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Mullen & Kayani Attempt to Salvage US-Pak Relationship

I respect what your point of view is, however we need to understand that the only entity that is important in this equation is US and the messsage of what they think is clear from what Adm. Mullen has articulated. Regarding if CIA is the villain or is it ISI, then none of the agencies have their hands clean. Considering rana's and headly?s statement, let us not claim sainthood on this for any agency.

I don't think the US is the only important entity in this equation, otherwise they would have already won the War on Terror, which they haven't of course.
Not really, seems like sour grapes from Mullen to deflect the criticism the AfPak war, especially with how the war is faring & the covert activities of CIA agent Raymond Davis being exposed by the ISI.
I respect what your point of view is, however we need to understand that the only entity that is important in this equation is US and the messsage of what they think is clear from what Adm. Mullen has articulated. Regarding if CIA is the villain or is it ISI, then none of the agencies have their hands clean. Considering rana's and headly?s statement, let us not claim sainthood on this for any agency.
I respect what your point of view is, however we need to understand that the only entity that is important in this equation is US and the messsage of what they think is clear from what Adm. Mullen has articulated. Regarding if CIA is the villain or is it ISI, then none of the agencies have their hands clean. Considering rana's and headly?s statement, let us not claim sainthood on this for any agency.

David Headley was a CIA agent. Tahawwur Hussain Rana is currently under investigation for his alleged role in the 2008 Mumbai attacks. The trial has not begun, but as of now he is innocent as charged.

US drones have destroyed girls school in Pakistan, they have killed thousands women and children, destroyed people's homes in Pakistan.
US has destroyed entire villages, has slaughtered thousands of Afghan civilians, has completely ravaged the country.
Rather than helping their allies, they decide to make Pakistan the scapegoat and start murdering Pakistani civilians.
There was never such a level of extremism in Pakistan before the tribal areas were destroyed. Its the US that is to thank for extremism in Pakistan.
And as regards your links, everyone becomes a militant once they are murdered by the US. And anyone would become extremist after their wife and children were murdered and the known perpetrator wasn't brought to justice.
Ab zara apna bakwas band karo.

Dude, I agree with what you said here. However Pakistan govt policy of sheltering and using terrorists for maintaining hold in Afghanistan and attacking India is as much to blame if not more as USA for this mess Pakistan finds itself in.
You say there was never this level of extremism in Pakistan before WoT. And thats true. Since at that time, Pakistan govt and the taliban were working hand in hand without any complications and Pakistan was a supporter/Mentor to these terrorists. Obviously, they were not attacking Pakistan. It was only after USA forced its way in to attack these terrorists that they got upset with Pakistan for not being able to keep the USA out.

Its like riding a tiger. You get killed only when you try to get off.. In this case, USA made/trying to make Pakistan get off the tiger of terrorism it was riding.
Dude, I agree with what you said here. However Pakistan govt policy of sheltering and using terrorists for maintaining hold in Afghanistan and attacking India is as much to blame in not more as USA for this mess Pakistan finds itself in.
You say there was never this level of extremism in Pakistan before WoT. And thats true. Since at that time, Pakistan govt and the taliban were working hand in hand without any complications and Pakistan was a supporter/Mentor to these terrorists. Obviously, they were not attacking Pakistan. It was only after USA forced its way in to attack these terrorists that they got upset with Pakistan for not being able to keep the USA out.

Its like riding a tiger. You get killed only when you try to get off.. In this case, USA made/trying to make Pakistan get off the tiger of terrorism it was riding.

What proof do you have for this statement? Even Mullen doesn't have the proof for this, which is why the ISI hasn't been blacklisted as a terrorist organization, what proof do you have for even claiming this?
I don't think the US is the only important entity in this equation, otherwise they would have already won the War on Terror, which they haven't of course.
US is the only important entity in this situation. The war continues till US businesses want it to continue. But plan also needs to show its winning + ensure long term agreeable strategic situation in the region. How things are panning out clearly indicate what they desire that situation to be. And maybe we can keep the jingoism about pakistani importance here out of a reality based discussion. Davis issue culmination has clearly shown who is who when the lights go out.
What proof do you have for this statement? Even Mullen doesn't have the proof for this, which is why the ISI has not been blacklisted as a terrorist organization, what proof do you have for even claiming this?

Has been admitted by you presidents (Mushharraf and Zardari) on at least 2 occasions. Am too lazy atm to again find and paste those links.. Google it up
US is the only important entity in this situation. The war continues till US businesses want it to continue.

False, the US economy is being destroyed because of this war, so I don't see this war going on for long.

Davis issue culmination has clearly shown who is who when the lights go out.

The Davis issue has given the ISI leverage over the CIA.
Has been admitted by you presidents (Mushharraf and Zardari) on at least 2 occasions. Am too lazy atm to again find and paste those links.. Google it up

Zardari never said anything like that. It is the claim of some Western journalists who "apparently" heard him say that. Western journalists are not Zardari &/or Musharraf. Musharraf has said that the Pakistani government supported Kashmiri rebels in the 90's, but Kashmir isn't a part of India as per UN mandate, so I don't see that as an issue. Neither Zardari nor Musharraf have ever said that Pakistan supported the Taliban. Post me the links where Zardari & Musharraf directly say that, not some Western journalist.
David Headley was a CIA agent. Tahawwur Hussain Rana is currently under investigation for his alleged role in the 2008 Mumbai attacks. The trial has not begun, but as of now he is innocent as charged.

Tahawwur Hussain Rana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Please let us stay away from the LeT / Headly + rana / ISI / JuD connections away from here. You are entitled to your thinking and I will respect that, however much I know it to be wrong.
You know.. the whole BOLD and color thing seems to look like a nice cynical move.. but it actually looks ridiculous..
people will read the article, bolding it, upsizing it.. makes it look like the job of a 2bit cheap gossiping old lady.
Zardari never said anything like that. It is the claim of some Western journalists who "apparently" heard him say that. Western journalists are not Zardari &/or Musharraf. Musharraf has said that the Pakistani government supported Kashmiri rebels in the 90's, but Kashmir isn't a part of India as per UN mandate, so I don't see that as an issue. Neither Zardari nor Musharraf have ever said that Pakistan supported the Taliban. Post me the links where Zardari & Musharraf directly say that, not some Western journalist.

So if USA is attacking your innocent civilians, and no terrorists (lol), take it to international court.. Why dont you?? ;)
So if USA is attacking your innocent civilians, and no terrorists (lol), take it to international court.. Why dont you?? ;)

As of now, almost everyone ('significant') in the world believes the War on Terror is legitimate. Pakistan really doesn't need the US right now as much the US needs Pakistan, but if Pakistan decides to abandon the US, it faces the risk of being completely cut off from the rest of the world. That's the only reason it's in this war right now. The US is already losing the war in Afghanistan, because the drone attacks produce more terrorists than it kills them, & its only a matter of time before the US eventually pulls out, like the Soviet Union did, unless they want to completely destroy their economy. So Pakistan cannot abandon the US right now, but it can expose the activities of the CIA to the whole world, which it is currently doing right now. The image of both the CIA & the US Army has been completely tarnished in Pakistan & Afghanistan, as well in most of the world. It is under tremendous pressure from its local population to withdraw the troops, & its only a matter of time till they can hold out. The US economy is completely shattered right now, & I living in America can testify to this.
whatever he says we don't care ..... the bottom line is we ain't give them way out that easily ....... USA is changing the tactics to get out from afghanistan by preasurerising pakistan govt and arm forces .... and as if we gonna start operation in north wazaristan ........did they start operation in kandhar no they never did then give us a break and get the f*** outta here
Just pressure tactics .... They want ISI again to help US after those murder of Maliks by US strike... And the best it can do is by showing sympathy to Indians thats why he talked about LeT.
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