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Multiple Terrorist groups claim Wagah Border attack, 55 people killed.

RIP...Very Sad

NDTV is saying that 52 killed...
Bro people are helping each other, no government is there till now, look at this at our borders we don't have government institution, this show how Pakistan is run by these scum bags,

Gurkhi wont let any DHU to open in Wagha side, otherwise their hospital will be doom.
I believe we have been hijacked by those munafiq MoFos who were actually against Pakistan. It's time that we must kick them right in their balls no matter where they are serving in establishment or politics "fu€k them all".
they have more power janab can we? we mean? sorry
WTF is this Jandallah? Wasn't it supposed to be a baloch terrorist organization working against Iran? Can anyone aware me on it?
My condolences to the families who've lost their loved ones in the wagah border attack today

Jundallah, Al Harar and TTP Hakimullah Mahsud claiming responsibility for this blast.

Is killing many a trophy?
All politicos and generals are gandus today. If Zia ul Haq was alive today, these Indian paan spitters would be begging for mercy. I'm starting to hate Pakistan because of the people in power today.

No wonder Pakistan is in this condition

Any ways ur internal matters

RIP to Innocents souls
Why are you gloating on this thread? Watch the footage of what's happening there right now and you'll feel like an idiot. People are devastated having lost their loved ones.

Sorry Dear, this is not the cause!!! Its heavy loss of life!!!!

But please look at the pathetic posts of @RazPaK. He is disowning the Cause of Pakistan.

We Indians are deeply shocked& hurt at what has happened!!

But as the like of @RazPaK should understand the anguish of Pakistan as a nation, which at this time need consolation.
Mainly two reasons
1) People are always present there in large numbers specially in the evening. More will be the blood, more would be terror spread among the people
2) Heavy presence of Punjab Rangers, if i am not wrong, 3 soldiers also lost there precious lives due to this coward attack.
Army has almost destroyed TTP's command and control centers during Zarb e Azb, and due to that intensity of backlash form these butchers are on its lowest. Government authorities were warning already about such incidents. But these incidents will become more and more infrequent as the time will progress.

Very very sad. They may even be killing their own family. Hopefully no kids in this mayhem.
The guys who order this must be hanged, drawn and quartered.
WTF is this Jandallah? Wasn't it supposed to be a baloch terrorist organization working against Iran? Can anyone aware me on it?
game went so deep boss so deep just keep watching afghanistan pakistan are on mercy of terror groups and world agencies .
How were the guys able to carry bomb in the first place

I remember when I visited wagah from the Indian side.....it was heavily secured with multiple checkpoints,metal detectors and dog squads ......
it's shocking
Very very sad. They may even be killing their own family. Hopefully no kids in this mayhem.
The guys who order this must be hanged, drawn and quartered.

No hanging his Family should be blown in front of him and he must be put in a cell of 6x6 for his life.
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