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MQM Exposed Part 2: Oath that every MQM member has to take


Jul 22, 2011
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Following paragraphs depict on the Oath that every MQM member who is involved in the 'circle of trust' in MQM has to take:

“I,…believing that Allah is here and watching over me, swearing by His book and my mother, take oath that I shall remain loyal to the MQM and Altaf Hussain for my whole life. I will not take part in any conspiracy, planning or action against MQM or Altaf Hussain and I will not maintain any link with anyone who is involved in any of the acts mentioned above. I swear by my mother that if any conspiracy against MQM or Altaf Hussain or any act harmful to them comes into my knowledge, I shall immediately inform Altaf Hussain or other main leaders, even if the conspirators be my brother, sister, mother, father, any relative or friend…I swear that I shall keep every secret of my party and regard it more precious than my life. I swear that I shall accept Altaf Hussain’s decision as final in any matter and obey all his decisions. If I disobey any of his decisions, I must be regarded as a traitor. I swear that I have and I will have blind trust in party leader Altaf Hussain…May God help me to remain firm and loyal to the MQM.” [From the book: A People of Migrants: Ethnicity, State and Religion in Karachi by Oskar Verkaaik , page 72].

Other sources:

The press conference was held on July 25, a day after Lahore high court ordered
the release of Afaq Ahmad and others. The press conference went on for two and
a half hours, and all this while a telephone was available to Altaf Hussain in
Abbasi Shaheed Hospital to hear the proceedings live (dailies Jang and Nawa-IWaqt
Lahaore, July 26, 1991). All the 37 members individually read their oaths
before the newsmen. Dr Farooq Sattar said, “if I commit treachery against the
Qauid, I will have denied my paternity”. Wasim Ahmad said, “if I go against the
Qauid. I may not be of my mother” (daily Nawa-I-Waqt Lahroe, July 26, 1991).

When the newsmen objected that they could not sit through the statements,
which were more or less alike, some MQM members retorted by saying, “once
we get a foothold in Lahore, then you will sit and listen, like they do in Karachi”.
This led to a number of journalists walking out of the press conference in protest.
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Altaf Big liar of the century
“I,…believing that Allah is here and watching over me, swearing by His book and my mother, take oath that I shall remain loyal to the MQM and Altaf Hussain for my whole life. I will not take part in any conspiracy, planning or action against MQM or Altaf Hussain and I will not maintain any link with anyone who is involved in any of the acts mentioned above. I swear by my mother that if any conspiracy against MQM or Altaf Hussain or any act harmful to them comes into my knowledge, I shall immediately inform Altaf Hussain or other main leaders, even if the conspirators be my brother, sister, mother, father, any relative or friend…I swear that I shall keep every secret of my party and regard it more precious than my life. I swear that I shall accept Altaf Hussain’s decision as final in any matter and obey all his decisions. If I disobey any of his decisions, I must be regarded as a traitor. I swear that I have and I will have blind trust in party leader Altaf Hussain…May God help me to remain firm and loyal to the MQM.” [From the book: A People of Migrants: Ethnicity, State and Religion in Karachi by Oskar Verkaaik , page 72].

24/7 Drunk Altaf and his MQM are more important than Pakistan and it's people.
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