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www.mqm.org English-News May-2007 ah-openletter-eng180507.pdf (3).png
www.mqm.org English-News May-2007 ah-openletter-eng180507.pdf (4).png
www.mqm.org English-News May-2007 ah-openletter-eng180507.pdf (5).png
www.mqm.org English-News May-2007 ah-openletter-eng180507.pdf (6).png
www.mqm.org English-News May-2007 ah-openletter-eng180507.pdf (7).png
www.mqm.org English-News May-2007 ah-openletter-eng180507.pdf (8).png
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WTF, I cam ehere to see latest weapons used by MQM target killers.....or is this the propaganda section?

MQM ideological literature

MQM ideology of Realism and practicalism



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The philosophy of Realism and Practicalism is a criterion for checking the righteousness, evilness, wrongness, truthfulness and falseness of everything. This includes philosophies, ideologies, theories, policies, concepts, systems including medieval, modern and prevailing system of governing a country or institutions. It is also helpful for checking the truthfulness, concoctions, lies of statements, analytical write-ups, columns, versions and perceptions either generated, created, emanated or given by different quarters, elements, institutions or individuals.

What is Realism?
Realism is an act of accepting reality in its actual spirit and essence including facts, physical universe, events, necessities of life, ground realities, favourable or unfavorable situations, conditions and atmosphere, as they are, as opposed to the abstract or ideal. In this regard a practical approach be adopted rather than having ideal, moral, religious or romantic approach. It does not matter whether one likes or dislikes things as they are or appear to be rather than as one might wish them to be. For example, Sun rises from the east whether one likes or dislikes the phenomenon.

Similarly, there are many systems of running the governments prevailing throughout the world (existence of systems of governance), which are prevailing in all sovereign countries for example democratic system, socialist system, monarchical system and medieval feudal system etc. One may like one or two or may be more but some may dislike all. Unfortunately, in Pakistan, since its inception (1947), medieval feudal system is still in vogue. The existence of feudal system in Pakistan is a reality but in 21st Century it is a common knowledge that this medieval system is a great hurdle in the progress and prosperity of the country and the nation as well.

Likewise with all existing fruits and vegetables like bananas, mangoes, cherries, carrots, onions etc. Whether you like or dislike them, their existence is a reality. Real existing things have other realities in them. For example, some fruits and vegetables have bitter or sour taste. If one knows this fact that some people are allergic to those fruits that have sour taste and whenever they eat such fruit they might get a problem of sore throat. So, they should avoid eating such fruits having sour taste. Fish, eggs, etc are also a reality but some people are severely allergic to them, therefore, those who are allergic to them must avoid having it or eating it. The existence of eatables is a reality and this is also a reality that some foods are not good for health. So the existence and accepting things in its actual spirit and essence must also be understood and this fact also be taken into consideration that what is good and what is bad and what is beneficial or what is harmful for human beings at large. This way of realising things is known as Realism in its actual spirit and essence.

What is Practicalism?
An act of doing things, making or taking decisions, adopting means and ways in accordance with the actual spirit and essence of reality (realities) and realism is called Practicalism.
For example when one sees and observes that there are lackings and shortcomings in any prevailing system and one thinks that positive steps and corrective measures should be taken to make the system better and beneficial for the people at large. To obtain better and beneficial results, one has to take positive steps and corrective measures through committed, well-determined manner and hard work. This way of acting and making all efforts practically is called Practicalism.
In other words Practicalism means an action taken or a policy made after detailed analysis and consideration – taking into account all the consequences and repercussions of such action(s) rather than theory, dogmas or creed – ensures successful results.
Practicalism means that any idea, theory or doctrine should be applicable practically not only verbally or theoretically.
Practicalism also means that ideas should not be based merely on truth but can change the world with success practically.
Mr Altaf Hussain, MQM Founder & Leader, is usually recognised as the leader of the third largest political party in Pakistan. He is the first and only leader in Pakistan who introduced a new trend in the political culture by giving a non-feudal based political philosophy and forming a true democratic, liberal and progressive political party, which is the sole representative of educated middle class masses, minorities and have-nots. The people of Pakistan are well aware of his political ideologies and statements. However, only a few know that Altaf Hussain is not only a political leader but also a genuine thinker, who expresses comprehensive ideas and analysis on various subjects of life during sessions with his workers. These opinions and statements are not only novel but also thought provoking. With regards to the philosophy of “realism and practicalism”, Mr Altaf Hussain has time and again expressed his views during his addresses. Now he has compiled his philosophy in comprehensive form, which is being presented for your study. We hope that this philosophy of Altaf Hussain would inspire new thoughts amongst the intellectuals.

Dr Imran Farooq - Convenor
Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM)
Date: 08 July 2003
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A rebuttal to ‘The Karachi card’

January 24, 2014

Sir: Mr Solangi, in his column ‘The Karachi card’ has tried to give an ethnic colour to his narrative. Not too long ago, when the PPP was running the federal and Sindh government, Jeay Sindh Qaumi Mahaz (JSQM) protested in Karachi and raised the voice for Sindhu Desh but no action was taken against them by the PPP government. Mr Solangi wrote that Altaf Hussain proposed the Sindh I and Sindh II formula to divide Sindh. He proposed the formula because of unequal distribution of resources between rural and urban Sindh. This unequal distribution was started by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto who divided rural and urban Sindh through the quota system. The thinking behind the quota system was to develop the rural areas and bring them at par with the urban centres. On ground we have not seen any development in rural Sindh. Historically Sindh has always been ruled by Sindhi rulers mostly under PPP’s flag and once or twice by Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), without any substantial results.
Mr Solangi has based his column on one point that is Altaf Hussain’s demand for a separate province. He has however ignored the point that Hussain in the first place has asked to eliminate the quota system and demanded for the equal distribution of resources among the people of urban and rural Sindh. And not to forget that equal distribution was also supported by a senior member of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) Shah Mahmood Qureshi. If Awami National Party and Jamaat-e-Islami are not supporting the idea of equal distribution of resources, it is because they virtually have no representation in Sindh.
Mr Solangi should understand that the feeling of alienation among the Sindhi nationalists shows that they have reached the point of frustration. The people of rural Sindh are still deprived of the basic necessities of life such as clean water, proper housing, schools and other infrastructure.
Mr Solangi has asked the government to charge Altaf Hussain for the provocative idea of breaking Pakistan. How does the demand of a separate province fall under the definition of breaking the county? I would like to question Mr Solangi why would a man be charged on demanding something which is constitutionally not illegal? Demanding new provinces is a constitutional right of any party or group.
According to Article 239 (4): “A Bill to amend the Constitution which would have the effect of altering the limits of a Province shall not be presented to the President for assent unless it has been passed by the Provincial Assembly of that Province by the votes of not less than two-third of its total membership.”
Mr Solangi pointed towards the admission policy for rural Sindh’s students in Karachi’s institutions. Once again I will bring in the PPP-sponsored quota system. The system was made in the 1970s to shift the required budget to rural Sindh so that the areas can have basic amenities and better education at par with the urban areas. Why do these students still need to come to Karachi for their education? What has happened to the budget that was mostly generated from the taxpayers’ money of Karachi but was shifted to rural Sindh for development?
Who has stopped the PPP and other Sindhi rulers from building universities in Larkana, Sukkur, Mirpurkhas, Badin, etc.? It is easy for others to blame Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) for the miseries of rural Sindh but unfortunately these Sindhi rulers are themselves to be blamed for the miseries of their people.
Mr Solangi is quite vocal about the students of rural Sindh but who will raise voice for the students of urban Sindh? Is this not the constitutional right of students of Karachi to take admission in the institutions of Karachi?

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MQM's kasur chapter ex MPA candidate killed by PMLN goons

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Does a party like AAP exist in Pakistan?

January 26, 2014


I have seen many writeups in Pakistani doing comparison between AAP of Indi and PTI of Pakistan. Most of them came up with the same analysis which I agreed as well that PTI is nowhere close to AAP in terms of performing after the elections. Although AAP is in the beginning of its ruling time in Delhi and so is PTI in K-P, but the things that most people compared was the implication of their pre-election promises as well as the leaderships’ stance on common men issues.
But what we all missed is the comparison between MQM of Pakistan with AAP of India. AAP’s manifesto is mostly revolving around the common man of India, like electricity rates, water supply, security for women, better education and health system and justice for all. Although PTI was formed as “movement for justice” in 1996 couldn’t perform much when got into power in one province after recent election. In my view this was one the biggest achievement for any political party to form the provincial government and come out as second largest political force in the National Assembly. I would say first election because most of the time Khan has chosen to stays out of elections or didn’t have presentable candidates or proper agenda if ever chose to contest in the elections.
Currently, K-P Is facing is facing the issues like crippled economy due to terrorism and worse law and order situation and increase in extortion and illegal activities in Peshawar. But more or less this is the issue of the whole country not just one province. After winning the election on tall promises like formation of local government system within 90 days and reformation in education and police system and peace talks with enemies Khan turned out to be a demagogue.
For me the most awful step from PTI was when they became the signatory of the agreement of barring women from voting in Bannu before election. The agreement was signed by not only PTI but by ANP, PPP, JI and other religious groups. But for PTI supporters it was heartbreaking because party had opportunity to get support from the youth including young women who were dancing with joyously with the hope that their leader will bring the real change in the country. They were hoping to see PTI will work for their rights not bar them voting rights. After the election process, people witnessed him supporting hand full of Taliban who killed thousands of Pakistanis and protests against the drone strikes. He used certain issue to camouflaged PTI’s performance in K-P and never came out with the strong stand on common man issues on any level.
Now if we analyze MQM’s situation in Sindh after years of politics, then there are some interesting aspects. First of all MQM’s founding history is somehow very different from any other political party in Pakistan. When in 1988, newly born force entered in the parliament of Pakistan, they selected tyros instead virtuosos of politics and this is what recently AAP of India did in their first election. AAP in their manifesto has emphasized on the devolution of power to the lowest level where people of local area can keep check and balance on the schools, primary health centers and Police force. On this side of the border, MQM has proven the support for devolution of power for local body system and through performance in local government through the team led Mustafa Kamal. MQM has always supported the primary and secondary education and Police system under local government which gives chance to locals from all level to participate in political culture and serve the areas.
The letter written by Altaf Hussain to Tony Blair back in 2001 which stirred Pakistani media was nothing but the demand to support the party in achieving the equal participation of urbanites of Sindh in provincial government, equal rights for urbanites in the common spheres of life like education, government jobs and in Armed forces and the demand of local policing in Karachi and other urban areas. Another demand made by him was full autonomy of the provinces, while federation only keeping the Defense, Foreign Affairs and currency control with the equal representation of all provinces in these affairs as well. Interestingly, in these crucial departments Hussain not only demanded the rights for urban Sindh but for all four provinces, which is commonly practiced in many western countries.
The recent speeches made by Hussain in Hyderabad and Karachi which once again stirred Pakistani media and establishment were nothing but the demand of abolition of Quota System in Sindh and equal distribution of resources among the people of Sindh. The counter demand was to handover the local administration of urban Sindh to urbanites’ representatives and declares that part of Sindh as Sindh 2. If the USA can have South and North Carolinas and South and North Dakotas then why Pakistan can’t have Sindh I and II? Hussain made the demands to whether local or international establishments revolve around the people of urban areas of Sindh and Pakistan as well.
Therefore, my conclusion would be that newly born political force of common men in India which is called AAP (Aam Admi party) is more like MQM of Pakistan. Both parties are led by a common man and brining the common men as representatives and raising the rights and issues of common people of both countries. This is all unlike PTI who depended on the virtuosos of politics from all those parties whose policies are disliked by the leader of PTI during his toddler days of politics.

Writer is a social worker and a political analyst based in USA.

Tweets at @farririzvi
Council of Professionals dissolved today at DCRC.

DCRC also about to go.

As in dissolved.. and new faces to come in.
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