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MQM leaders get life sentence

MQM-HAQIQI gets life sentence! & the 12th may is still pending!! people have VIDEOS & PROOFS OFF!! weird system of justice!
His name bigger than his politics. Call me back when PTI wins seats as proof of his political popularity. Perhaps people realized he is a good philanthrophist and cricketer, but not necessarily a good politician. PTI is just a fad amongst the youngster population and providing a point for them to rally. However, pick elections in any country and the young population is the least likely to vote. PTI can continue to dream on.

its easy to rally people on base of religion, cast and language rather then issues... call me back when MQM has no recent history of violence and rigging

So you are willing to forgive Imran of his mistakes while not providing the same benefit of doubt to Altaf. I am not aware of how much hands MQM has in political violence, but the others are not free from it either.

dude political mistakes can be forgiven (sadly we have a long history of that) but not when it reaches the limit of murder n looting. you are not aware??? :) 12 may... remember anything???

when was PTI involved in violence, do let me know!!!

In the words of Norman Finkelstein, politics is not to convince people of something exactly opposite of what they believe. It is to convince people to take action on what they already know in the bottom of their hearts. In this frame of reference, Altaf may only be doing good politics. Taking a bold stand on minority rights in this country of religious nut jobs is not easy. He has been consistent in the policy for dealing with terrorism as well, when the whole country appeared to be willing to surrender to Taliban in Swat.

yeah... as i said earlier... he always looks at the peoples reaction n then speaks on major issues... willing to surrender?? when??? the operations in the north were going on since mushy's era!!!

So far it has always been Imran who has appeared confused on several issues and flip flopping. I am afraid to say he isn't very smart and doesn't take time to think things through. Has Imran offered any reasonable positions on tackling the Taliban issue short of surrender. Has he been taking similarly vehement positions against the excesses committed by the ruling elite. He appears to be overly obsessed with the sins of MQM alone, which in my humble opinion appear to be much less compared to the feudal run political parties.
dude every party speaks what it faces!!! PTI has only experienced the negativity of MQM (hope it makes sense)... and how many issues has he been 'flip flopping'??? what he said was to start talks with taliban rather then bloodshed, its the same policy opted by allies in afghanistan!!!

and yeah wasnt it altaf bhai who said it will be better for zardari to resign but in the end said it was his 'personal' opinion... there is nothing called 'personal opinion' in MQM, altaf decides everything and no one goes against that!!!

PTI at this stage appears to me to be an overly idealistic and much less pragmatic than MQM.

much younger, less violent and more concerned about sovereignty of pakistan then occupying couple of ministries!!!!
MQM-HAQIQI gets life sentence! & the 12th may is still pending!! people have VIDEOS & PROOFS OFF!! weird system of justice!
when they started the hearing our 'peaceful' political workers gathered in the courts!!! the judges did remember how lawyers were put on fire, even they love their life!!!!
=VrSoLdIeRs;788141]dude he is popular all over pakistan not like altaf 'bhai'!!!!

check election results to figure out imrans popularity ...

plus unlike him he took a stand on whatever he thought is right,
he might have made soem mistakes but the bottom line is he 'took' a stand..

sorry but its not upto imran to take a stand on what he thinks right

ahev you ever seen MQM doing the same??? altaf bhai always waits for the public reaction on major issues n then talks...

That is the right way i gues to see the public reaction first , remember politicians are peoples reps , whereas in Imrans case its the other way round.

plus i wonder why MQM is always willing to take ministries in every govt. if you won seats it doesnt mean have to take ministries, 'sometimes' your agenda doesnt meet the govt. one

They have bycoted several elections and sat in opposition for the longest , despite having won number of seats. Which no one in the history of Pak has ever done.

ps: remind me wasnt it altaf who burned pakistani flag on 'mizaar-e-quaid' on 14th august 1979?? some patriotism!!!!

cant remind you as i have never heard this one before ... 1979 story is a new one ... FYI Altaf stands out from all the politicians he is the only politicians who heads the 3rd largest party and he never want any govt position or ministries , try looking around for examples.
how old is MQM and how old is PTI?? hope you saw the 'rigging' videos on youtube, but no action was taken, plenty of people i know went in to cast a vote but their vote had already been cast. plus its more easy to earn people's sympathy on the bases of cast and language!!!!

None of those youtube videos proves who did rigging
and PTI is now 13 years old It has not even won more than one seat
please read it again.... all i can sort out, he is saying that once it has started it should reach its end.... he was never in favor of starting it but as it has begun its not worth leaving it in the middle, the damage has already been done...
You can read it again
Imran khan was giving statements against malakand operation every day during the operation
He changed his stance when army took the control of most of the area and the operation was almost completed
he said they are natural allies as both parties want to bring feudalism to an end and get the people on the grass root level to be involved in politics... as for this clip, can you please post what he answers as well???
He was just laughing Like he always does when he has no answer
and it think i made my point if you want to see the whole interview maybe you can find it on pti's website
dude one thing, MQM always wants ministries... coming to the point now... can you please explain how was it impossible to runt he government without MQM's support??? i mean as you said they already were backing up the govt. so why the ministries???

btw ANP has 1 minister in the cabinet and MQM has 2 :)
They were supporting PPP while sitting in the opposition

he was imprisoned for 9 months and was supposed to recieve 90 lashes as well... though the lashes were written off he still went to jail and was released in april 1980
The punishment for treason is death
any proof of such meetings??

2ndly if he were to start bloodshed he would have organized gangs just like JI, MQM n PPP
Imran mediating between Haqiqi factions
CHAIRMAN PTI MEETS MQM HAQIQI DELEGATION IN LONDON - SEPT 26 2009 > Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf > Insaf News
and when was haqiqi banned???
In 2002 Rangers sealed Bait ul hamza
In 2002 Rangers sealed Bait ul hamza

i was pretty shocked to hear that my self all these years these haqiqi guys under the protection of rangers and police did so much damage and than suddenly they were sealed off.
check election results to figure out imrans popularity ...

dude we are talking about altaf n imran not mqm n pti... 2ndly this has been answered in earlier replies.. please dont make me repeat this... thanks

here is a lil magic of copy n paste from my previous reply

how old is MQM and how old is PTI?? hope you saw the 'rigging' videos on youtube, but no action was taken, plenty of people i know went in to cast a vote but their vote had already been cast. plus its more easy to earn people's sympathy on the bases of cast and language!!!!

sorry but its not upto imran to take a stand on what he thinks right

then who???? :what:

That is the right way i gues to see the public reaction first , remember politicians are peoples reps , whereas in Imrans case its the other way round.

no!!! buddy a politician has a broader view then a voter, so its his responsibility to look at matters in such perspective.. and sometimes they are bound to take such decisions which dont have huge public support but turn out to be good in the long run!!!

They have bycoted several elections and sat in opposition for the longest , despite having won number of seats. Which no one in the history of Pak has ever done.

several elections??? MQM only boycotted the 1993 elections at that too only on NA seats they were in the provincial assembly.. here is a lil sneak peak to history

1988 -MQM n PPP coalition in NA and PA
1990-MQM n IJI coalition in NA and PA
1993- boycotted NA won 28 seats in PA... (that was the worst law n order era)
1997-Coalition with PML N in PA

cant remind you as i have never heard this one before ... 1979 story is a new one ... FYI Altaf stands out from all the politicians he is the only politicians who heads the 3rd largest party and he never want any govt position or ministries , try looking around for examples.

dude just google n you would know about the 1979 'story' sadly i am unable to find any newspaper clippings but wasnt able to find any which deny as well!!!!
btw i must say you are right in that regard, but i think its not that he never wants, the truth is he 'cant'... he already made enough enemies aand he knows he wont survive on pak land for long... i remember another high profile mqm guy (cant remember his name) came to karachi on death of his mother.. but left with a couple of days... plus he doesnt need to come back... he is living an easy life there with all the necessities provided by mqm's 'funds'... mark my words HE WILL NEVER COME BACK!!!!
Well, all I know about MQM ( Mohajir Qoammi Movement)is that this political party NEVER were into favor of Pakistan.

You have lots of reality of their terror in Karachi, Pakistan and lots of funny Youtube of Altaf Hussian the founder of MQM.

I also remember what they did in 90s in Karachi with the support of RAW.


None of those youtube videos proves who did rigging
and PTI is now 13 years old It has not even won more than one seat
i have answered this question earlier regarding winning seats :) if you stand in the market of any city n say lets have a new province called siraikistan or something, people will gather around, but if you say we dont need any new provinces as we are in need of unity not division hardly anyone would like to listen!!!

its easier to divide, harder to unite!!!

btw those youtube videos prove that rigging was done in NA 250, and who won??? i hope you arent lame enough to say something about a rigging-and-still-loosing-candidate... plus even if it wasnt MQM rigging and its proof were there, voting could have been done again... right???

You can read it again
Imran khan was giving statements against malakand operation every day during the operation
He changed his stance when army took the control of most of the area and the operation was almost completed

try to get the point dude, he never wanted it to start once it started he said its on such a stage that leaving it now aint an answer and should be done completely!!!

He was just laughing Like he always does when he has no answer
and it think i made my point if you want to see the whole interview maybe you can find it on pti's website

dude you are making me go through this whole interview, anyways i would and inform you if i come up with anything

They were supporting PPP while sitting in the opposition

yeah they were, get the point yaar, if they were happy being in opposition and they werent a threat to the govt. why were they injected into the cabinet??

The punishment for treason is death

yaar i dont make up stories or write what i think... try googling... still unable to find anything read this book called 'khaaki sayee' by K.M. Arif... it has an english version sadly i dont have it... please post any newspaper clippings if you find any regarding that!!! n yeah the FIR was lodged on 14th August 1979 (SP/E/CE/89-37657 Karachi)


thanks for the links!!!! and now coming to the point i hope you have heard, enemy of your enemy is your friend... same implies here... i doubt that imran wanted bloodshed if he did he would have armed his 'workers' if ANP can suddenly bloom up in karachi... pti would have those 'sectors' as well and i believe you know what goes in those sectors :)

n guess what they recovered 'sub-machine gun and 2,048 bullets, an LMG with 752 bullets, a rifle with 60 bullets, a pistol and two double barrel shot guns '

Arms recovered from Haqiqi HQ

i believe there is larger cache of weapons in the sector just 4 streets away from my home!!!

are you sure MQM haqiqi is banned??? i doubt it big time yaar!!!
VrSoLdIeRs;789570]dude we are talking about altaf n imran not mqm n pti... 2ndly this has been answered in earlier replies.. please dont make me repeat this... thanks

MQM is to with Altaf he is the leader/chairman and people vote for him same goes to Imran he represents pti

here is a lil magic of copy n paste from my previous reply

how old is MQM and how old is PTI?? hope you saw the 'rigging' videos on youtube, but no action was taken, plenty of people i know went in to cast a vote but their vote had already been cast.

MQM came into being in 88 where as pti was formed in 95 total difference 7 years , MQM now have huge representation whereas pti have may be a seat if i am not wrong... also consider the fact that Imran was a famous man he had all the publicity , he could have done well but try and figure out its been 15years .. where does he stand ... no one is with him ... why because he was and wrong.
angoor khatay hain sir bus yahi keh sakta hoon , jub kuch na bun paray aur koi argument na ho tu just say "it was all fraudand riging lol" well cant really help it and no point arguing.

plus its more easy to earn people's sympathy on the bases of cast and language!!!!

For your more info MQM changed their stance from ethinic politics to Mutehda a decade ago, they have won representation in kashmir and in baltistan recently !! this mqm haqiqi guys who the thread is suposedly addressing are the one doing racial and ethinic politics .. please get your facts straight

no!!! buddy a politician has a broader view then a voter, so its his responsibility to look at matters in such perspective.. and sometimes they are bound to take such decisions which dont have huge public support but turn out to be good in the long run!!!

Let me correct you democracy ... means peoples suport and their representatives .. wat people like and their prefrences are they appoint representatives in political parties so that their issues can be further addressed in assemblies etc , every decision taken is through a consensus i.e by vote Not by one man !!

several elections??? MQM only boycotted the 1993 elections at that too only on NA seats they were in the provincial assembly.. here is a lil sneak peak to history

1988 -MQM n PPP coalition in NA and PA

( yes may be that was the first time MQM came into govt )

1990-MQM n IJI coalition in NA and PA

IJI lol :rofl: are you kidin do u have slightest clue if they had any representation !!? and by the way estabilishment conducted a bloody operation on MQM and its workers from 1992 june , which lasted for good 9 - 10years , so what coalition and govt ??

dude just google n you would know about the 1979 'story' sadly i am unable to find any newspaper clippings but wasnt able to find any which deny as well!!!!

propaganda thats all i can say .. MQM / Altaf or any one dont have the nutts to burn Pakistani flag .. what are you talking about .. sir they represent mohajirs who have sacrificed it all for Pakistan .. what makes you think why will they vote for a schmuck who lights a pak flag?? sir g do your self a favour and google propaganda.

btw i must say you are right in that regard, but i think its not that he never wants, the truth is he 'cant'... he already made enough enemies aand he knows he wont survive on pak land for long... i remember another high profile mqm guy (cant remember his name) came to karachi on death of his mother.. but left with a couple of days... plus he doesnt need to come back... he is living an easy life there with all the necessities provided by mqm's 'funds'... mark my words HE WILL NEVER COME BACK!!!!

ya true he wont ... ""never""" well ... cant really say ever dont know about what the future holds .... but yes he has enemies he spoke openly about the estabilisment , he pointed towards Talibanisation of pakistan offcoure they all hate him and want him dead. Most importantly MQMs leadership simply wont allow because he will be killed and they cant afford to loose their leader. Leadership crises will eventually result into more anarchy and rioting and bloodshed. Dont know what part are you from but when BB was murdered we witnessed it all here sir ..
MQM is to with Altaf he is the leader/chairman and people vote for him same goes to Imran he represents pti

and how many elections did altaf participated in?? anyways people like MQM n mushy just on the base of ethnicity.

MQM came into being in 88 where as pti was formed in 95 total difference 7 years , MQM now have huge representation whereas pti have may be a seat if i am not wrong... also consider the fact that Imran was a famous man he had all the publicity , he could have done well but try and figure out its been 15years .. where does he stand ... no one is with him ... why because he was and wrong.
angoor khatay hain sir bus yahi keh sakta hoon , jub kuch na bun paray aur koi argument na ho tu just say "it was all fraudand riging lol" well cant really help it and no point arguing.

corection the seeds of MQM were sowed in 1978 in form of APMSO... plus as pointed earlier its easier to get sympathies on base of ethnicity and religion, as they appeal to our public more!!!

lolz... you seriously think MQM aint involved in rigging? dont answer me buddy, one cant lie to himself so just keep it to your self!!!

For your more info MQM changed their stance from ethinic politics to Mutehda a decade ago, they have won representation in kashmir and in baltistan recently !! this mqm haqiqi guys who the thread is suposedly addressing are the one doing racial and ethinic politics .. please get your facts straight

dude MQM is still pretty ethnic, have you ever wondered why most of the seats come from karachi n hyderabad??? yeah haqiqi is the darker side of MQM, but it aint much bright on this side as well!!!

Let me correct you democracy ... means peoples suport and their representatives .. wat people like and their prefrences are they appoint representatives in political parties so that their issues can be further addressed in assemblies etc , every decision taken is through a consensus i.e by vote Not by one man !!

dude you select a guy n send him in the NA, thats it!!! you dont enforce policies upon em, they have access to plenty of information that a normal voter doesnt have!!! they have to respect public pressure but try to get the point here, its not like you say ok everyone is happy with the judicial restoration lets support it... ohhh no one liked lal masjid operation lets not talk about it... every party has limits n rules which they abide by!!!

1988 -MQM n PPP coalition in NA and PA

( yes may be that was the first time MQM came into govt )

1990-MQM n IJI coalition in NA and PA

IJI lol :rofl: are you kidin do u have slightest clue if they had any representation !!? and by the way estabilishment conducted a bloody operation on MQM and its workers from 1992 june , which lasted for good 9 - 10years , so what coalition and govt ??

check wikipedia dude :coffee: Muttahida Qaumi Movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

9-10 years??? wikipedia to the rescue Operation Clean-up - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and as for 1996-97 elections please read

UNHCR to the rescue :p

and yeah if you dont want you blood pressure to rise much you can simply skip to the 2nd paragraph of 'background'... btw this article has got alot of 'masala' :cheesy:

propaganda thats all i can say .. MQM / Altaf or any one dont have the nutts to burn Pakistani flag .. what are you talking about .. sir they represent mohajirs who have sacrificed it all for Pakistan .. what makes you think why will they vote for a schmuck who lights a pak flag?? sir g do your self a favour and google propaganda.

wasnt altaf the same dude whose hands are still red by the blood of 12th may victims? aint he the same person who declared making of pakistan a mistake.. some propoganda!!!!!:smokin: btw here is the serial number of that FIR i came across it on a website (SP/E/CE/89-37657 Karachi)

ya true he wont ... ""never""" well ... cant really say ever dont know about what the future holds .... but yes he has enemies he spoke openly about the estabilisment , he pointed towards Talibanisation of pakistan offcoure they all hate him and want him dead. Most importantly MQMs leadership simply wont allow because he will be killed and they cant afford to loose their leader. Leadership crises will eventually result into more anarchy and rioting and bloodshed. Dont know what part are you from but when BB was murdered we witnessed it all here sir ..

yes i know!!! the reason is we idealize our leaders as some 'Gifted' human being which they aint... seriously i strongly wish whenever he dies, its cause of some natural cause otherwise our lil peaceful party will burn karachi for sure!!!! and as said he 'cant' and 'wont' come back!!!
=VrSoLdIeRs;789817]and how many elections did altaf participated in??

He doesnt bother he dont have & niether he want to .. look at PPP eventualy brother and sister split into two factions making a party of their own ..further more unfortunatly murtaza bhuto shot dead in ppps own govt .. the lust of power my friend every one likes it .. there are only few infact i dont even know a chairperson who doesnt want a position for himself but for the peoples repressentatives. MQM is under Altafs leadership and direction and people vote for Altaf sir i dont what here part is so dificult to understand?

anyways people like MQM n mushy just on the base of ethnicity. plus as pointed earlier its easier to get sympathies on base of ethnicity and religion, as they appeal to our public more!!![/

Well right or wrong its peoples call watever they like they are the decision makers not ONE man decides for them. Bottom line they are the ones who votes.

corection the seeds of MQM were sowed in 1978 in form of APMSO... QUOTE]

Apmso is student wing ... MQM was formed in 84 they canvased for few years took part in 88 elections and check results for your knowledge .... !in 4 years they got most seats from all parts of khi and hyderabad. now please dont say that they were riging votes than even!!lol and hopefully you will figure out this time that Imran khan is no where close

lolz... you seriously think MQM aint involved in rigging? dont answer me buddy, one cant lie to himself so just keep it to your self!!!

try looking at their jalsa or use the favourite tool "youtube" and search for their jalsas and you will be able to see MQMs suport .... look as i mentioned in last post "" jab Lomrii ko angoor nahi miltay tu woh un ko khatay he keh sakti hai "" thats all i have to say to vote rigin acusations.

dude MQM is still pretty ethnic, have you ever wondered why most of the seats come from karachi n hyderabad??? yeah haqiqi is the darker side of MQM, but it aint much bright on this side as well!!!

buddy they were initially but they changed name , i will mention here again looks like you mised that part where i mentioned they have won in gilgit and kashmir ... Also they are entering Punjab!! so your non stop Ethinic rant really doesnt make any sense here.

dude you select a guy n send him in the NA, thats it!!! you dont enforce policies upon em, they have access to plenty of information that a normal voter doesnt have!!! they have to respect public pressure but try to get the point here, its not like you say ok everyone is happy with the judicial restoration lets support it... ohhh no one liked lal masjid operation lets not talk about it... every party has limits n rules which they abide by!!!

well you certainly have a very wrong idea of what a political represtatives role is , sir his or hers job is peoples representation , if its any other way for eg Mr Imrans way than its wrong and they are off track ...... simple

more wiki for you .. read 1990-1999 and 2000 onwards


9-10 years??? wikipedia to the rescue Operation Clean-up - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
URL="http://www.unhcr.org/refworld/publisher,USCIS,,,414fe5aa4,0.html"]UNHCR to the rescue :p[/URL

same above link answers your queries dude hope you have read it by now ...! or i shal post in case you hv missed


and yeah if you dont want you blood pressure to rise much you can simply skip to the 2nd paragraph of 'background'... btw this article has got alot of 'masala' :cheesy:

some more for you ,since you luv spices so much Muttahida Qaumi Movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

wasnt altaf the same dude whose hands are still red by the blood of 12th may victims? aint he the same person who declared making of pakistan a mistake.. some propoganda!!!!!:smokin: btw here is the serial number of that FIR i came across it on a website (SP/E/CE/89-37657 Karachi)

12th may MQM had a big time rally youtube it you will find millions carrying MQM flags and sudenly guru mander it all started the rally was fired upon (its only ones guess who !? ) and since our police and rangers are never to be found in such situation, MQM guys took positions and fired back , Aaj tv a well know stooge productions filmed the whole incident. and here is you tube video of a general i found ""forget above remember the favourite jinnahpour conspiracy

yes i know!!! the reason is we idealize our leaders as some 'Gifted' human being which they aint... seriously i strongly wish whenever he dies, its cause of some natural cause otherwise our lil peaceful party will burn karachi for sure!!!! and as said he 'cant' and 'wont' come back

Not sure about others but he has proved and sure is gifted look do the math the same estabilishment with a lot of money and gun powder they got took over khi streets , murdered and tortured inocent , for 9 years khi was like hell becuase our law enforcement was conducting operations against anti state MQM who was conspiring for another state called jinahpur ,,,lol ,,,, now look at above video what this general what is he saying and what shame does it bring ... !!?

Altaf will come or not come it doesnt really matter , he is doing a good job from where he is and his voters are happy. period
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He doesnt bother he dont have & niether he want to .. look at PPP eventualy brother and sister split into two factions making a party of their own ..further more unfortunatly murtaza bhuto shot dead in ppps own govt .. the lust of power my friend every one likes it .. there are only few infact i dont even know a chairperson who doesnt want a position for himself but for the peoples repressentatives. MQM is under Altafs leadership and direction and people vote for Altaf sir i dont what here part is so dificult to understand?

explained earlier magic of copy n pasting at work

he is living an easy life there with all the necessities provided by mqm's 'funds'... why would he need anything!!!!

Well right or wrong its peoples call watever they like they are the decision makers not ONE man decides for them. Bottom line they are the ones who votes.

dude wont repeat things over n over again "sometimes they are bound to take such decisions which dont have huge public support but turn out to be good in the long run!!!"

what i am trying to say is you dont wait for the people to react n you decide your policy after that....

Apmso is student wing ... MQM was formed in 84 they canvased for few years took part in 88 elections and check results for your knowledge .... !in 4 years they got most seats from all parts of khi and hyderabad. now please dont say that they were riging votes than even!!lol and hopefully you will figure out this time that Imran khan is no where close
APMSO was the base of MQM as altaf formed it when he was a student at KU... it was formed on 11 june 1978

try looking at their jalsa or use the favourite tool "youtube" and search for their jalsas and you will be able to see MQMs suport .... look as i mentioned in last post "" jab Lomrii ko angoor nahi miltay tu woh un ko khatay he keh sakti hai "" thats all i have to say to vote rigin acusations.

jalsa??? hahahahhaa... dude i didnt ask for an answer!!! agar tumhain "deen emaan" say lagta hai keh MQM nay koi rigging nahi ki... then i wont like to discuss it anymore!!!

buddy they were initially but they changed name , i will mention here again looks like you mised that part where i mentioned they have won in gilgit and kashmir ... Also they are entering Punjab!! so your non stop Ethinic rant really doesnt make any sense here.

its roots are in ethnicity... the name has changed but everyone knows what MQM really is?! yaar it was the first election in gilgit baltistan and there was this huge rally of MQM and do you really think that people were attracted by 'altaf bhai ka falsafa'? now thats common sense going out of the window... perhaps you really dont know on what bases people vote on in pakistan!!!

well you certainly have a very wrong idea of what a political represtatives role is , sir his or hers job is peoples representation , if its any other way for eg Mr Imrans way than its wrong and they are off track ...... simple

explained earlier... but as you putting a deaf ear to it... i wont repeat myself over n over again :) thanx

more wiki for you .. read 1990-1999 and 2000 onwards


same above link answers your queries dude hope you have read it by now ...! or i shal post in case you hv missed


some more for you ,since you luv spices so much Muttahida Qaumi Movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pakistani general election, 1997 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
mqm participated

and please rather then posting the same links over n over again, can you please say as well what i am supposed to read??

and whats you view about the UNHCR report

UNHCR | Refworld | Pakistan: Information on Mohajir/Muttahida Qaumi Movement-Altaf (MQM-A)

12th may MQM had a big time rally youtube it you will find millions carrying MQM flags and sudenly guru mander it all started the rally was fired upon (its only ones guess who !? ) and since our police and rangers are never to be found in such situation, MQM guys took positions and fired back , Aaj tv a well know stooge productions filmed the whole incident. and here is you tube video of a general i found ""forget above remember the favourite jinnahpour conspiracy
YouTube - Operation against MQM Exposed!! Jinnah pur was a Conspiracy! Former Army Generals Accepts! Part 2

MQM was in power, who placed those containers in the first place?? why didnt they deploy rangers???

as for jinnahpur, my father was in army he was posted in AJK that time even he told me that there was nothing like the maps of jinnahpur, it is an open secret!!!! but the operations conducted from 1992-onwards werent against jinnahpur they were to stop violence in karachi (remember those dead bodies in bags??? )

Not sure about others but he has proved and sure is gifted look do the math the same estabilishment with a lot of money and gun powder they got took over khi streets , murdered and tortured inocent , for 9 years khi was like hell becuase our law enforcement was conducting operations against anti state MQM who was conspiring for another state called jinahpur ,,,lol ,,,, now look at above video what this general what is he saying and what shame does it bring ... !!?

Altaf will come or not come it doesnt really matter , he is doing a good job from where he is and his voters are happy. period

MQM had same money n gun powder buddy... remmeber how police ran out of ammo at Pakka Qila?? do you really think MQM doesnt take any 'bhatta' and aint involved in violence???

as for the general he aint a general but a brigadier, and we all know where brig. imtiaz's loyalities are :) wont discuss this anymore as we are quite off topic already!!!

yeah his voters are happy cause sadly its the people who oppose him that are on the receiving end!!!
i have answered this question earlier regarding winning seats :) if you stand in the market of any city n say lets have a new province called siraikistan or something, people will gather around, but if you say we dont need any new provinces as we are in need of unity not division hardly anyone would like to listen!!!

its easier to divide, harder to unite!!!
PTI is doing the same thing in Sindh what do you think PTi's workers were doing in rasool bux palijo's Sindh long march

btw those youtube videos prove that rigging was done in NA 250, and who won??? i hope you arent lame enough to say something about a rigging-and-still-loosing-candidate... plus even if it wasnt MQM rigging and its proof were there, voting could have been done again... right???
Any one can change the title of that video to Rigging by peoples party in kemari
Does that means ppp was doing rigging in kemari
You cannot prove that the rigging video was shot in karachi hyderabad or in any other part of sindh and you cannot prove that it was done by any party because it was not shown that who voted for which party

try to get the point dude, he never wanted it to start once it started he said its on such a stage that leaving it now aint an answer and should be done completely!!!
he was opposing the operation while it was under progress
he changed his stance when it was near completion
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