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MQM says goodbye to PPPP

MQM showed it's true face this time.
they showed their worth = 2 paisa only.

1. One they get maligned ,accused and bashed by Interior minister

2. They decide to give a DVD of the same to PM and demand "clarification" and give 10 days for it.
Q. Why ?? PM can't watch Geo news ?
Q. Clarification of what ? can't they understand simple plain Urdu ?

3. After getting literally raped by Zulfi , they decide to go sit in a corner but still not leave the house of the rapist !

Frankly, the above sounded more like MQM didn't want to loose the government at any cost, and tried it's best to keep in till the last moment.


Its not as simple issue as you think. What do you think Zulfiqar Mirza spoke at his own. It was his tongue and words of someone else, and those words have their own back ground. All this tactics of sending DVDs and asking for clarification is to gain time, to fight media war and consult with other parties so that no other party makes alliance with PPPP with a purpose to either bring it on knees or force it to dissolve assemblies after failure to pass any financial bill. In this situation MQM will be free to make any new alliance and shed away load of ill governance after enjoying three years of government. Now their stay in treasury benches will also be a matter of few days or weeks. It is game of politics where stakes are very high and and words have different meaning as you understand.
President has constituted a committee comprising Mr Qaim Ali Shah, CM Sindh and Mr A Rehman Malik, Fedral interior Minister to address concerns of MQM. Government has decided not to immediately accept resignation of Two MQM Ministers.
Address by MQM Chief Mr Altaf Hussain to workers of MQM is expected shortly at 90 Azizabad.
yaar, now the new ministers will replace them who will take ages to understand whats going on and then it will be election time... why can't our parties protest with something else?

why they always resign and leave government in jeopardy and indirectly leave a negative impact on the whole country
so much drama from MQM still withdrawing from federal ministeries(only due to public pressure that MQM never resigns)

however if MQM really wants to object it should resign from all ministers and sit in opposition! after all PPP was the party that did the operation against "the masum shaheed of mqm in 1992"

so what is this nonsense of MQM to leave federal ministries but retain sindh government and sit on treasury benches hahaha they are like MULANA FAZLUR-REHMAN
so much drama from MQM still withdrawing from federal ministeries(only due to public pressure that MQM never resigns)

however if MQM really wants to object it should resign from all ministers and sit in opposition! after all PPP was the party that did the operation against "the masum shaheed of mqm in 1992"

so what is this nonsense of MQM to leave federal ministries but retain sindh government and sit on treasury benches hahaha they are like MULANA FAZLUR-REHMAN

Altaf Hussain throws ball in PPP’s court
(5 hours ago) Today

“MQM will continue to stand by the government only if it resolves the issues of corruption and price hikes,” Altaf Hussain said. –File Photo

KARACHI: In a telephonic conference, Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) Chief Altaf Hussain on Tuesday morning approved of his party’s decision to quit the coalition government, DawnNews reported.

Altaf Hussain said that the president had been informed of all matters in writing and separation from the federal Cabinet had been decided in accordance with the public opinion.

Addressing his party workers from London, Altaf Hussain said that the MQM believes in peaceful democracy and its friendship is not based on personal interests.

He said, however, MQM would not support a government that makes anti-people decisions.

The MQM chief’s address followed the decision of the party’s Coordination Committee to tender resignations of two federal ministers to the government late Monday night.

Giving a final warning to the Pakistan People’s Party-led government, Altaf Hussain said the government has to mend its ways or else MQM would be obliged to part ways with the Sindh coalition as well.

“MQM will continue to stand by the government only if it resolves the issues of corruption and price hikes,” Altaf Hussain said.

He added that MQM was not interested in continuing to a be part of the government instead it wanted to serve the public who are suffering due to the government’s policies.

Altaf Hussain reiterated that his party wanted the present government to complete its five-year term.

“We continue to stand with the government so as to not disrupt democracy,” he said.
“We continue to stand with the government so as to not disrupt democracy,” he said.


Every body wants to have their piece of cake in the name of saving democracy! Last i checked an "in-house" change is also a part of democratic system and mid-term elections too for that matter!
this is always a win win situation for MQM:

If they quit they call themselves just

If they DON'T quit they say WE DON'T WANT TO DESTABILIZE democracy!

they say we hate dictators and yet flourished under one (mushrraf) they say we were faced with operation from the PPP yet they sit in government with them! what are these double triple LOTTA standards!

they just resigned like mulana because they were under pressure from everyone for NEVER QUITTING always sitting with whoever was in power!
“MQM will continue to stand by the government only if it resolves the issues of corruption and price hikes,” Altaf Hussain said. –File Photo

This statement simply means in near future they will quit government altogether(because this PPP government cannot tackle corruption and inflation because it is itself the root cause of it ) unless they squeeze the government for more and more concessions . Altaf is only buying time in 'wait and see situation' just waiting to strike the iron when its 'red hot'.
I support this action by the MQM - the PPP needs to reform internally to save itself - but of course they may find it easier to cooperate with certain bearded types now.
MQM is not leaving government period! this is just drama after mulana-fazlur-rehman did the same! its a black mail that is being done to PPP.
Certainly a drama like 11 Apr 2008 when Altaf hussain resigned. They might have quit the federal cabinet but surely not gonna quit the coalition. Also i just came across this news on geo tv few moments ago about Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N) Tuesday accepting the debate challenge put up by Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain
MQM is not leaving government period! this is just drama after mulana-fazlur-rehman did the same! its a black mail that is being done to PPP.

bcz altaf hussain is a big drama (drama queen) and all members are junior artists
Certainly a drama like 11 Apr 2008 when Altaf hussain resigned. They might have quit the federal cabinet but surely not gonna quit the coalition. Also i just came across this news on geo tv few moments ago about Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N) Tuesday accepting the debate challenge put up by Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain

one PML-N accepted MQM backed out saying that it should be between Nawaz and Altaf direct not by some member of PML-N!
MQM’s grievances to be addressed, says Babar Awan

KARACHI: Federal Minister for Law and Parliamentary Affairs Babar Awan on Tuesday said that all ‘grievances’ of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) will be addressed.

“I was part of the meeting in which an MQM delegation met with Prime Minister Gilani and President Zardari…also I had a meeting with President Zardari…we are hopeful to remove MQM’s concerns,” Awan said.

Speaking to media representatives, Awan said MQM chief Altaf Hussain’s concerns were genuine and that he fully agreed with the MQM leadership.

MQM has expressed its concern over the socio-economic problems of the people and similar are the views of the government, he added.

Awan said the government was determined to solve the problems of the masses during the next two years.

Awan also praised JUI-F chief Fazlur Rehman and said that Rehman played a constructive role in the coalition government.

“Difference of opinion is part of the democratic process and we do not believe in the policy of dictation,” Awan pointed out.

He said the government was in no haste and it would complete its tenure and present a people friendly budget in the next two years.

Awan said that despite the global economic meltdown and the country being in a state of war, Pakistan had achieved significant stability during the last three years and had attracted investment as well.

He said the government had successfully rehabilitated over 2.5 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Swat and simultaneously made efforts to deal with natural disasters.

To a question about the decisions taken recently by the judiciary, Awan said the present government will always respect the judiciary.

About the anti-corruption drive of the present government, he said a major move was in the offing to catch big bank defaulters.

“It would be better for the defaulters to volunteer and surrender the defaulted money,” he added.

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