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Multiple Terrorist groups claim Wagah Border attack, 55 people killed.

True Story. Americans are more Islamic than Pakistanis, you see? :D

There is no extent of human ability to rationalize the truth.

Lol when it comes to money and better economic opportunities, "Islam yahaan aur mein wahaan!" for these people. I wonder why these thekaydaars of the faith always choose tolerant and secular nations like Canada, USA, Australia etc rather than sharia compliant states like Saudi Arabia, Brunei etc....
Its RAW, Mossad and CIA interests are not threatened so they wouldn't bother with this. This is part of Modi's new strategy of dealing with Pakistan, he has been quite explicit in his speeches of how he will deal with Pakistan
his national security adviser and head of RAW has operated in Pakistan in the past for 20 years and is one of those who say Pakistan shouldn't be given any chance. and must be taught a lesson.
hence Baloch separatists are being helped from the Pak Afghan side. TTP resident leadership in Kunar and Nooristan is being funded and supported via Northern Alliance regime and then the whole eastern front is ignited while the Pakistan army is busy with fighting the insurgency in Tribal areas. to top it up, on the media and diplomatic front Pakistan is being besieged and now water is being used as a weapon by stopping the agreed water for Pakistan and then suddenly opening the flood gates . meanwhile a select Pakistani channels that have sufficient Indian stakes are towing the lines of Indians and not only busy spreading despair among people and mocking the existence of Pakistan but also constantly running a smear campaign against Pakistan army calling it enemy of peace and spreading terrorism.the same group of foreign paid journalists and writers exhibit a complete mum when Indians are openly seen engaging in unprovoked attacks and escalation of tension. in short anything what a worthy enemy is expected to do is being done by India.
You had no point to begin with. Zia gave people living in caves AK-47s. Period. This open border for afghanis policies was also by Zia.
Zia gave the cavemen Ak47 or the cavemen entered Pakistan from Afghanistan with their AK47s?-
Zia was responsible for distributing amerikan goodies in Afghanistan-
Whats the alternative you have in mind specially when the soviets started to violate our airspace?-
That is not correct.

Through Afghanistan, RAW was able to provide money and weapons to Groups operating inside Pakistan. Modi is playing it smart, he does need to build a human intel network inside Pakistan. That is dangerous and puts the lives of the operators in danger, all he is doing now is providing weapons/money to Anti Pak Groups which are plenty headquartered in Afghanistan.
Yes, as I said, they do have a network in Afghanistan now. Revived in the last 9 years.
However the fact is that as of now, India can not by limitation-of-capability, conduct any fine combed operation in Pakistan. It would have to depend on third parties based in Afghanistan entirely.

The other aspect of building a n/w in Pakistan is that right now India is mainly dependent on technical resources for gleaning information, human intelligence is close to zero. That will change in the coming 5 years.
Feel free to forward your queries to @Icarus, as he works first hand with Pakistan's intelligence agencies.
Don't need to here. There is plenty of open source material.

India would have the covert abilities in say 5 years. Its premature right now.
Any thing substantial to add or you gona resort to your favourite one liner get aways?-
No getaways. And Zia plunging Pakistan into a civil war, just to get brownie points from Uncle Sam in Afghanistan is fairly substantial in my view. And very difficult to get away from
Condolence has little to do with actions elsewhere. Am I to suddenly beleive that the majority of Indians from India suddently had a change of heart after counting the civilians deaths as trophies in the LoC flare up thread with near joy now find those lost in terror sad?
So essentially, If India kills innocent civilians it is not sad and if they are hit by terrorists it is sad?
dear ... LOC firing .. is between two armies.. yes people lost life .. RIP to those. ..that alos not accpetble ..
blowing your dear one in front of you is not acceptable to any one .. anyone.. irrespective of nationality ..
India by design did not kill... it was civilian casulaty both side due to armed armies..
get diffrence between tension between two armies/nation and terrorist attack
That is not correct.

Through Afghanistan, RAW was able to provide money and weapons to Groups operating inside Pakistan. Modi is playing it smart, he does need to build a human intel network inside Pakistan. That is dangerous and puts the lives of the operators in danger, all he is doing now is providing weapons/money to Anti Pak Groups which are plenty headquartered in Afghanistan.

Feel free to forward your queries to @Icarus, as he works first hand with Pakistan's intelligence agencies.

Pakistanis with their conspiracy theories!!!! Brainwashed to the hilt to hate India.

Sorry can't help you!!!! All you are destined to die in fit of rage!! May God help you!!!
That is not correct.

Through Afghanistan, RAW was able to provide money and weapons to Groups operating inside Pakistan. Modi is playing it smart, he does need to build a human intel network inside Pakistan. That is dangerous and puts the lives of the operators in danger, all he is doing now is providing weapons/money to Anti Pak Groups which are plenty headquartered in Afghanistan.

Feel free to forward your queries to @Icarus, as he works first hand with Pakistan's intelligence agencies.

Your assumption that India is the only country that is operating in Afghanistan is not correct !!

The War on Islam is going on, destabilizing the Muslim countries and making them failed.

Regarding the ISI intel network that is operating in India or RAW network operating in Pakistan.

No matter how peaceful both countries become the agencies will be there monitoring each other. India is the bogey man for Pakistanis even though a Big Godzilla in the form of USA is present in Afghanistan controlling every thing from drugs to arms supplies.
Condolence has little to do with actions elsewhere. Am I to suddenly beleive that the majority of Indians from India suddently had a change of heart after counting the civilians deaths as trophies in the LoC flare up thread with near joy now find those lost in terror sad?
So essentially, If India kills innocent civilians it is not sad and if they are hit by terrorists it is sad?
also see who took responsibility ..
with the help of your Country's fund that ideology remains alive..

Do get your facts rectified. Most of the fundings still pour in from the middle east. Currently a huge sum has gone into funding of ISIS in Pakistan and the money has come in from SA...those are claims of Pakistani News channel Dawn. The ideology was kept alive by Pakistan in the form of Taliban in Afghanistan. And when the USA gave money you switched sides...you chose one devil over the other. Blaming India is the easiest way to wash your hands off the mistakes you guys as a nation did. Rather than nation building most of your "Jarnails" were busy waging wars. You can keep blaming India...but it won't change the facts neither will it improve the situation.
Well, you have a court case(though like most Pakistani anti terrorism actions, its a sham) going on against Pakistani nationals in Pakistan. And HS is a UNSC designated terrorist . Good enough..
Bullcrap sold to indians like you- come forward with UNSC declaration of him being a terrorist- dont waste my time with UNSC appeal for evidences-
Zia gave the cavemen Ak47 or the cavemen entered Pakistan from Afghanistan with their AK47s?-
Zia was responsible for distributing amerikan goodies in Afghanistan-
Whats the alternative you have in mind specially when the soviets started to violate our airspace?-

Maybe trying to face them off in a conventional war if they try rather than whoring out the country to the highest bidder. Even today, most south Punjab madrassahs get funding from King Abdulllah's Arabia.

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