyptic bullshit?

This is a plan to keep ISI on backfoot and to make sure Indians keep thinking of a foreign threat and keep fearing because of it. It is denying you the thing u guys deserve. To get at the real people who did the blasts. You guys should be ashamed for believing everything the media and govt churns. You know many of the articles here are absolute bullshit.
Ajmal has revealed the name of his fellow jihadis all Pakistani citizens as Abu Ali, Fahad, Omar, Shoaib, Umer, Abu Akasha, Ismail, Abdul Rahman (Bara) and Abdul Rahman (Chhota).

Is this pakistani names ?

Somebody told me AJMAL ISMAIL FROM FARIDAKOT PAKISTAN is not a pakistan name ??????
yawn! Sorry dude but ever heard the saying "orgy of evidence"? and the chances of having a trail like this discovered without digging for a while is next to zero. I think this "plot" discovery stinks like last weeks fish. Even the U.S. Govt took longer to discover the trail behind 9-11 and the "AMAZINGLY EFFECTIVE" Indian police did it in less.

Keys surprisingly the capture of a Pakistani vessel and taking into custody, its crew has not been reported by Indian media widely. The UNESCO chair for Peace a counter terrorism expert himself pointed out in CNN as to how his sources in the 'services' mentioned regarding a breakthrough from the captured vessel. He also pointed out that the services have not to the Indian media with this information.

There seems to be a good possibility that lot of incriminating evidence linked to Pakistan must have been found. The man seems to have his contacts well placed.

Yes, it is Indian habit to not answer stupid questions.

Okay one second u mean that you believe each and every heading back there? So all the things were done by ISI agents? Is that what you think. Like spreading H5N1 in India and spreading aids among indian soldiers. It was all ISI?

U.S. Intelligence Focuses on Pakistani Group

WASHINGTON — American intelligence and counterterrorism officials said Friday there was mounting evidence that a Pakistani militant group based in Kashmir, most likely Lashkar-e-Taiba, was responsible for the deadly attacks in Mumbai.

The American officials cautioned that they had reached no hard conclusions about who was responsible for the operation, nor on how it had been planned and carried out. Nevertheless, they said that evidence gathered over the past two days has pointed to a role for Lashkar-e-Taiba, or possibly another Pakistani group focused on Kashmir, Jaish-e-Muhammad.

The American officials insisted on anonymity in describing their current thinking and declined to discuss the intelligence information that they said pointed to Kashmiri militants.

Lashkar-e-Taiba on Thursday denied any responsibility for the terrorist strikes. The group is thought by American intelligence agencies to have received some training and logistical support in the past from Pakistan’s powerful spy service, the Inter-Services Intelligence agency, or ISI, but American officials said Friday that there was no evidence that the Pakistani government had any role in the Mumbai attacks.

American and Indian officials for years have blamed Lashkar-e-Taiba for a campaign of violence against high-profile targets throughout India, including the December 2001 attack on the Indian Parliament building in New Delhi and an August 2007 strike at an amusement park in Hyderabad.

At times, Indian officials have also said that Jaish-e-Muhammad was responsible for the 2001 attack on the Parliament building.

A State Department report issued this year called Lashkar-e-Taiba “one of the largest and most proficient of the Kashmiri-focused militant groups.” The report said that the group drew funding in part from Pakistani expatriate communities in the Middle East, despite the freezing of its assets by the United States and Pakistan in 2002, after the attack on the Indian Parliament.

The report said that the actual size of the group was unknown, but estimated its strength at “several thousand” members.

Pakistani officials announced Friday that the head of the ISI, Lt. Gen. Ahmed Shuja Pasha, would travel to India to assist the Indian government with its investigation of the attacks. If it occurred, the visit would mark a first for an ISI chief.

But by Friday evening, Pakistani officials were suggesting that a lower-level representative of the ISI would make the trop.

An FBI team has also been dispatched to Mumbai to assist with the forensic investigation of the attacks.

Lashkar-e-Taiba has, for the most part, not targeted Westerners in past attacks, as some reports said the attackers in Mumbai did. But one counterterrorism official said Friday that the group “has not pursued an exclusively Kashmiri agenda” and that the group might certainly go after Westerners to advance a broader goals.

The official said that there was also strong evidence that Lashkar-e-Taiba had a “maritime capability” and would definitely have been capable of mounting the sophisticated operation in Mumbai, which intelligence officials say they believe began when the attackers arrived in the city in small boats.

American and Indian officials are pursuing the possibility that the attackers arrived off the coast of Mumbai in a larger merchant ship, and then boarded the smaller boats before they launched the attack.

Even as a Kashmiri connection to the attacks began to emerge Friday, American officials said there were puzzled by some developments of the past two days. For instance, they said they still know next to nothing about a group called the Deccan Mujahedeen that has reportedly taken responsibility for the attacks.

Terrorism experts have said there is no evidence that the group was involved in past strikes, and speculated that the name was made up by another militant group to mask responsibility for the attacks.

Pakistan, meanwhile, seemed anxious to defuse the mounting crisis in relations with its neighbor.

The Pakistani foreign minister, Shah Mahmood Qureshi, said that India and his country should join hands to defeat a common enemy, and urged New Delhi not to play politics over the attacks in Mumbai, Reuters reported.

“Do not bring politics into this issue,” the Pakistani foreign minister told reporters in the Indian town of Ajmer during a four-day visit to India. “This is a collective issue. We are facing a common enemy and we should join hands to defeat the enemy.”

President Asif Ali Zardari of Pakistan called Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India, Reuters reported, to say he was “appalled and shocked” by the terrorist attacks. “Non-state actors wanted to force upon the governments their own agenda, but they must not be allowed to succeed,” he said.

Okay one second u mean that you believe each and every heading back there? So all the things were done by ISI agents? Is that what you think. Like spreading H5N1 in India and spreading aids among indian soldiers. It was all ISI?


Well, for starters, can you verify that all those headlines are authentic?
It seems these allegations against Pakistan are somewhat contrived. Is this the India-Israel-US alliance at work here. Read my other posting on the subject on a new thread under 'Strategic and Geopolitical issues'.

Oh thats just because we just think one representative of ISI we send like a junior ISI officer can track down RAW and its terrorist activities in Mumbai which have left Mumbai in a complete state of shock and despair.

:smokin: I tell u what?
U guys should arm urselves. Lets go after RAW which is attacking has turned against its own countrymen... :guns:
Israel says Mumbai attackers targeted its citizens

'There is no doubt, we know, that the targets the terrorists singled out were Jewish,' Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni says. Israel and India have close defense ties.

By Richard Boudreaux
3:39 PM PST, November 28, 2008

Reporting from Jerusalem -- Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni said Friday that Israelis were deliberate targets of the well-organized bands of gunmen whose attacks across the Indian city of Mumbai included one on an ultra-Orthodox Jewish center.

Israeli officials receiving reports from Mumbai had initially hesitated to judge whether the attack on the center owned by the group Chabad-Lubavitch, where gunmen seized hostages late Wednesday, was planned or random.

Livni's remark at a news conference in Jerusalem came after Indian commandos stormed the building Friday and found the bodies of five hostages, including the Israeli-born rabbi and his wife who ran the center.

"There is no doubt, we know, that the targets the terrorists singled out were Jewish, Israeli targets and targets identified with the West, Americans and Britons," Livni said.

Like the United States and Britain, Israel has a close relationship with India, and the two countries view radical Islam as a common threat.

Israeli officials have released no assessment about the identity and motive of the attackers, whose rampage throughout Mumbai left at least 150 people dead, including at least 14 foreigners. Livni, without elaboration, blamed "Islamic extremists who don't accept our existence or Western values."

In February, Israel said it was tightening security at its embassies and Jewish centers around the world against a threatened revenge attack by Hezbollah. The Lebanese militant group blamed Israel for the Feb. 12 car bombing death of one of its top commanders, Imad Mughniyah, in Syria.

But the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported Friday that security at soft targets such as the Chabad center in Mumbai was "currently rather relaxed in many countries."

Like the United States, Israel issues travel advisories for its citizens based on potential terrorist threats. Such an advisory has long been in effect for India, a country with a history of terrorist incidents and a large Muslim minority.

But Israeli Brig. Gen. Nitzan Nuriel, head of the prime minister's counter-terrorism office, said in a televised interview that Israel had received no specific warning of an attack in Mumbai.

"In all honesty, this isn't an area in which we have very good intelligence control," he said.

Israel and India share intelligence on terrorist groups. They have developed close defense and security ties since establishing diplomatic relations in 1992.

Israel is India's second-biggest arms supplier, after Russia. India has bought more than $5 billion worth of Israeli equipment since 2002, making it Israel's biggest defense customer. In addition, Israel is training Indian military units and discussing an arrangement to give Indian commandos instruction in counter-terrorist tactics and urban warfare.

Some Israeli commentators speculated Friday, without offering evidence, that this security cooperation might have been one of the motives for the Mumbai attacks.

In any case, the cooperation is a sensitive topic in India, said Efraim Inbar, a security specialist at Israel's Bar-Ilan University. He noted a decline since 2003 in high-profile visits by Indian and Israeli officials to each other's countries to promote weapons deals and training missions.

Israeli newspapers reported Friday that India had turned down an offer by Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak to send counter-terrorist units to help fight the attackers.

Instead, Israel dispatched a delegation of ultra-Orthodox volunteers from Zaka, an emergency medical services organization, to attend to victims of the attacks.

Israel says Mumbai attackers targeted its citizens - Los Angeles Times
It seems these allegations against Pakistan are somewhat contrived. Is this the India-Israel-US alliance at work here. Read my other posting on the subject on a new thread under 'Strategic and Geopolitical issues'.

OH yes - the global HinJew Conspiracy!!

Thanks to this imagined HinJew Conspiracy, these brainwashed terrorists are killing Jews.

What a mess you guys have got yourselves in!
Well, for starters, can you verify that all those headlines are authentic?

Its you Indians who wrote them. See I knew it! Even you dont think they are authentic but hey they blame Pakistan so why not join in with them? Rite? ;)

Pakistan’s Inter-State Intelligence (ISI) plans to spread the AIDS virus among personnel of the Indian army and paramilitary forces through contaminated syringes in Army hospitals Aftermath News

ISI Using Sex, Lies & Video Tapes Against Judges? WeCite Blog

ISI agent Shiv Shankar Sahu arrested, MG Vol. 1 No. 18

These are some links check them... I am not searching all phirse... its boring
Israel says Mumbai attackers targeted its citizens

'There is no doubt, we know, that the targets the terrorists singled out were Jewish,' Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni says. Israel and India have close defense ties.

By Richard Boudreaux
3:39 PM PST, November 28, 2008

Reporting from Jerusalem -- Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni said Friday that Israelis were deliberate targets of the well-organized bands of gunmen whose attacks across the Indian city of Mumbai included one on an ultra-Orthodox Jewish center.

Israeli officials receiving reports from Mumbai had initially hesitated to judge whether the attack on the center owned by the group Chabad-Lubavitch, where gunmen seized hostages late Wednesday, was planned or random.

Livni's remark at a news conference in Jerusalem came after Indian commandos stormed the building Friday and found the bodies of five hostages, including the Israeli-born rabbi and his wife who ran the center.

"There is no doubt, we know, that the targets the terrorists singled out were Jewish, Israeli targets and targets identified with the West, Americans and Britons," Livni said.

Like the United States and Britain, Israel has a close relationship with India, and the two countries view radical Islam as a common threat.

Israeli officials have released no assessment about the identity and motive of the attackers, whose rampage throughout Mumbai left at least 150 people dead, including at least 14 foreigners. Livni, without elaboration, blamed "Islamic extremists who don't accept our existence or Western values."

In February, Israel said it was tightening security at its embassies and Jewish centers around the world against a threatened revenge attack by Hezbollah. The Lebanese militant group blamed Israel for the Feb. 12 car bombing death of one of its top commanders, Imad Mughniyah, in Syria.

But the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported Friday that security at soft targets such as the Chabad center in Mumbai was "currently rather relaxed in many countries."

Like the United States, Israel issues travel advisories for its citizens based on potential terrorist threats. Such an advisory has long been in effect for India, a country with a history of terrorist incidents and a large Muslim minority.

But Israeli Brig. Gen. Nitzan Nuriel, head of the prime minister's counter-terrorism office, said in a televised interview that Israel had received no specific warning of an attack in Mumbai.

"In all honesty, this isn't an area in which we have very good intelligence control," he said.

Israel and India share intelligence on terrorist groups. They have developed close defense and security ties since establishing diplomatic relations in 1992.

Israel is India's second-biggest arms supplier, after Russia. India has bought more than $5 billion worth of Israeli equipment since 2002, making it Israel's biggest defense customer. In addition, Israel is training Indian military units and discussing an arrangement to give Indian commandos instruction in counter-terrorist tactics and urban warfare.

Some Israeli commentators speculated Friday, without offering evidence, that this security cooperation might have been one of the motives for the Mumbai attacks.

In any case, the cooperation is a sensitive topic in India, said Efraim Inbar, a security specialist at Israel's Bar-Ilan University. He noted a decline since 2003 in high-profile visits by Indian and Israeli officials to each other's countries to promote weapons deals and training missions.

Israeli newspapers reported Friday that India had turned down an offer by Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak to send counter-terrorist units to help fight the attackers.

Instead, Israel dispatched a delegation of ultra-Orthodox volunteers from Zaka, an emergency medical services organization, to attend to victims of the attacks.

Israel says Mumbai attackers targeted its citizens - Los Angeles Times

Ur articles kill it bro!...

Rock On!
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