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Moving Closer To War

You've already taken your stand so as not to accommodate any other opinion, which makes it worthless to argue.

Indeed.Glad you understood me and we ain't going to waste each others time.

We'll see, in a couple of years. Just make sure you read the World Bank reports.

Take a look at Brazil's ,India's growth,their expectations a while ago and results now,and bigger troubles are ahead.Don't get me started on Russia's economy,its growth lately and its problems,starting from diversification to inovation and corruption.How's that BRICS bank thingy coming now ? :rolleyes:

Whatever you may think China isn't working against the dollar,on the contrary,she's dependent on this system and working to keep it alive.
Real armed forces eh? Invading Afghanistan, Georgia and Ukraine aren't exactly that impressive. Since Russia has yet to invade a NATO member, it doesn't surprise me that Putin hasn't invaded the other countries that are now NATO.

Sir, with due respect we have invaded such Military Powerhouses as Grenada and Panama , so I don't know if we have much room to complain, eh ?

Yeah, Russia fights those powerhouses ..........Georgia and Ukraine. Russia can't fight a war unless they can drive there. HAHAHAHAHA !!!!:usflag:

Yeah right, not like us invading real Powerhouses like Grenada and Panama ? :usflag:

I am with you kid.
...Yeah right, not like us invading real Powerhouses like Grenada and Panama ? :usflag:

They were tougher than Georgia and Ukraine. At least we were fighting Cubans in Grenada. And we had to sail there, too. Something Russia and China can't do.
They were tougher than Georgia and Ukraine. At least we were fighting Cubans in Grenada. And we had to sail there, too. Something Russia and China can't do.

Please don't make me laugh. You weren't even born back then kid.

The only Cubans there on the tiny island of Granada were 700 odd Airport construction workers.

The total Population of Granada was around 90,000 People.

Invasion of Grenada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Douchebag, I'm 52 years old. I was in Baghdad when you were still in your Dad's bag.

Amazing , a 52 year old man who can't have a civilized discussion without cursing and using abusive language.

If you are really 52 as you claim , why are you so immature ?
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Big cry baby !!!:dance3:

Amazing , a 52 year old man who can't have a civilized discussion without cursing and using abusive language.

If you are really 52 as you claim , why are you so immature ?

I must have taken a blow to the head when I was young. HAHAHAHAHA !!!!
Moving Closer To War

By Paul Craig Roberts

"The crisis in Ukraine originated with Washington’s overthrow of the elected democratic government and its replacement with Washington’s hand-chosen stooges. The stooges proceeded to act in word and deed against the populations in the former Russian territories that Soviet Communist Party leaders had attached to Ukraine. The consequence of this foolish policy is agitation on the part of the Russian speaking populations to return to Russia. Crimea has already rejoined Russia, and eastern Ukraine and other parts of southern Ukraine are likely to follow."

This is absolutely elitist drivel! I am a life long Republican, did not vote form Obama and his gang, but this is made up drivel.

We need to get used to the fact that relatively recent "freed" former "USSR vassal states" are stretching their wings when leaders go against the wishes of the majority of the electorate.

That is all that happened, other than a very pre-planned game by Mr. Putin and his now resident ex-head of Ukraine government.

Some forget that when the people turned out against him he had his special forces shoot and kill over 100 of his fellow Ukrainians.

Then the ex-President was still offered participation in a transit government until the May 2014 nationally, not by Russia, Ukrainian government scheduled election and referendum.

The fact that the ex-Ukrainian head of government chose to flee to Russia and is already a special assistant to the thug Mr. Putin speaks for itself.

PS - The Ukrainian government May 11 referendum and national election was in part pre-empted by the thug Mr. Putin who put up a rigged ballot in March/April for the outcome he wanted...which was then condemned by al most all world governments, the UN, and NATO. Eastern Ukraine will note vote to return the tyrannical Russian rule they lived over 50 years under. Ukrainians and Russians ethnically speaking do not like each other dating from the USSR oppressive rule with Russian troops operating the nation of Ukraine.
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I want to see American boys on the battle field,not cronies from Eastern Europe。

This will be an American war fought in the interests of the US。So it should be carried out by the Americans not their proxies。
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