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MQM ex-MPA Nadeem Hashmi sent on 7-day physical remand

There are criminals in all three parties, and THIS is the guy they arrest? I mean sharukh jatoi is running free so is humza's guard, and an mpa gets arrested! This is the heigh of feudalism
do you live in karachi kid?

Living in Pakistan is enough for me to know current affaurs and geo political issues of this country……:coffee:
btw i always have a detailed discussion with my father who lived there for years and some relatives who are still there……:pop:

tum apna address btao

@Panther 57 take care someone is in full mood of band bori program……:rofl:
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Any one who commits a crime must face the Law & Justice... I don't care even if he is from MQM or APML(the parties i like & support). But how can they arrest this guy without any proof against him?

Unfortunately & sadly i've to say that this CJ is proving out to be a biased feudal supporter. A killer who shows Victory sign is set free & the people who loves Pakistan gets arrested without having a single proof against them...look what happened with Musharraf & now with this ex-MPA. Opearation should be held against criminals & it should be un biased, these kind of PML-N + PPP Gath joor biased operation will push Karachi in more worst situation than 90's...most likely a civil war.
Do criminals have some kind of special looks?

Its the acts which make people criminals not their looks

Not party of angels but action should be taken against criminals ... Does this man look a criminal...??
dont get angry my friend, listen to them stand & face the enemy in the political grounds?
hope fully you will win, but dont just become , what they want you to become?
his aresst on stupid , FIR isnt looks good, & this opreation is becoming against MQM!
but may i tell you, if musharaf can stand trail for LAL MASJID , i think QAIM ALI SHAH, CHODRY NISAR , & NAWAZ SHARIF can face the trails of anyone get killed in this opreation too, with a grand marshall militry jurry , some day? on MQM DEMANDS;););)
just belive me?

Irrespective of the merits of this arrests, reaction is incorrect. MQM should spend effort in getting the person justice rather then paralysing the city. Such activities have defamed MQM. I remember the day MQM won provincial assembly elections. I was highly impressed with their MPAs. I will not name the locality, where there was a gutter block. People of the area went to MQM MNA, he tried to approached municipal authorities; nothing happened. Next day again same thing happened. On third day the MPA changed into dirty clothes and started cleaning the gutter himself. Residents of the are joined him. I have seen their MPAs giving jharoo on the street. But now the time has changed. It is not the same MQM. And that is why they are losing their support every day. A party which once took 95% votes is getting the seat with narrow margins, that too when at many places they have used their full influence and instruments to fetch the vote.

In my opinion MQM can rise to be the only political party which democratic norms, but and a very BIG BUT. Their policies, statements, acts and reactions are not letting them to be. This party can become example for other parties and bring an end to family politics, If and a big IF; they have to change their attitude, leave bori culture, stop taking U turns, introduce democratic method of selecting party leadership, reform sectors/units for betterment of people rather then collecting donations/fitras/bhattas, etc, etc .
Do criminals have some kind of special looks?

Its the acts which make people criminals not their looks

Special look of Gentlemen & Educated people

Irrespective of the merits of this arrests, reaction is incorrect. MQM should spend effort in getting the person justice rather then paralysing the city. Such activities have defamed MQM. I remember the day MQM won provincial assembly elections. I was highly impressed with their MPAs. I will not name the locality, where there was a gutter block. People of the area went to MQM MNA, he tried to approached municipal authorities; nothing happened. Next day again same thing happened. On third day the MPA changed into dirty clothes and started cleaning the gutter himself. Residents of the are joined him. I have seen their MPAs giving jharoo on the street. But now the time has changed. It is not the same MQM. And that is why they are losing their support every day. A party which once took 95% votes is getting the seat with narrow margins, that too when at many places they have used their full influence and instruments to fetch the vote.

In my opinion MQM can rise to be the only political party which democratic norms, but and a very BIG BUT. Their policies, statements, acts and reactions are not letting them to be. This party can become example for other parties and bring an end to family politics, If and a big IF; they have to change their attitude, leave bori culture, stop taking U turns, introduce democratic method of selecting party leadership, reform sectors/units for betterment of people rather then collecting donations/fitras/bhattas, etc, etc .

I agree with most part of your post. MQM needs to clean itself well & kick out the khushamadi b@dm@@$hi gard type people. MQM is prosperous & great organization/political party with people like Dr Ishrat Ul Ebaad, Mustafa Kamal, Dr Farooq Sattar, Fatima Surayya Bajya, Nasreen Jaleel, Haider Abbas Rizvi, Faisal Subzwari, etc...The most important thing is if MQM kick AH out & bring some educated & sane person to chair the party.
I agree with most part of your post. MQM needs to clean itself well & kick out the khushamadi b@dm@@$hi gard type people. MQM is prosperous & great organization/political party with people like Dr Ishrat Ul Ebaad, Mustafa Kamal, Dr Farooq Sattar, Fatima Surayya Bajya, Nasreen Jaleel, Haider Abbas Rizvi, Faisal Subzwari, etc...The most important thing is if MQM kick AH out & bring some educated & sane person to chair the party.

fatima surayya bajia mate?
fatima surayya bajia mate?

Well she is not official member of MQM but i guess she have a say in MQM, she is well respected figure at nine zero too & you can see her visiting nine zero many times.

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Irrespective of the merits of this arrests, reaction is incorrect. MQM should spend effort in getting the person justice rather then paralysing the city. Such activities have defamed MQM. I remember the day MQM won provincial assembly elections. I was highly impressed with their MPAs. I will not name the locality, where there was a gutter block. People of the area went to MQM MNA, he tried to approached municipal authorities; nothing happened. Next day again same thing happened. On third day the MPA changed into dirty clothes and started cleaning the gutter himself. Residents of the are joined him. I have seen their MPAs giving jharoo on the street. But now the time has changed. It is not the same MQM. And that is why they are losing their support every day. A party which once took 95% votes is getting the seat with narrow margins, that too when at many places they have used their full influence and instruments to fetch the vote.

In my opinion MQM can rise to be the only political party which democratic norms, but and a very BIG BUT. Their policies, statements, acts and reactions are not letting them to be. This party can become example for other parties and bring an end to family politics, If and a big IF; they have to change their attitude, leave bori culture, stop taking U turns, introduce democratic method of selecting party leadership, reform sectors/units for betterment of people rather then collecting donations/fitras/bhattas, etc, etc .
thanks for your oppinion, freind!
but what you want, MQM ban itself from right to protest?
stay quite & let its workers get aressted for every crime happening in this city?
i mean this city has seen worst protest than that? what was that when cinemas got burnt, & banks were looted, houses got roobed by the most oldest democrates like PPP? just after BB,s death?
if there is a criminal president or convicted PM rulling this country, you dont expect peoples, singing poetries?
well disarming MQM against, drug dealers from liyari & drug stockist from FATA who are using karachi as thier golden hen?or even the wadera,s who keep, killing shazaibs?
wow , i mean no its not the way?
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