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Mr. Ex President (Unkale Mushy) you are wrong once again!


Jan 19, 2009
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“There are no principles in politics”
On the day of that editorial I had a conversation with a Pakistani friend now resident in the UK who had one-on-one conversations with President Parvez Musharaf when he, my friend, was a senior general in Pakistan’s army. According to my friend, Musharaf once said to him: “Should we not make peace with Israel in order to solve some of our problems and forget about these stupid Palestinians?”

My friend replied: “No, Mr President. It’s a matter of principle.”

Just disregard that stupid comment.

Mr. foolish ex - You know what the problem is? You know how could you systemically eliminate the problems? You know how you could really improve the economy?

The answer is not improving ties with Israel. The answer is not bombing parts of Pakistan.

The answer is - You could have started action against the corrupt jernails, politicians (instead forming Q league), judges (instead taking oath from them) and burykats.

You could have introduced reforms that would have helped Pakistan the decades to come. You could have given us a sustainable system.

IF ACCORDING TO YOU AND FELLOW JERNAILS - Pak Army is the only disciplined institution left - You and your fellow jernails have said it many times - If that is the case, no other Jernail would have conspired to kick you out after looking at your reformist agenda. Its all about discipline, isn't? Than what exactly happened? Who did you fear?

Maybe it was a farce. There is no discipline. Its just bunch of commission jawans getting together to make money. Rinse and repeat.

Why you didn't do this is - we all know.

You filled your pockets. Where is that cash stashed? Tell Amrika to give us the amount of kickbacks given to you. What is your son doing these days?

How can I believe that under your command, there were commission jernails caught but you never did anything. How can I believe that? How can I believe that under Kiyani or Unkale Raheel, there are jernails involved in corruption but you (Unkale Raheel and Kiyani) are not? How can I believe that?

Be honest for once.

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What is your son doing these days?

You all have blood money.

Hope God punishes you, the kinks, African and European elite. The day is coming and it is in fact VERY SOON that God will indeed punish you guys. No matter how much Torah, Bible or Quran you read - You all have blood on your hands. God will take care of you all with due respect.

You guys are not worthy of heaven. At all!

Why is that Pakistani ambassador (a public SERVANT - Paid by ghareeb awam's tax money) is doing in this private meeting?

Admiral Shahid Karimullah is a retired four-star admiral who served as the Chief of Naval Staff (CNS), commanded Pakistan Navy from 2002 to 2005.
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Here we go again, another nora lover or democrazy lover on the lose.

if it was real, then musharaf had made ISRAEL MFN?
so all this ,cheap publicity stuff, is paid by noora mafia?
sorry those day s are over , your printing mills geo & jung has been sunked just a litlle while ago ?lolzz:omghaha:
forget about genrls crouptions, here musharaf is standing tall, against a vendictive worst of his political enemy,s in power & also in judiciary, but they all cant find a single case of crouption against him?
sorry, wake up its time to go too, noora madersa?:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
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if it was real, then musharaf had made ISRAEL MFN?
so all this ,cheap publicity stuff, is paid by noora mafia?
sorry those day s are over , your printing mills geo & jung has been sunked just a litlle while ago ?lolzz:omghaha:
forget about genrls crouptions, here musharaf is standing tall, against a vendictive worst of his political enemy,s in power & also in judiciary, but they all cant find a single case of crouption against him?
sorry, wake up its time to go too, noora madersa?:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Lozzzz. you got it.
“There are no principles in politics”
On the day of that editorial I had a conversation with a Pakistani friend now resident in the UK who had one-on-one conversations with President Parvez Musharaf when he, my friend, was a senior general in Pakistan’s army. According to my friend, Musharaf once said to him: “Should we not make peace with Israel in order to solve some of our problems and forget about these stupid Palestinians?”

My friend replied: “No, Mr President. It’s a matter of principle.”

Just disregard that stupid comment.

Mr. foolish ex - You know what the problem is? You know how could you systemically eliminate the problems? You know how you could really improve the economy?

The answer is not improving ties with Israel. The answer is not bombing parts of Pakistan.

The answer is - You could have started action against the corrupt jernails, politicians (instead forming Q league), judges (instead taking oath from them) and burykats.

You could have introduced reforms that would have helped Pakistan the decades to come. You could have given us a sustainable system.

IF ACCORDING TO YOU AND FELLOW JERNAILS - Pak Army is the only disciplined institution left - You and your fellow jernails have said it many times - If that is the case, no other Jernail would have conspired to kick you out after looking at your reformist agenda. Its all about discipline, isn't? Than what exactly happened? Who did you fear?

Maybe it was a farce. There is no discipline. Its just bunch of commission jawans getting together to make money. Rinse and repeat.

Why you didn't do this is - we all know.

You filled your pockets. Where is that cash stashed? Tell Amrika to give us the amount of kickbacks given to you. What is your son doing these days?

How can I believe that under your command, there were commission jernails caught but you never did anything. How can I believe that? How can I believe that under Kiyani or Unkale Raheel, there are jernails involved in corruption but you (Unkale Raheel and Kiyani) are not? How can I believe that?

Be honest for once.

how many arabian countries support to Pakistan on Kashmir issue. Did they break their diplomatic relations with India for the sake of their Muslim brothers? if not then why the hell we bother about Palestanians?
To all trolls denying Uncle Mush love for Israel = search for "Relations with Israel could help Pakistan, says former president Musharraf" in Google & READ IT

Now please don't say that Haaretz (or Reuters - it has the same story) is control by PLMN :D OR like PTI's famous quote "Everyone has done it, What's wrong If we DO it now" :D
To all trolls denying Uncle Mush love for Israel = search for "Relations with Israel could help Pakistan, says former president Musharraf" in Google & READ IT

Now please don't say that Haaretz (or Reuters - it has the same story) is control by PLMN :D OR like PTI's famous quote "Everyone has done it, What's wrong If we DO it now" :D
ok normal shaytaan?
may i ask you, who is trying to have a boderless pakistan with india, whom we were fihhting wars?
noora sharif ?
so what we do now, hang him frist? right?
ok normal shaytaan?
may i ask you, who is trying to have a boderless pakistan with india, whom we were fihhting wars?
noora sharif ?
so what we do now, hang him frist? right?

calling names to other people is naya Pakistan I gues & it is so much PTI, you know :P. Infact why don't you go ahead and make a face too :D

as for your india's allegation= your own Imran Khan suggested to solve Kashmir issue by put aside UN resolution and go for a new solution & he went so far that he accepted that Pak is using its land against India for Mumbai attack, even when India's own Investigation office revelead that India is itself involved in Mumbai attacks. Moreover he suggested that Pakistan and India should establish a civil nuclear plant along the border as to promote peace and stability in the region :D infact he was nothing less than Altaf bhai when he visited India ..
Damn I wist I could post urls but you may search for Daily Mail UK 6 November 2012 article with headline "'I'll bring Mumbai perpetrators to justice' "

Now If we have to hang anyone who want to be friends with India, why don't we add your Imran Khan in the list too?

What the fcuk is " UNKALE "-------where the heck did you go to school----didn't they teach you the correct spellings of " UNKALE ".

No I did not have enough money to go to the school. I went to a government school where I did not get quality education. HOWEVER, I will send my child to military. I will make sure he becomes a general so our living standards improve. I want organic milk&honey too.

if it was real, then musharaf had made ISRAEL MFN?
so all this ,cheap publicity stuff, is paid by noora mafia?
sorry those day s are over , your printing mills geo & jung has been sunked just a litlle while ago ?lolzz:omghaha:
forget about genrls crouptions, here musharaf is standing tall, against a vendictive worst of his political enemy,s in power & also in judiciary, but they all cant find a single case of crouption against him?
sorry, wake up its time to go too, noora madersa?:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Its not about Israel. It never was.

I am talking about his reformist mentality. If he was serious to solve problems, he would have started from home, himself and his country.

He was not serious like all the others. He made schmoney! That was his goal like all the others.

how many arabian countries support to Pakistan on Kashmir issue. Did they break their diplomatic relations with India for the sake of their Muslim brothers? if not then why the hell we bother about Palestanians?

Its never about Israel here. I never mentioned Israel. I said forget about that comment.

I highlighted his logic. He was never serious to solve any real issues. If he really wanted to solve "some" of the problems, he would have started from himself.

How many generals went to jail during his tenure? Do you need me to tell you the corruption?
How many politicians went to jail during his tenure on real corruption charges? They went abroad.
How many businessmen did go to the jail? Contrary the lobbies got stronger.

It was NOT HIS JOB to send people to jail. But it was his job to give a proper system to the country. He never gave that system.

Why did not he eliminate the problems at home and than focus on having good relations with Israel? Let alone that, he could have done both simultaneously.

The story goes that its all about schmoney. Damn the national interests. Damn Allah. Damn everything that comes in between.

Problem is that past 600 years elite has never been accountable. The real elite.

Once they do, the tables will turn.

People will win this war. People of every country.

I literally had tears in my eyes comparing Mushy's son and a son of some tribal guy. Its very unfortunate.

The only thing we demand from the elite is to give us opportunities to thrive. If their kids are smarter than us than so be it. Its good for them. But dont have blood money. Dont sell us.

Thats all we ask for.

Is it too much?

We have destroyed Pakistan.
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No I did not have enough money to go to the school. I went to a government school where I did not get quality education. HOWEVER, I will send my child to military. I will make sure he becomes a general so our living standards improve. I want organic milk&honey too.

Its not about Israel. It never was.

I am talking about his reformist mentality. If he was serious to solve problems, he would have started from home, himself and his country.

He was not serious like all the others. He made schmoney! That was his goal like all the others.

Its never about Israel here. I never mentioned Israel. I said forget about that comment.

I highlighted his logic. He was never serious to solve any real issues. If he really wanted to solve "some" of the problems, he would have started from himself.

How many generals went to jail during his tenure? Do you need me to tell you the corruption?
How many politicians went to jail during his tenure on real corruption charges? They went abroad.
How many businessmen did go to the jail? Contrary the lobbies got stronger.

It was NOT HIS JOB to send people to jail. But it was his job to give a proper system to the country. He never gave that system.

Why did not he eliminate the problems at home and than focus on having good relations with Israel? Let alone that, he could have done both simultaneously.

The story goes that its all about schmoney. Damn the national interests. Damn Allah. Damn everything that comes in between.

Problem is that past 600 years elite has never been accountable. The real elite.

Once they do, the tables will turn.

People will win this war. People of every country.

I literally had tears in my eyes comparing Mushy's son and a son of some tribal guy. Its very unfortunate.

The only thing we demand from the elite is to give us opportunities to thrive. If their kids are smarter than us than so be it. Its good for them. But dont have blood money. Dont sell us.

Thats all we ask for.

Is it too much?

We have destroyed Pakistan.
its been widly evediant the progress & growth, done under musharaf,s time?
i guss you need to find the figures?
2ndly you started as , croupt genrls?
where is the proves of the genrls crouption?
ohh in the air?
he was a humman , he did best if his knowledge, he made some mistakes but the pace on which this country was moving in his times, can be measured by all means?
he was a reformists, thats why opened up media, giving millions of jobs?
giving telecom sector, free hands creating millions of jobs?
giving banks & bringing new banks with wide ranging credits to the local middle class peoples, the opportunity so they can get cars, homes, even electric appliances?
wide ranging ATM facilities?
its was just a dream, these days peoples of pakistan just think about it, cause non of morans rulling pakistan has done that, even fakly elected thrice? or twice?
if you can find a angel , with a majic stick just bring him down to pakistan, might he can be able to fo, what you think a perfect pakistan?

calling names to other people is naya Pakistan I gues & it is so much PTI, you know :P. Infact why don't you go ahead and make a face too :D

as for your india's allegation= your own Imran Khan suggested to solve Kashmir issue by put aside UN resolution and go for a new solution & he went so far that he accepted that Pak is using its land against India for Mumbai attack, even when India's own Investigation office revelead that India is itself involved in Mumbai attacks. Moreover he suggested that Pakistan and India should establish a civil nuclear plant along the border as to promote peace and stability in the region :D infact he was nothing less than Altaf bhai when he visited India ..
Damn I wist I could post urls but you may search for Daily Mail UK 6 November 2012 article with headline "'I'll bring Mumbai perpetrators to justice' "

Now If we have to hang anyone who want to be friends with India, why don't we add your Imran Khan in the list too?
let him become the PM of pakistan , then we ill address all of your dam , accusations?
just sit tight, its is going to happen very soon, or be ready for a marshallaw, with a ganja public hanging to follow?
whatever political mistakes Zimran has done , but still he is seen a honnest leader in & out sude of pakistan?
but for your noora tolla?
they just say one word in all of its forms?
croupt, croupted, crouptest?
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