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Which ethnic is PTI doing politics for in sindh.Can you clarify?

In sindh pti is supporting sindhi nationalist parties
You can read from the link i posted in my previous post that pti supported awami tehreeks long march in which they demanded to send those immigrants back who came after 1954 ie biharis
In sindh pti is supporting sindhi nationalist parties
You can read from the link i posted in my previous post that pti supported awami tehreeks long march in which they demanded to send those immigrants back who came after 1954 ie biharis
PTI does not support sindhi nationalists parties on every policy.As far as removing the greivances of sindhi people is concerned, they support it.
Imran khan had condemned sindhi nationalists and mqm when they were opposing the entry of IDPs in sindh.

everyones knows there are hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants living in karachi from different countries,the sooner this problem is solved the better it will be for karachi and pakistan.
PTI does not support sindhi nationalists parties on every policy.As far as removing the greivances of sindhi people is concerned, they support it.
Imran khan had condemned sindhi nationalists and mqm when they were opposing the entry of IDPs in sindh.

everyones knows there are hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants living in karachi from different countries,the sooner this problem is solved the better it will be for karachi and pakistan.

Imran khan supported removing immigrants who came after 1954 (ie biharis) by participating in the rally
mqm and jsqm did the same thing during swat operation
mqm was concerned that the terrorists will also migrate with the IDP's and jsqm never wanted any non sindhi entering sindh

if you think that what jsqm or mqm did was wrong then what pti is doing is also wrong

by the way Biharis are not illegal immigrants clearly rasool bux palijo has some personal issues with biharis that is why he always speaks against them in all of his rallies
I do not have any problem with such comments coming from any party

I am just saying that PTI is doing the same ethnic politics in sindh just like JSQM STP PPP and AT

for your information one of the cause of the march was to send those people back to India who came to Sindh after 1954 =>Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
isnt this Racial politics
PTI was there to support the rural sindhis and their rights... thats what this whole 'walk' was about not just a bloody comment made by anyone!!!

btw all the parties were there, PML N, PPP (your recent gf) , PTI, PML Q (you previous darling) and rest.... so they all are saying that right??? c'mmon dude show some sense!!!

btw seriously i dont know whats the deal with people coming after 1954, didnt the migration ended in 1948???
Imran khan supported removing immigrants who came after 1954 (ie biharis) by participating in the rally

Imran khan never took part in the rally.Local leaders of PTI in sindh took part in the rally.And imran khan has never publically demanded that post 1954 migrants should be send back.He has not taken the trouble to exploit these sensitive sindhi-mohajir issues for political gains.
As someone rightly pointed out that the title of this thread is misleading.
Afaq Ahmed is not part of MQM-Altaf but he is from MQM-Haqiqi.

Afaq Ahmed had disagreement with Altaf Hussain over idealogical issues and he left MQM-Altaf to form his own political party MQM-Haqiqi.

The Afaq Ahmed story exposes yet another lie of MQM-Altaf that it is a 'democratic' party. When Afaq Ahmend had disagreement with Altaf Hussain MQM-Altaf used violence to crush the dissent. Hundreds and thousands of MQM-Haqiqi workers were targetted [ and are still being targetted ] afterwards.

Dissent within MQM-Altaf has always been quelled with violence , anyone who stands up to Altaf is killed.

I hope someday the files upon files that are sitting in Headquarters Sindh Rangers in Karachi are declassified it will leave no doubt in anyone's mind about the inner workings of this mafia cum terrorist organization.
PTI was there to support the rural sindhis and their rights... thats what this whole 'walk' was about not just a bloody comment made by anyone!!!

btw all the parties were there, PML N, PPP (your recent gf) , PTI, PML Q (you previous darling) and rest.... so they all are saying that right??? c'mmon dude show some sense!!!

btw seriously i dont know whats the deal with people coming after 1954, didnt the migration ended in 1948???

whats the deal with pathans and punjabis who keep migrating in karachi, isnt karachi already overloaded with over 20 million population???

pathans dont even belong to karachi because pathans started migrating in ayub khans era, ayub sent many pathans for killing the urdu speaking people, since they have established their badmashi ka garh in karachi
I do not know what is wrong with ppl here; for a second can you stop worshiping your ethnic / national / whatever idols and think like human beings - insan? pathans migrating to karachi, natives, foreigners, Sindhis, Punjabis, baluchs - do u guys really know where anyone came from originally? DNA test will show everyone has some blood from all oer the world here - over the centuries all races and ethnicies have passed through Karachi and most of pakistan - the colour of your skin or your language is only skion deep.

Pakistanis should be generous and understanding to each other lest they loose what little they have left. but then is this a forlorn hope - isn't it. learn to live together..
whats the deal with pathans and punjabis who keep migrating in karachi, isnt karachi already overloaded with over 20 million population???

pathans dont even belong to karachi because pathans started migrating in ayub khans era, ayub sent many pathans for killing the urdu speaking people, since they have established their badmashi ka garh in karachi

So whats wrong if pathans started migrating to karachi during ayub khans era.Pakistans constitution allows its diverse people to migrate and work anywhere in its territorial limits.
The pathans also love their homeland.And if jobs and other basic facilities are created in their areas, then they will go back.
PTI was there to support the rural sindhis and their rights... thats what this whole 'walk' was about not just a bloody comment made by anyone!!!

btw all the parties were there, PML N, PPP (your recent gf) , PTI, PML Q (you previous darling) and rest.... so they all are saying that right??? c'mmon dude show some sense!!!

btw seriously i dont know whats the deal with people coming after 1954, didnt the migration ended in 1948???

You are not a spokesperson of PTI to tell anyone why PTI supported At's long march
all i know is that PTI was there to support AT's long march
whats the deal with pathans and punjabis who keep migrating in karachi, isnt karachi already overloaded with over 20 million population???

pathans dont even belong to karachi because pathans started migrating in ayub khans era, ayub sent many pathans for killing the urdu speaking people, since they have established their badmashi ka garh in karachi
dude they are not migrants, this is their country as much as yours, they dont need any bloody visa to go and work anywhere

plus its common sense where ever there will be opportunity people will come to get hold of it!!! plus i know pakhtuns like ayub khan better but i dont have any facts that they actually tried to 'move' many of them here to gain political stregth!!!

btw this has been the 'marshal race' attitude of you guys that has always kept karachi on the verge of chaos... why cant you accept this fact that karachi belong to sindhis so you along with punjabis n pakhtoons are all outsiders!! why none of us bothers to learn sindhi while even the immigrants to punjab speak hindi!!!

btw that was a total off topic reply of yours... i was just asking who were the immigrants after 1954!!!!!
why cant you accept this fact that karachi belong to sindhis so you along with punjabis n pakhtoons are all outsiders!! why none of us bothers to learn sindhi while even the immigrants to punjab speak hindi!!!

Well karachi was a baloch village
and every student can learn sindhi in school
Bengalis,burmese,afghans,indians and some others
yeah but why would they immigrate... i mean they were the ones got effected by the subcontinent's independence!!! they cant be counted alongside the immigrants of 1947 right??
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