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MQM's Mustafa Kamal - a Blatant Liar - See it to believe it

shame on this guy....cheap pblicisty stunt by MQM criminal...MQM is radical secular fanatical party having anti islamic sentiments..this assgole got a problem with bearded guys or some bearded guy took his wife away?
^^^^^ LOLZZZZZ :rofl:

OO Man Look at his Face on 1:15 and then his fake smile at 1:34 !!
the most funny part was, even after hearing and seeing his own video, he was saying... "hehehe.....bill Clinton ko mein ne asi koe bhi bat nahi kahi " .
So, mqm apologists - please try to deny this video proof that Mustafa Kamal is a blatant liar?

as much as i hate mqm- i like Sir Mustafa Kamal- i dont care if he abuses on tele- he has done things to karachi city which are admirable and are way more than any one else had done for Pakistan-

After Imran khan- he is the one i look upon as the future-
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hahahahaha.... nicely caught by Iftikhar Ahmed.
All over the world politicos are nothing but ----. Styles differ.
mazloomo kay saathi lives in london please come back to your mazlooms balck magic that you do on them sitting in london


The problem is that muhajirs are conerized. they do not have any option but to support MQM. The Only National Party in Pakistan is PPP but in Sind it is more Sindhi rather than a National one and do not allow muhajirs to be dominant. so MQM will continue to rule muhajirs for some more time.
I am not a MQM supporter, but a hatter.
Still, I appreciate what he has done for Karachi and people or Karachi.

Time can change people. Musharraf did great work for Pakistan. But he even destroyed Pakistan.
Where Pakistan stands today is all due to Musharraf. All the development in Infrastructure, satellites and Nuclear, plus Pakistan economy was done mostly by him, but even the destruction part.

Mustafa Kamal did same, rose Karachi. But now, it seems he's changed.
Anyways, smart thinking is required to fake videos. Some of them are too obvious, like this.
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