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Multiple Terrorist groups claim Wagah Border attack, 55 people killed.

Bomb blast and that too on Wagah. Foreign hand could be involved in this blast.
Time to start operation now in Balochistan.

After more than 50% decrease in fatalities this year,now we get this

You are spot on we need to start in a military operation in Balochistan very soon to flush out the safe havens of these filthy beasts, who have an evil agenda against Pakistan, no more good gestures, Pakistan's survival is at stake.
Bullcrap sold to indians like you- come forward with UNSC declaration of him being a terrorist- dont waste my time with UNSC appeal for evidences-
Love it when Pakistanis like you display their naivety. Do remember that the Kashmir resolution is also from the same UNSC which Pakistan keeps crying about. And that resolution is a non binding resolution.

Where as HS is declared as a terrorist by UNSC under a binding resolution.

Anyway, lets get back to the topic
Maybe trying to face them off in a conventional war if they try rather than whoring out the country to the highest bidder. Even today, most south Punjab madrassahs get funding from King Abdulllah's Arabia.

I suggest you stop looking at the flags i carry- with your preconceived perseption that came along with the looking it would be impossible to convince you even otherwise-
Conventional war with the supposedly superpower USSR?- what would you have done then?- Sold yourself to the highest bidder for supplies and reinforcements?- what would have that gotten is into?- yeah you guessed it right- again lots of Ak47 along with stingers and other good stuff in the hands of tribals at the front- cant understand your logic-
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You are spot on we need to start in a military operation in Balochistan very soon to flush out the safe havens of these filthy beasts, who have an evil agenda against Pakistan, no more good gestures, Pakistan's survival is at stake.

Against TTP we are already involved and the terrorism of TTP origin has already decreased though apart from to continue with the operation zarbeazb/khyber 1.We need to start operation in Balochistan aswell.
Lasting Indian would offer best wish sincerity to the Pakistan victim suffer under terrorist suicidal attack on Pakistan soil, you expect Indian wouldn't shed no tear for the dead or maimed innocent Pakistani whom are the victims of terrorist act inside Pakistan.
Can't blame the enemy for exploiting the situation when we have terrorist producing factories right at home...
Need to shut these madressahs down !
Bullcrap sold to indians like you- come forward with UNSC declaration of him being a terrorist- dont waste my time with UNSC appeal for evidences-

Hafiz Saeed to challenge UN in ICJ over UNSC sanctions
by pakpoint on December 11, 2008

The chief of a Pakistani Islamic charity, who was added by the United Nations Security Council to a list of people facing sanctions for links with al-Qaida and the Taliban, Thursday announced to challenge the decision in the International Court of Justice.

Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, chief of Jamaat-ud-Daawa, rejected the UN decision and said it was taken in haste and without listening to him while addressing a press conference.

Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, Haji Muhammad Ashraf and Mohammad Ahmed Bahaziq, are “subject to the assets freeze, travel ban and arms embargo,” set out in Security Council resolution 1822 of 2008, said the al-Qaida and Taliban Sanctions Committee on Wednesday.

The above-mentioned names belong to the banned “Lashkar-e-Taiba” group which has been blamed by India for the Mumbai attacks, which killed nearly 180 people and injured over 300 others.

The Security Council panel also said that the charity Jamaat-ud-Daawa was a front for Lashkar-e-Taiba and subject to sanctions.

“We will seek relief from Pakistani courts and will also approach International Court of Justice,” Hafiz Saeed told a news conference.

“The ban has been imposed on India’s behest. It is an attack on Islam and religious group and also on Pakistan,” he said.

“They are trying to put ban on Islamic charity and we have the right to respond to the propaganda against us,” Saeed said.

He denied involvement in the Mumbai attacks and said that India should provide evidence to courts and he would appear before the courts.

Hafiz Saeed to challenge UN in ICJ over UNSC sanctions

Jamat-ud-Dawah, Hafiz Saeed, Zaki-ur-Rehman, Haji Ashraf added to UN terror list

December 11, 2008, 8:42 am

Jamat-ud-Dawah, Hafiz Saeed, Zaki-ur-Rehman, Haji Ashraf added to UN terror list

A UN Security Council panel declared Wednesday that a Pakistan-based charity is a front group for the terrorist organization blamed in the attacks on Mumbai that killed 171 people. In a move sought by India and the US, the panel said the charity Jamaat-ud-Dawa is a front for the Pakistani militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba and now subject to UN sanctions on terrorist organizations. It also approved the designation of four suspected plotters of the Mumbai attacks as terrorists subject to sanctions. The UN identified all four individuals as leaders of Lashkar. They include Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, operations chief and the alleged mastermind of the Mumbai siege whose arrest was announced Wednesday. The others are Hafiz Mohammed Saeed, the leader of the charity; Haji Muhammad Ashraf, Lashkar's chief of finance; and Mahmoud Mohammad Ahmed Bahaziq, a financier with Lashkar. Among the sanctions imposed on the group and the four individuals by the Security Council's al-Qaida and Taliban Sanctions Committee were an asset freeze, travel ban and arms embargo on the individuals. The panel is authorized to make such decisions on behalf of the Security Council. India had pressed the Security Council for sanctions against the charity on Tuesday, contending along with the US that Jamaat-ud-Dawa is a front for Lashkar. Since 2005, that sanctions committee -- a powerful tool of the UN's powerhouse 15-nation Security Council -- has considered Lashkar to be a terrorist organization affiliated with al-Qaida. The US and European Union also have sanctioned the group. By agreeing that Jamaat-ud-Dawa is essentially an alias for Lashkar, the UN panel has significantly added to India's pressure for Pakistan's civilian government to prove that it is cracking down on militant groups and pursuing extremists blamed for last month's siege of India's commercial capital.
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Against TTP we are already involved and the terrorism of TTP origin has already decreased though apart from to continue with the operation zarbeazb/khyber 1.We need to start operation in Balochistan aswell.[/QUOTE

I guess the chief minister of Balochistan has a soft heart for these terrorists, so I doubt he will let the military do a big operation against these rat holes.
Pakistan know full well there is highly chance mastermind and funded this terrorist act can be originated in India.
Its RAW, Mossad and CIA interests are not threatened so they wouldn't bother with this. This is part of Modi's new strategy of dealing with Pakistan, he has been quite explicit in his speeches of how he will deal with Pakistan and this is the result of India activating its espionage activities in Pakistan. The current Government led by NS is quite adamant to achieve peace with India at any cost, the question will they give the ISI the go ahead to reply in kind or the ISI will just reply in kind without the approval of the Federal Government?

I highly doubt that RAW has anything to do with this. Pakistani Armed forces have dealt some shocking blows to the militant organisations in their turf, and to assume there would be zero backlash is improbable.

India and Indians alike has no interest fomenting any violence inside pakistan, it doesn't serve any strategic goals for India. But Indian Boogeman syndrome does help pakistani agencies absolve themselves of it's inability to choke the sporadically dispersed support these anti-Pak organisations enjoy within the tribal belt. Also pakistan has woken up quite late to realise the threat that emanates from implosion of asymmetric assets, the operations being conducted now should have been paced throughout 2002 when there was a huge exodus of such creatures from afghanistan.

Pakistan can blame India a much as it likes to cover it's short-comings, the bottom line is these aren't RSS members crossing over on dingies to karachi, these are homegrown assets cultivated by the ISI's handbook, now that these assets are being used by splinter groups who have lost it's partnership with ISI, it is easy to shift the blame to india for loosing it's grip on it's own foot-soldiers.
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