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Mosul Consulate Hostage Crisis (Update: All Hostages Have Been Freed)

All of the shit came from the Ibn Taymiyah's mind, then it transferred to Sayyid Qutb, and Muslim Brotherhood, and then transferred to Khomeini followers. In short, this cancer is theorized in the so called Political Islam, and Islamic Ummah.
i dont know much about Politiclal Islam, but i used to believe in Ummah (used to) well some beautiful ppl in history have turned our great flexible religion into the rigid religion we see now, but dont worry there are ppl like me who will show u all the light
Turkmens are our ethnic brothers, the rest are suppliers of pkk terrorism for years, why to help? to save them to continue their support for pkk terrorists in future?

The rest are.....? Isn't that far too sweeping a statement ? :unsure:

Should a country really base her policies on 'ethnicity' ?
BECAUSE OF Muslim Ummah, l
Good joke bro, those who are attacking us are also muslims, you know what, they even wanna create a caliphate.

Sry but no thx, we are not interested in this, they can keep their "muslim brotherhood" for them selves.
Yes, but their interests can be the same. getting one slice of Iraqi land ;)

the oil is the key, and the ideology is very important for isil...

@Islamic faith&Secularism
I don't think AKP gives a sh*t about Iraqi Turkmens due to the fact that they are shia.

You could be right, but the last events in lice along with Turkmens in Iraq will to be critical issues for the upcoming elections.

The rest are.....? Isn't that far too sweeping a statement ? :unsure:

Should a country really base her policies on 'ethnicity' ?

You overlooked what i meant, If those people support terrorists to kill Turks in Turkey, why we should help them?
Davitoglu threatened with unspecified action if something happens to our citizens.. not the first time ... He didn't say anything about the state of Turkmen in Iraq. Coward..
Good joke bro, those who are attacking us are also muslims, you know what, they even wanna create a caliphate.

Sry but no thx, we are not interested in this, they can keep their "muslim brotherhood" for them selves.
how can you call those who kill other innocents, Muslims? has the Quran not openly condemned them to hell? has the Quran not openly said "Whoever kills one person, it is as if he has killed the whole of humanity, and who has saved person, it is as if he has saved whole of humanity"
just wanted to clarify, my stance on the difference between Muslims and those who claim to be and use it to do bad things, so that i am not labeled a extremeist
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