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MQM Sold theirselves again.

karachi is tooo important it is responsible for almost 70% of gdp about $110 billion almost the same as the whole of the uae. whether our brothers up contry like it or not, karachi has enormous influence and any one in power in karachi has enormous influence.
Yes and it is suppose to be STABLISHMENT's strong hold but for various reasons, they let MQM control it. It will not be hard for them to take it back though.
I GUSS, the days of confrontation were over, and we all should look forward+ we all start caring each other as well?
MQM's partial alliance with PPP has greatly IRKED nawaz and co. Why? becuz Nawaz wanted PPP completely dependent upon the PML-N for formation of govt.

Someone must have told the MQM to partially ally with PPP. They don't have this much brains.

For Nawaz it was a win-win situation. If the judges were restored, the ex-CJP will strike-off his cases. If not, the PPP govt will be blamed. If PPP does not restore the judges in 1-2 years, the PML-N will break away from PPP coalition, citing public & lawyers pressure.... thus breaking the PPP govt in centre.

With MQM's 24 votes in centre, that will be difficult!
Go for a real free and fair election take MQM out of the Govt. and then go for election, the so called mandate will change dramatically.

Give u an example there was one seat first it was won by PPP, then it was MQM, MQM candidate got 30,500+ , PPPP got 28,000+. Now this election MQM won again the seat and this time MQM guy 95000, and pppp guy got 30000+. LOL if that makes sense for anyone then please go for a HEAD EXAM.

And that MQM is none other then Farooq Sattar, and the case is still in court for this.

No, Karachi is surely a strong hold of MQM. There is numerous amount of support for MQM in Karachi.

Secondly that turn around is because MQM has done a lot for Karachi in their recent turn. If PPP can get sympathy votes why can’t MQM get votes for their good work and change in policy?
I agree with the idea that the support of MQM for PPP will lessen the Nawaz effect on the overall setup of Democratic establishment.
I agree with the idea that the support of MQM for PPP will lessen the Nawaz effect on the overall setup of Democratic establishment.

I don't know in what world you live in, but the thing is whoever forms the GOVT in Punjab has more influence then anyone else around Pakistan. Now If PML-N leaves PPPP then they cant form a GOVT and it will create more problems for everyone rather then just for PPPP.
No, Karachi is surely a strong hold of MQM. There is numerous amount of support for MQM in Karachi.

Secondly that turn around is because MQM has done a lot for Karachi in their recent turn. If PPP can get sympathy votes why can’t MQM get votes for their good work and change in policy?

In my opinion Karachi was much better in Naimatullah Khan time. But again the thing is MQM ( some terrorists within the party ) they dont let anyone else do anything.

If you are not in govt you create problems, everyday strikes, everyday killing people, everyday closing businesses. So, i think you should cut down your bad
elements then come up to people and talk like you did something.

Making one park and one road in 8 years is not development in a city like Karachi. Yea you guys hype about it alot thats good for you, but whoever lived and living in Karachi knows how you guys are and what is your mandate in people.

And one more thing in the above post of mine check the numbers again 60,000 new people show up to vote, if that makes sense to you then bro no point of talking.
I don't know in what world you live in, but the thing is whoever forms the GOVT in Punjab has more influence then anyone else around Pakistan. Now If PML-N leaves PPPP then they cant form a GOVT and it will create more problems for everyone rather then just for PPPP.

Actually its also the other way round. In Punjab the seats are as follows:

PML-N 102 seats
PPP 80 seats
PML-Q 66 seats

If PPP and PML-Q unite in Punjab, they get simple majority of 146 seats, leaving Nawaz only 102 seats. Therefore, nawaz needs PPP more than PPP needs Nawaz in centre.

PPP can easily go with MQM and PML-Q in centre.
With MQM 19 original seats + 41 PML-Q original seats.

But siding with PML-Q at this time/stage will be political suicide for PPP, therefore PML-N for the time being.
Well I also admit that under the City Nazim, KHI has really progressed. I see it resembling more like Singapore.... only little short of cleanliness.... though its much better.... KHI has joined the list of modern cities.... and Yes, i know many Jamiats and anti-MQM people who voted this time for MQM.... becasue they really solved the traffic, water and sewerage problems of Karachi.

Jobs are being created and all govt deopartments are being computerised and KHI has really been maintained now. The fire department now is modernised and so is the emergency ambulance dept. New IT is being initiated. I will accept the good achievements of even my opponents.

I give entire credit for changing MQM's tactics and politics, to President Musharraf..... who I think suggested that MQM undergo a make-over and really perform for KHI.... for once in life.
MQM signs trust vote resolution on Gillani

ISLAMABAD: Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) on Wednesday signed the resolution of the vote of confidence for Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gillani and endorsed Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid (PML-Q) leader Chaudhry Pervaiz Ilahi’s candidature for the leader of the opposition in the National Assembly, it is learnt. The MQM also named Haider Abbas Rizvi as deputy opposition leader in the NA. The PPP had submitted a resolution to the NA Secretariat suggesting NA session on March 29 wherein Gillani will take the trust vote from the House. The opposition had submitted the name of Ilahi as the opposition leader to the NA Secretariat. The MQM had decided to support Gillani of PPP in the ‘best national interest’ but it at the same time will sit on the opposition benches along with its formerly ruling coalition partner, PML-Q. staff report

Courtesy Daily Times
Ithink there are a lot of factors behind the so called revival of MQM. Its powerbase is educated lower middle class/middle class people, who are intensely nationalistic. I say this with the personal knowledge, as I have known Farooq sattar and Imran farooq since their student days. MQM has evolved and the fact that it got a kick up the back side in the local election certainly had something to do with it. Secondly, this time round there was no opposing political force to hamper MQMs plans for Karachis development, as I know for sure that both PPP and PML(N) have actively hampered MQM before by not releasing funds etc. Also there has been more money for development in any case,it has worked well for Karachi. Also by going national MQM has toned down the rhetoric a bit as well which I think is a very good step. They want their good work in Sindh to not be jeoperdised and want to extend a hand of friendship out to PPP for the further development of Karachi which i think is a good step. I only hope that peopel have learnt to live together and work together as progress will be good for all.
Ithink there are a lot of factors behind the so called revival of MQM. Its powerbase is educated lower middle class/middle class people, who are intensely nationalistic. I say this with the personal knowledge, as I have known Farooq sattar and Imran farooq since their student days. MQM has evolved and the fact that it got a kick up the back side in the local election certainly had something to do with it. Secondly, this time round there was no opposing political force to hamper MQMs plans for Karachis development, as I know for sure that both PPP and PML(N) have actively hampered MQM before by not releasing funds etc. Also there has been more money for development in any case,it has worked well for Karachi. Also by going national MQM has toned down the rhetoric a bit as well which I think is a very good step. They want their good work in Sindh to not be jeoperdised and want to extend a hand of friendship out to PPP for the further development of Karachi which i think is a good step. I only hope that peopel have learnt to live together and work together as progress will be good for all.

Nice statement indeed. Honestly I have no problem with MQM, and why should I come have family members who helped to create the MQM and active and very senior leaders of MQM. The only problem I have with them is how they see the Pir of London his Highness sir Altaf Bhai as god. They literally worship him. This guy is responsible for the killing of hundreds of people. He says he cares for Pakistan so much, I ask him then why doesn't he come back.
Actually its also the other way round. In Punjab the seats are as follows:

PML-N 102 seats
PPP 80 seats
PML-Q 66 seats

If PPP and PML-Q unite in Punjab, they get simple majority of 146 seats, leaving Nawaz only 102 seats. Therefore, nawaz needs PPP more than PPP needs Nawaz in centre.

PPP can easily go with MQM and PML-Q in centre.
With MQM 19 original seats + 41 PML-Q original seats.

But siding with PML-Q at this time/stage will be political suicide for PPP, therefore PML-N for the time being.

LOL again what world you live in? Theres no way i mean no way that Chaudries and PPPP can unite. No matter what is on stake. Its like you are saying Sun rises from West.
Nice statement indeed. Honestly I have no problem with MQM, and why should I come have family members who helped to create the MQM and active and very senior leaders of MQM. The only problem I have with them is how they see the Pir of London his Highness sir Altaf Bhai as god. They literally worship him. This guy is responsible for the killing of hundreds of people. He says he cares for Pakistan so much, I ask him then why doesn't he come back.

Ihad the same problem with self proclaimed elevation of Mr Altaf hussain as Pir Sahib. But this is more of a curse of Pakistani setup. You can either be pir or Faqeer-------nothing in between is allowed. See how theBhuttos were elevated to sainthood, just to give you another example.
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