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MQM ex-MPA Nadeem Hashmi sent on 7-day physical remand

let me announce it properly, what ever is happening in karachi, wasnt was permited by pakarmy, its the dam work of a convicted & sentenced PM NAWAZ SHARIF & ever croupt criminal former president ZARDARI?
what ever may going to happen , against just only MQM will be held accountable by a grand marshall militry jurry, in the end!
if a former president, of pakistan & FORMER COAS can stand trail , for lal masjid, then belive it all these champions of fake democrazy, will be hanged till death!
So by your logic if terrorists, killers, thieves start keeping pens in their pockets, they shouldn't be apprehended cause they have pens in their pockets?

If students start killing their peers, teachers or burn down schools and universities they shouldn't be apprehended cause they have ultimate certificate of "Not a Criminal" stuck in their pockets?

Such weird logic can only come from an irrational mind.......btw education has nothing to do with crimes, its a sick state of mind.

Special look of Gentlemen & Educated people

thanks for your oppinion, freind!
but what you want, MQM ban itself from right to protest?
stay quite & let its workers get aressted for every crime happening in this city?
i mean this city has seen worst protest than that? what was that when cinemas got burnt, & banks were looted, houses got roobed by the most oldest democrates like PPP? just after BB,s death?
if there is a criminal president or convicted PM rulling this country, you dont expect peoples, singing poetries?
well disarming MQM against, drug dealers from liyari & drug stockist from FATA who are using karachi as thier golden hen?or even the wadera,s who keep, killing shazaibs?
wow , i mean no its not the way?
I do not belong to any political party. My parrty is only Pakistan. I do not support any act which is against the interest of my country.

In my opinion irrespective who ever is in involved in heneous crimes should not be arrested but encountered.

As regard protest is concern, it does not mean to paralyse city and deny the right of earning bread for daily wages people. What happened on 27th december is also criminal and as far as i know it was not only ppp but some criminal elements knew what is to be done at that occassion. Well planned rapes, looting atm, taking away atm machines and burning people alive in cars is not an act of protestors but hard core criminals.

Protest is right but not at the cost of those who do not belong to any party. Buring private or public property is not protest and comes under terrorism. And PPP was very much part of those crime. Anp was also involved
Why is your arse on smoke if a convict is apprehended for interrogation? Are you biased or racist? or both?

let me announce it properly, what ever is happening in karachi, wasnt was permited by pakarmy, its the dam work of a convicted & sentenced PM NAWAZ SHARIF & ever croupt criminal former president ZARDARI?
what ever may going to happen , against just only MQM will be held accountable by a grand marshall militry jurry, in the end!
if a former president, of pakistan & FORMER COAS can stand trail , for lal masjid, then belive it all these champions of fake democrazy, will be hanged till death!
So by your logic if terrorists, killers, thieves start keeping pens in their pockets, they shouldn't be apprehended cause they have pens in their pockets?

If students start killing their peers, teachers or burn down schools and universities they shouldn't be apprehended cause they have ultimate certificate of "Not a Criminal" stuck in their pockets?

Such weird logic can only come from an irrational mind.......btw education has nothing to do with crimes, its a sick state of mind.

You are so much dumb dude or you are so much bias :what:
I do not belong to any political party. My parrty is only Pakistan. I do not support any act which is against the interest of my country.

In my opinion irrespective who ever is in involved in heneous crimes should not be arrested but encountered.

As regard protest is concern, it does not mean to paralyse city and deny the right of earning bread for daily wages people. What happened on 27th december is also criminal and as far as i know it was not only ppp but some criminal elements knew what is to be done at that occassion. Well planned rapes, looting atm, taking away atm machines and burning people alive in cars is not an act of protestors but hard core criminals.

Protest is right but not at the cost of those who do not belong to any party. Buring private or public property is not protest and comes under terrorism. And PPP was very much part of those crime. Anp was also involved

I agree with you such type of protest which has been on Sep 11 should be stopped immediately ... Protest is their right but in appropriate manners .............
Why is your arse on smoke if a convict is apprehended for interrogation? Are you biased or racist? or both?

what about a convicted & sentenced man , who is your PM now?
i think, you arent getting smoke out of your a$$$?
are you racist, biased & Both?

I do not belong to any political party. My parrty is only Pakistan. I do not support any act which is against the interest of my country.

In my opinion irrespective who ever is in involved in heneous crimes should not be arrested but encountered.

As regard protest is concern, it does not mean to paralyse city and deny the right of earning bread for daily wages people. What happened on 27th december is also criminal and as far as i know it was not only ppp but some criminal elements knew what is to be done at that occassion. Well planned rapes, looting atm, taking away atm machines and burning people alive in cars is not an act of protestors but hard core criminals.

Protest is right but not at the cost of those who do not belong to any party. Buring private or public property is not protest and comes under terrorism. And PPP was very much part of those crime. Anp was also involved
with criminals , convicts sentenced becoming PM,s & presidents of this country, i feel i hve every right to protest & pralise the country, for good?
i feel they dont hve any right to govern this country?
I agree with you such type of protest which has been on Sep 11 should be stopped immediately ... Protest is their right but in appropriate manners .............

september 11 was the conspiracy against a elected govrment, of pakistan in which CJ monte carlo was directly involved, getting the city in to blood bath?
any one questioned him yet? wasnt he the protestor? if he protest its right?
if MQM protest its wrong?
whats this maddness?
what about a convicted & sentenced man , who is your PM now?
i think, you arent getting smoke out of your a$$$?
are you racist, biased & Both?

with criminals , convicts sentenced becoming PM,s & presidents of this country, i feel i hve every right to protest & pralise the country, for good?
i feel they dont hve any right to govern this country?

They should also be treated same way. Who stopped these political parties to file disqualification at the time of election. It was mqm which first proposed AZ as president and that ganja seconded. We are being fooled by these politicians, we fall for their rhetorics. Its time we develop independent and neutral thinking instead of following them. We should voice our concerns for the country and none of these opportunists.
They should also be treated same way. Who stopped these political parties to file disqualification at the time of election. It was mqm which first proposed AZ as president and that ganja seconded. We are being fooled by these politicians, we fall for their rhetorics. Its time we develop independent and neutral thinking instead of following them. We should voice our concerns for the country and none of these opportunists.
when & who going to decide it? that every one who breaks the law should be punished?
& what about the law itself, yes the lord of monte carlo, who is going to do the justice to him?
does MQM has the choice to say no to both?
i support MQM against PPP in sindh, as the challengers to the never ending wadera raj of PPP wadera,s?
but i hve never voted for them , still i stand for a brutal marshallaw, to clean up all the mess, more brutal then what hve seen eygpt, & i know its comming!
when & who going to decide it? that every one who breaks the law should be punished?
& what about the law itself, yes the lord of monte carlo, who is going to do the justice to him?
does MQM has the choice to say no to both?

Thanks to those who ran a campaign for a corrupt CJ using foreign funds. That only suo moto are taking place but no results and no justice.

Its you who is going to bring the change. Next elections select an honest person from your are and get him in to assembly. If every constituency does that. The change will come. In other case what dr tahir ul qadri is saying is right. You cannot repair a building while living in it.
Thanks to those who ran a campaign for a corrupt CJ using foreign funds. That only suo moto are taking place but no results and no justice.

Its you who is going to bring the change. Next elections select an honest person from your are and get him in to assembly. If every constituency does that. The change will come. In other case what dr tahir ul qadri is saying is right. You cannot repair a building while living in it.

& you still belive elections bring changes? highly laughable now?
& what TUQ asked from $C ? what was thier dam reply? didnt you get it?
plz go check that thread, one of classics still in the run? from batmannow?
if the dam building is infected, then its the time to destroy it finally, once & for all?
isnt thts better?
restore patriotism , clean terrorism, do the hard justice, give the honesty chance to run the country?
if your answer is yes, plz just support any future action of pakarmy?
after 14 jan, 2014!
but if MQM is going to be a target, of any sub judeged political victimization, then surly there will be public hangings are in waiting fir todays rullers?
with this guys political carrer, at stake he could hve given the chance to stay at home & fight the dam case?
same as our dearest croupt, once enemy of state , convicted sentenced PM?
what you say?
& you still belive elections bring changes? highly laughable now?
& what TUQ asked from $C ? what was thier dam reply? didnt you get it?
plz go check that thread, one of classics still in the run? from batmannow?
if the dam building is infected, then its the time to destroy it finally, once & for all?
isnt thts better?
restore patriotism , clean terrorism, do the hard justice, give the honesty chance to run the country?
if your answer is yes, plz just support any future action of pakarmy?
after 14 jan, 2014!
but if MQM is going to be a target, of any sub judeged political victimization, then surly there will be public hangings are in waiting fir todays rullers?
with this guys political carrer, at stake he could hve given the chance to stay at home & fight the dam case?
same as our dearest croupt, once enemy of state , convicted sentenced PM?
what you say?
Thanks for elaborating what i hinted. Gen Mush had the golden chance, but he got crried away with these politicians
this guys remand is the reason why MQM Governor also give resignation! MQM cannot and will not let the operation be fair. they just wants the operation against other parties.

however, clearly ANP,PPP & MQM people have ALL BEEN CAUGHT! not only just MQM workers!
this guys remand is the reason why MQM Governor also give resignation! MQM cannot and will not let the operation be fair. they just wants the operation against other parties.

however, clearly ANP,PPP & MQM people have ALL BEEN CAUGHT! not only just MQM workers!
I think all parties are on board and this protest is just to satisfy the workers. PPP will certainly not touch their top people. Therefore second phase of operation under governor rule. Thus, this protest.
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