iraqi turkmen are out of equation for akp govt. they aren't a variable in their plans. akp aims for oil that'll come from iraqi kurdistan once they declare independence. thus, akp won't have to listen to maliki's whinings about oil being sold without their consent (by the way, kurds already connected kerkük to their pipeline system and selling turkey 300.000 barrels/day from kerkük, minimum). to me, all this consular staff taken hostage seems staged so that no one could blame akp for not taking action against isil or kurds to protect turkmen or akp tries to form a buffer zone between turkey and arabs, i.e. "tribes with flags" as they were once called by egyptian politician. it's 35-40 minutes drive from musul to kerkük and 15-20 or maybe less to the nearest IAF base outside musul and yet consul somehow succeeded to become isil hostage.