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MQM-PSP merged "Mustafa kamal & Farooq Sattar" plans 2018 elections

There is only 18 seats difference in opposition and govt in Sind. Functional league Pir Pagada league and Palicho alliance with urban Sind could bring possibilities rest on PTI and JUI F who have few seats as well.

Correction JUIF didn't have a single seat in Sindh and PTI got 3 seats in 2013

It's all about getting into power. Few years ago they were defending a crazy frog like he is actual father of them as soon as powers moved from that nonsence they look for other opportunities to gain power.
They all sud be punished they way they treated our beautiful city karachi. These inhuman sud not be in powers.
It's all about getting into power. Few years ago they were defending a crazy frog like he is actual father of them as soon as powers moved from that nonsence they look for other opportunities to gain power.
They all sud be punished they way they treated our beautiful city karachi. These inhuman sud not be in powers.
Explain please you think they are human and politicians.
As for as Karachi ethnic base politics is concerned it is quite logical move, which was bound to happen, no surprise. Yes for me it looks they may have alliance with PTI in 2018 elections.
This is a massive development not just for Karachi but for Sindh politics as well before the next year elections. MQM from minus 1 is now minus all. They will now stand under a new political party name and election symbol which itself is a huge thing. A 33 years of MQM ideology is coming to end. Just see how Operation Zarb-e-Azb was conducted in Karachi where many MQM militants have been apprehended, even Baldia factory perpetrators are now under arrest and there has been hardly any protest by MQM leaders - no strikes, no killings. MQM surely has been neutralized. Altaf himself has been warned by the agency here that if you dare to interfere than proofs of Dr Imran Farooq murder will be provided to the British police accordingly which will surely put him in jail for rest of his life.

Anyhow, the new merger will give a really tough time to PPP now also its some sort of mini set back for PTI as well in Karachi where Urdu speaking vote ban will end up under the bucket of this ex-MQM so now they are only expected to form an alliance with them rather than getting some of their votes itself.
whats the harm in that ? if one can screw fuedal lords and mess up their plans whats better than that ?
They are not fighting for you. Its gangsters fight for the control of biggest Pakistani city.
They played you boy.
They are not fighting for you. Its gangsters fight for the control of biggest Pakistani city.
They played you boy.
under the circumstances no much choices and its now understood there are no quick solutions so i will let the system evolve and democratic process continue and people be the judge in elections
Farooq Sattar swing back .... lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz . today backed off from all his statements .... listen his press conference today ... lol zzz
Farooq Sattar swing back .... lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz . today backed off from all his statements .... listen his press conference today ... lol zzz
MQM backtracks from 'one manifesto, one symbol, one party' alliance with PSP
Dawn.comUpdated November 09, 2017


MQM will stick with its own electoral symbol and manifesto, despite a political coalition with PSP, says MQM leader. —DawnNews

The Pakistan faction of Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), only a day after announcing an alliance with Pak Sarzameen Party (PSP), declared on Thursday that it would contest the 2018 general elections under its own party symbol and manifesto — not with Mustafa Kamal's party.

MQM leader Kanwar Naveed Jameel announced this decision while addressing a press conference, flanked by senior party leaders Nasreen Jalil and Faisal Sabzwari, following an emergency huddle of the party's Rabita Committee to discuss the prevailing political situation.

Meanwhile, MQM chief Dr Farooq Sattar, who could not attend the party meeting due to "personal reasons", called an "urgent" press conference later in the evening to "make an important announcement".

"MQM is the voice of Muhajirs; it was the voice before August 22 and will remain to be so," he said at the press conference, referring to the day that led to Sattar sidelining party founder Altaf Hussain.

"Don’t go so far in spreading hatred against Altaf Hussain that you harm your own people. The tone used by Mustafa Kamal yesterday was not of unity and reconciliation," said Sattar, before adding that he could "have said all of this yesterday, but didn’t want to grab the mic from Mustafa Kamal bhai".

MQM to stick to its own electoral symbol
The leaders of MQM and PSP had set aside their bitter rivalry on Wednesday to announce that they were gearing up for the eventual consolidation of their political forces and that they would contest the 2018 general elections under "one name, one manifesto, one symbol and one party."

However, Jameel made it clear on Thursday that MQM will stick with its own electoral symbol and manifesto, despite a political coalition with Pak Sarzameen Party (PSP).

"Some confusions had emerged following yesterday's press conference," said Naveed.

"Farooq Sattar had referred towards forming a political coalition just like the Islami Jamhuri Ittehad and Muttahida Majlis-i-Amal," Jameel said, clarifying that the party will remain intact.

The MQM leader further said the party will contest the 2018 elections under its own symbol in the constituencies where it had won in 2013.

The party leaders during the meeting expressed complete trust in Dr Farooq Sattar, he maintained.

"Our voters and supporters should not get confused with the statements of political personalities and TV persons," he concluded.

Though the modalities of the newly envisioned political alliance were not announced, PSP chief Mustafa Kamal had made it clear that “it would be anything but MQM”.

"I am not backing down from what I stand for — we came to bring down Altaf Hussain and destroy his toxic legacy,” he had maintained. “Farooq Sattar may not be comfortable with PSP at this moment, but we have categorically decided that we will not unite under the name of MQM.”
MQM just toke another U turn. They are not interested in PSP politics of not being revolved around muhajirs.
is there any difference between farooq sattar and ayesha gulalae?
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