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Multiple Sources: Backroom dealings underway to release bin Laden Doctor, Shakeel Afridi

He(Qamar Bajwa) is totally opposite to his looks.:(..What we will get in return ?
What is Gen Qamar Bajwa upto? like really? first Chandu chavan gone, then Hafiz Saeed detained, now Shakil Afridi..then next....what? kulbhushan yadev? why so much appeasement of US/India, since Gen Qamar Bajwa came?

Don't worry. Everyone is watching. Hafiz Saeed is something we can live with. It is only House detention. He can't do anything that will upset the people or the established order. If he does, he will be destroying the reputation of the Pak armed forces beyond repair.
This is so disappointing to see such a bad policy making by PAK establishment can't believe these are those generals who were once part of Gen Raheel's team.
Wen will they learn to stand up, whatever dignity we earned in Gen RS time is being drained by these goons.
This is another episode of Raymond Davis.
They are basicallly encouraging traitor sort of people to cooperate with CIA/enemies in future and US will not let them alone so we should expect more Afridi like people to stand up against the state.


It is amazing you do not think to ask any questions of the idiots who allowed OBL to stay in Pakistan
No wonder Pakistan is in the doldrums
It is amazing you do not think to ask any questions of the idiots who allowed OBL to stay in Pakistan
No wonder Pakistan is in the doldrums
True but wen u had an excellent time with the brave Gen like RS and in world policy just recently enjoyed, u freak out to see the the reverse gear is set to move the country and policy.
Was not Dr Afia case on table for this idiot but RS didn't allow him.
But this new Gen is not brave enough to handle

True but wen u had an excellent time with the brave Gen like RS and in world policy just recently enjoyed, u freak out to see the the reverse gear is set to move the country and policy.
Was not Dr Afia case on table for this idiot but RS didn't allow him.
But this new Gen is not brave enough to handle


Does Pakistan really want Dr Afia ?
Quran explains all do more statements in one sentence. No matter what we do they would ask for more.

"And the Jews will not be pleased with you, nor the Christians until you follow their religion". al-Baqarah 2:120
Backroom dealings underway to release hero doc who helped get Bin Laden

Video: http://video.foxnews.com/v/2358737874001/

Negotiations to release Shakil Afridi – the hero doctor who helped the CIA pinpoint Usama Bin Laden – have gained momentum the past few weeks and he could be released as early as May, multiple sources told Fox News.

Another well-placed source, a U.S intelligence government contractor, told Fox News that there is a lot of “backroom dealing” between Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and the Pakistan Army on the matter. The two parties are negotiating concessions, with a release possible in around three to four months. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and the newly-appointed ISI Chief, Naveed Mukhtar, are said to have both asked for immunity for Afridi. But before that could move forward it needs approval from the Army Chief of Operations, Gen. Waseem Ashraf.

The former military leader, Gen. Raheel Sharif, retired late last year and the power shift now to Ashraf has delayed the process.

“Ultimately, Gen. Ashraf decides Afridi’s status,” the source noted.

The Pakistan Embassy in D.C did not respond to a request for comment.

However, in December top Pakistani diplomat Tariq Fatemi told Voice of America that his country would be “willing” to discuss Afridi’s freedom with the U.S and also told local reporters that they were looking forward to working with the Trump administration. Afridi’s fate is expected to be at the forefront of President Donald Trump’s dialogue with Pakistan. While on the campaign circuit last May, the then-GOP frontrunner insisted that, if elected, he would secure Afridi’s freedom “in two minutes.”

Another insider connected to Islamabad officials said that the Pakistan Army does want to free Afridi but the biggest concern is “how to save face from the country.”

A high-ranking Pentagon official previously involved in negotiations to have Afridi released told Fox News that exhaustive efforts were made to establish some kind of “prisoner swap.” However, it was ultimately rejected because Pakistani officials didn’t want anything in return and did not want to appear “weak” by caving in to public pressure from the United States.

“This left the CIA paralyzed,” the insider said. “But the ISI assured [the U.S.] that they would release him once the press about him calmed down.”

First of all the person is not a hero as he committed some grave crimes inside Pakistan , apart from the end result (alleged result) -
Or DID he embarrass Pakistanis by acting as a hero, a role that Pakistanis revile?

Just about all the "offences" you cite are either phony or Dr. A. had no role in perpetrating. Dr. A. did not commit treason against Pakistan. He did not work with polio vaccines (and if you google search you'll find just who originated this idea). His Hepatitis A vaccine program was real. And so on.

Perhaps the real reason Dr. A.'s release is controversial is this: he may not want to leave Pakistan.
Get F sola laraka tyaraa and get rid of him
I have been hearing the same news since 2011 and its 2017 and there is yet little hope of his release. I think one day he will be released but I am not sure if its 2037 or 2042
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