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MQM-P's Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui announces resignation from federal cabinet

jaab taak soraj chand rahi ga..................hehehehehe
this is the problem with Karachi , no one is taking charge and responsibility of the city and its people ..as the saying goes , " Zameen Mili banjer , hukmaran mile Kanjer " ..
i always thought the same about Pakistan, these babus and politicians only care about their personal interests, they don't give a damn about the country, politics is just a business now, they don't come for the betterment of the country. Look at 90% of the politicians how they lived 30 years ago and what is their lifestyle right now, motorcycles to range rovers while their salaries are only few hundred dollars a month maybe?
Instead of making Karachi and Gwadar federal territory, i would recommend converting all Divisions into Provincial/State level.

Yes, should be done with an iron hand, across Pakistan, and done quickly. There will be a lot of complaints about that decision but then when will people not complain?

But I think MQM is onto it's old, blackmailing tricks. There isn't much PTI can do so long as the 18th Amendment is around or the PPP is in power in Sindh. But I also think there are plans to take over the Sindh govt using some tried and tested ways: Finding dirt on politicians and make them switch loyalties.
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