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Mumbai attacks: India raises security footing to 'war level'

So the pakistani government are just an american puppet ? is that what you meant ?

And why I m telling you the both of intelligence arent good because many terrorist attacks happens inside pakistan to kill innocent in schools and mosque.

India the same thing as well .. many bomb lately to kill innocent in market and places like pakistan

and Both of you blame eachother ... while the one who stir things up between u both is USA and israel ..

Why do you think Israel supply India with arms ? because Israel is a nice country ?

Why England host all this pakistani and gives them british nationality ? because england admires muslims ?

If you can answer those questions .. You will got the answer to whom behind all this attacks inside pakistan and INdia

You could use some idiot muslims to launch some attack but whom really behind those muslims ?

who fund them ? who fund the somali pirates ? who fund any terrorist organization ?

When you get the answer .. I may think that your intelligences agencies are smart ...

Countries make their policies based on factual not fictions strategic and geo-political developments in the region. Many governments including "Arab" would fall in this category of "US puppet" unarguably.

Those people who what to impose their views with use of weapons need to be crushed. Pakistan and India need to remain careful as this enemy will get benefit if hasty decisions are made.
When you get the answer .. I may think that your intelligences agencies are smart ...

Who are you to come in here and lecture us about our intelligence community? Egypt is the biggest American ***** in the Middle East. Go crawl in a pyramid and never come out because I am sure you have nothing useful to add to this forum judging by the slop you have already written.
This is a Pak , defense forum - what do you expect Sir.

We have had a few mods away and frankly the Mumbai incident has brought the nutjobs out of the woodwork......we are working through the backlog.
Who are you to come in here and lecture us about our intelligence community? Egypt is the biggest American ***** in the Middle East. Go crawl in a pyramid and never come out because I am sure you have nothing useful to add to this forum judging by the slop you have already written.

Agreed no second thoughts on that, and also check about Mr. Husni Mubarak how he supplied girls in 70s, go an search the web. We all know what happened to you guys in 67 and 73 wars. Please stop giving your BS and buzz off.:pakistan:
How Mr. egypt has managed to disrupt the whole thread , maybe he used intelligence to cause this disruption
arabs have a bad habit wich i record when i work with them 12 years thats just talk and do nothing.its wrost times of arabs but they learn us what we do see.egypt has long history of lose the wars and so many other facters but they have one good thing thats they just talk and forget.check your home first what you achive last 60 years after king farooq show us some thing first then ask a qes.
Mumbai attacks ‘were a ploy to wreck Obama plan to isolate al-Qaeda’

The carnage may have been an attempt to put Pakistan and India at each other’s throats and kill US hopes for the region

Relations between India and Pakistan were on a knife edge last night amid fears that Delhi’s response to the Mumbai attacks could undermine the Pakistani army’s campaign against Islamic militants on the frontier with Afghanistan.

Officials and analysts in the region believe that last week’s atrocities were designed to provoke a crisis, or even a war, between the nuclear-armed neighbours, diverting Islamabad’s attention from extremism in tribal areas bordering Afghanistan and thus relieving pressure on al-Qaeda, Taleban and other militants based there.

One analyst even described the attacks as a “pre-emptive strike” against Barack Obama’s strategy to put Pakistan and Afghanistan at the centre of US foreign policy.

The United States and its allies now face a balancing act in supporting India’s efforts to investigate the Mumbai attacks, without jeopardizing Pakistan’s crucial support for the Nato campaign in Afghanistan.

India’s government, facing an election by May, is under enormous pressure to respond to the attacks, which it believes was carried out by the Pakistani militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba, possibly with the help of al Qaeda.

Lashkar-e-Taiba was also blamed for an attack on the Indian parliament in December 2001, which prompted India and Pakistan to mass troops on each other’s border, almost triggering their fourth war since independence in 1947.

The Indian government is now considering a range of responses, including suspending its five-year peace process with Pakistan, closing their border, stopping direct flights and sending troops to the frontier, according to Indian officials and analysts.

Pakistan’s government, meanwhile, has been rallying support in telephone calls to opposition politicians, as well as to officials in China, the United Arab Emirates and the EU.

It has also made it clear that if India again masses troops on the border, Pakistani forces would be diverted away from the tribal areas, allowing militants there to focus on Afghanistan.

“The next 48 hours are critical in determining how things unfold,” a top Pakistani security official told reporters. “We will not leave a single troop on the western border if we are threatened by India.”

His warning, highlighting the international implications of the Mumbai attacks, was clearly designed to encourage the United States and its allies to temper India’s response. The United States has forged a new strategic partnership with India since 2004, but has closer and older ties to Pakistan, a key Muslim partner in the War on Terror.

Pakistan has deployed more than 100,000 troops along its porous border with Afghanistan, where US and Nato forces are fighting against the Taleban, al Qaeda and other militants. Some 35,000 of those Pakistani troops are involved in the fight against al Qaeda and Taleban militants who have been sheltering in Pakistan’s northern tribal areas since late 2001.

Withdrawing those soldiers would undermine their progress, especially since Pakistan launched its biggest offensive to date against the militants in the tribal region of Bajaur in September.

“We are highly encouraged by the Pakistani military progress,” said Colonel Gregg Julian, a U.S. military spokesman. “It is creating pressure on al Qaeda from two sides and it is getting very difficult for them right now. We would hope that they are able to keep up that pressure.”

Pakistani officials and analysts said that withdrawing troops would also benefit local militant groups like Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed. “The withdrawal of troops will give a huge space to the militants,” said Hasan Askari Rizvi, a Pakistani defence analyst and former professor at Punjab University.

“The main objective of the militants involved in the Mumbai attack was to destablise the region… They will thrive in the event of war between the two countries [India and Pakistan].”

The two groups were originally founded by Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence agency as deniable proxies to be sent to fight Indian forces in the disputed region of Kashmir. They have been blamed for numerous attacks on Indian targets.

However, Western intelligence agencies have recently perceived a growing nexus between these and other, militant groups such as the Pakistani Taleban and al Qaeda. In June, it was reported that some 300 militant leaders from a number groups including Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammad met in the Pakistani garrison city of Rawalpindi.

There they reportedly agreed that while the Kashmir struggle remained important, their primary focus should be the fight against international forces in Afghanistan.

Just a few weeks later, nine US soldiers were killed in an attack on a combat outpost at Wanat in the Afghan border province of Nuristan that displayed unusual military competence. Intelligence reports subsequently assessed that the assault included a significant Lashkar-e-Taiba element, as well as al Qaeda fighters.

The growing relationship between al Qaeda and Lashkar-e-Taiba may explain the scale and sophistication of the Bombay attacks, said Dr Kanchan Lakshman of the South Asia Terrorism Portal. “It would also suggest why they targeted Americans, British and Israelis,” he said.

He added that he had heard from an Indian intelligence official that the Mumbai attack had been funded by Saudi money, again suggesting an al Qaeda link.

Other Indian analysts said the attack appeared to be an attempt to undermine US policy towards India, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

“There’s a lot of clamour for action against Pakistan from India,” Pratap Bhanu Mehta, the head of the Centre for Policy Research. “This attack was not just an attempt to scuttle India’s peace process with Pakistan. It was in many ways a pre-emptive strike against [Barack] Obama’s strategy for the region.”

The U.S. President elect has proposed increasing troop levels in Afghanistan and stepping up the pressure on Pakistan to attack militants on its territory. In exchange, he has suggested appointing an special envoy to help resolve Pakistan’s territorial dispute with India over Kashmir.

A crisis in India-Pakistan relations would scupper both plans.

Doctor Antonio Giustozzi, an expert on Afghanistan at the London School of Economics, said Washington could weather such a crisis, but concurred on the militants’ aims.

“I think that the terrorists have made a calculation that aims to worsen relations between India and Pakistan and embarrass the Pakistan government, in the hope that the Indians make an uncontrolled response,” he said.

That, he said, would “strengthen the militants’ hand and compromise the campaign by Islamabad against extremists by diverting troops back to the Indian border.”

Mumbai (Bombay) attacks ‘were a ploy to wreck Obama plan to isolate al-Qaeda’
If you won 1971 war then why did 93000 POWs Surrender to IA.

some more records:

Largest no of POWs in world history.

Released STAMPS for POWs.

Image:PakistanPoW.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Let see i say india is as big as china so what happend in 1962 when you were fighting some one of your own size and russian couldnt help as i remmeber you had can of *** whopping opend on you by the chinese and american had to bail ya out but hey you at least can remmber 1971 who cares what happend in 1962.
plus plus the best part i have to introduce to you this time say hello to my little friend.

http://imageshack.usand you dont wanna see his other family members they are nasty they make you glow in the dark.:pakistan::victory::smitten:

Get the picture this isnt 1971 and we have the means to defend ourselves if you think cowards like zardari or nawaz will be able to stop the war cause of the american pressure think again.only reason you won in 1971 our soldiers had no supply lines cause whole india was in between +bengalies were with ya who is going to help ya this time kalia.:blah::blah:
This is a Pak , defense forum - what do you expect Sir.

Why don't you visit indian defense forum and would find out the difference. The kind of posts written by the indians and allowed by the administrators speak of itself.
Why don't you visit indian defense forum and would find out the difference. The kind of posts written by the indians and allowed by the administrators speak of itself.

Exactly. I second that! :bunny:
Pakistani involvement in Mumbai attacks unlikely: experts
By Khalid Hasan

WASHINGTON: A panel of experts interviewed by CNN appeared to all but rule out the possibility of Pakistani involvement in the Mumbai attacks.
One of the experts, John McLaughlin, a former number two at CIA, said that his experience with Indian intelligence services was that they were very good individually but they do not talk to each other as much as they should. It is possible that they had information about the likelihood of a terrorist attack but that information did not get fully circulated within the Indian system. That, he added, would be what his experience would suggest. Frances Townsend, who served as a senior official for National Security in the Bush White House, said Indian authorities were in receipt of many threats and this could well have been one of them.
Peter Bergen, CNN expert on terrorism, said if the Mumbai attacks were found to have linkages with ‘rogue’ elements in the Pakistani military intelligence agency, that would ‘change the game’. He recalled that India had accused Pakistani agencies of being behind the attack on the Indian embassy in Kabul and if similar involvement of such elements was discovered, that would be “very provocative as far as India is concerned”.
McLaughlin, in answer to a question about Pakistan pulling back troops from its border with Afghanistan to deploy them on its eastern border with India, said “we should be most concerned. If I were looking for an Al Qaeda hand in this, this may be giving them too much credit for strategic thinking. I would see that Al Qaeda would encourage Lashkar-i-Toiba or some other group to do this precisely to achieve that outcome because al Qaeda has the sanctuary up there along that border. It is under some pressure both from the United States and Pakistan. This will be one way to relieve that pressure.”

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Why don't you visit indian defense forum and would find out the difference. The kind of posts written by the indians and allowed by the administrators speak of itself.

I was a member of IDF and was banned within 2 weeks.
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