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Mughal influence in India and Indian history

Timur was technically Uzbek, he was from Samarkand and the Mughals claim to be children of Timur. In physical appearance the central asian turks, uzbeks, mongols all look more or less the same.

Akbar may not have been a good looking man like Hrithik Roshan, but he cannot be fat. Akbar was said to be physically very strong. He had grown up in a life full of hardships. He used to train elephants for the fun and was a capable horse rider and wrestler. Mughal princes were in fact required to know wrestling, sword fighting, horse riding etc. It was protocol.

This is the actual sketch of Akbar.

Nice try to spin a Sikh Rajput divide :lol: ...... India is Hindu because of ALL Hindu kings who fought for Hinduism. From Kashmir to kanyakumari.

Yea, like the rajputs who betrayed and killed sikhs. Hindus exist in north India because of Sikhs.

LOL. That picture is from "Jahangirnama", official sanctioned memoirs of Emperor Jahangir. It does not get any more real or authentic that that.

The picture could be from anywhere. Where is the proof that it is from Jahangirnama? History records Amar Singh bowing before Akbar while you come up with some obscure painting claiming to be history. You are dumber than your name.

A very FEW Rajputs converted, MAJORITY remained Hindu and fought for Hinduism.

So the pakistani rajputs fell from the sky?

History says the rajputs fought the Sikhs who defended Hindu religion in north India and against the Marathas and the Ahoms both of whom were Hindus. So how did rajputs protect Hindu religion?

And stop with your fake rajput history. I genuinely have no interest in your lies and fake myths. This thread is about Mughals so stick to the topic.
EVERYBODY :cheesy: Rajputs were distrusted and hated by the Mughals and vice versa.

Man Singh is a much hated figure in Rjaput history and narrative. MahaRana pratap and Rana Sangh are their Heroes. what does that tell you ?:P


That is what you do when you loose a war :lol: ............ doesen't make them best friends. LOL.


So ? No Rajput respects them.

Oh bhai, most Rajasthani hindu rajputs did give their daughters to mughal emperors, including the Rathods of Jodhpur. You can deny all you want, but reality is reality. Even when Mughals had lost all power outside of Delhi, some rajputs did not stop giving wives to them, hence Bahadur Shah Zafar also had a rajput mother.

And we Pakistani rajputs consider Rajasthanis "beghairat" of the highest order, and think they are really ugly. We respect the Dogra and Himachali rajputs though, for they did not spread their legs like you guys did, and because we have ancestral links with them. They also look different from Rajasthanis.

We are not racially related to Rajasthani and Deccan/Malwa rajputs anyway.
Description of Akbar by Christian Jesuit missionary, Father Monserrate:

"One could easily recognise even at the first glance that he is King. He has broad shoulders, somewhat bandy legs well suited for horsemanship, and a light brown complexion. He carries his head bent towards the right shoulder. His forehead is broad: and open, his eyes so bright and flashing that they seem like a sea shimmering in the sunlight. His eyelashes are very long. His eyebrows are not strongly marked. His nose is straight and small though not insignificant. His nostrils are widely open as though in derision. Between the left nostril and the upper lip there is: a mole. He shaves his beard but wears a moustache. He limps in his left leg though he has never received an injury there. His body is exceedingly well built and is neither too thin nor too stout. He is sturdy, hearty and robust. When he laughs his face becomes almost distorted. His expression is tranquil, serene and open, full also of dignity, and when he is angry awful majesty."

By his son Salim, (later Jahingir)

"My father always associated with the Iearned of every creed and religion, especially the Pundits and the learned of India, and, although he was illiterate, so much became clear to him through constant intercourse with the learned and the wise, in his conversations with them, that no one knew him to be illiterate, and he was so well acquainted with the niceties-of verse and prose compositions that his deficiency was not thought of. In his august personal appearance he was of middle height, but inclining to be tall, he was of the hue of wheat; his eyes and eyebrows were black, and his complexion rather dark than fair; he was lion-bodied with a broad chest, and his hands and arms long. On the left side of his nose he had a fleshy mole, very agreeable in appearance, of the size of half a pea. Those skilled in the science of physiognomy considered this mole a sign of great prosperity and exceeding good fortune. His august voice was very loud, and in speaking and explaining, had a peculiar richness. In his actions and movements he was not like the people of the world, and the Glory of God manifested itself in him. Notwithstanding his Kingship, his treasures and his buried wealth past computation, his fighting elephants and Arab horses, he never by a hair's breadth placed his foot beyond the base of humility before the Throne of God, and never for one moment forgot Him. He associated with the good of every race and creed and persuasion, and was gracious to all in accordance with their condition and understanding. He passed his nights in wakefulness, and slept little in the day; the Iength of his sleep during a whole night and day was not more than a watch and a half. He counted his wakefulness at night as so much added to his life. His courage and boldness were such that he could mount raging, rutting elephants, and subdued to obedience murderous elephants which would not allow their own females near them. Of the austerities practised by my revered father one was not eating the flesh of animals. During three months of the year he ate meat, and for the remaining nine, contented himself with Sufi food and was in no way pleased with the slaughter of animals. On many days and in many months this was forbidden to the people."
India being Hindu has got nothing to do with pratap. North India is Hindu because of Sikhs who protected the weak rajputs. Deccan is Hindu because of Marathas.

Wow, a painting. I mean it is for sure that you can name every single one of those men in the painting and where the fcuk in the painting is it mentioned that the man is Shah Jahan?

Chauhan is a pakistani rajput now? So prithviraj chauhan was a pakistani?

The weakling rajputs who hid in the jungles and bowed before mughals being portrayed as super-warriors is manufactured history.

Mughals fought a war with Marathas which lasted for 27 years.

The result was defeat of Mughals and this war bankrupted Mughals.
Timur was technically Uzbek, he was from Samarkand and the Mughals claim to be children of Timur. In physical appearance the central asian turks, uzbeks, mongols all look more or less the same.

If you look closely, they do not look that similar. And Timur was a Tatar; who were Turko-Mongol mix. He spoke the Chagatai turkic language. And Timurids are a part of Uzbekistan but they were not proper Uzbeks. I believe Turkic peoples somehow look different; they are more caucasoid looking than Pure Mongols.
If you look closely, they do not look that similar. And Timur was a Tatar; who were Turko-Mongol mix. He spoke the Chagatai turkic language. And Timurids are a part of Uzbekistan but they were not proper Uzbeks. I believe Turkic peoples somehow look different; they are more caucasoid looking than Pure Mongols.

In very simplistic crude words - they all look Chinese.
Listen here you low-life loser, what are you doing in my thread?

This is public thread on a Public forum, not your private chakla. A loser like you neither has any self esteem, nor intelligence so he/she could not even comprehend the fact that, though Farukkhsiyar may have issued that Firman in delusion that Bengal is part of his empire , that Firman was NEVER enforced because Bengal at that time was under rule of Murshid Quli Khan ,First Nawab of Bengal.

You low life sucker, the firman gave the british the riches they needed to take over bengal. But since you are an uneducated zamadar whose brain did not evolve after 4 years you won't understand this.

Had you not suffered from low IQ , you would have understood that Britishers did not gain anything from that Firman because Bengal at that time was not under Mughals , but Nawabs.They had to fight battle of plassy to enforce that Firman + other concessions.

The Nawabs of Bengal, however, showed scant regard for the imperial farman .

The English
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Yea, like the rajputs who betrayed and killed sikhs. Hindus exist in north India because of Sikhs.

LOL at your pathetic attempts.

The picture could be from anywhere. Where is the proof that it is from Jahangirnama? History records Amar Singh bowing before Akbar while you come up with some obscure painting claiming to be history. You are dumber than your name.

Do you want Jahangir himself to come down and tell you ? :lol:

So the pakistani rajputs fell from the sky?

Who gives a $hit ? :coffee:

History says the rajputs fought the Sikhs who defended Hindu religion in north India and against the Marathas and the Ahoms both of whom were Hindus. So how did rajputs protect Hindu religion?

And stop with your fake rajput history. I genuinely have no interest in your lies and fake myths. This thread is about Mughals so stick to the topic.

There was a truce between the Raja Ram Singh and the Ahom king Chakradhwaj Singha :lol:

Why did Ram Singh let Shivaji and his son escape ? Why did he free Guru Teg Bahadur ? :P We can all see who is spinning fake history :azn:

I am going to continue exposing your lies :D
He did not distort anything.

It was Aurangzeb who declared himself as a holy saint of Islam but the mullahs were too scared to oppose him for obvious reasons.

If you want to hate Mughals for "fighting against Hindus" then feel free to hate them. It is your personal opinion.

But do also hate the rajputs who fought for Mughals and expanded the Mughal empire by fighting against Hindu kings. Who do you think was fighting the Marathas in the deccan for 27 years? The mughal army was led by a rajput commander Raje Mirza. If you hate Aurangzeb then hate this Raje Mirza as well.

The Sikhs had to fight tooth and nail against the rajputs for survival. The battle of chamkour the sons of Guru Gobind Singh were killed by the Mughal army which was majority rajputs. Why do you forget that?

Long before war of 27 years started , Raje Mirza (assuming you are reffering to Mirza Raja Jaisingh) was dead.
Who gives a $hit ? :coffee:

Read my other post directed towards you. The only real rajputs in India are Dogras and Himachalis. You, on the other hand, are "pimp-puts" for there is no better word to describe someone who unilaterally offers his daughter. Genetically, you guys are not related with Dogras and Himachalis either.
Read my other post directed towards you. The only real rajputs in India are Dogras and Himachalis. You, on the other hand, are "pimp-puts" for there is no better word to describe someone who unilaterally offers his daughter. Genetically, you guys are not related with Dogras and Himachalis either.

I am not a Rajput you dumb Fcuk, now piss off. Don't bother replying to me pakistani.

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