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Mosul Consulate Hostage Crisis (Update: All Hostages Have Been Freed)

I am pretty much sure those hostages gonna be delivered back to us soon perhaps bribe money gonna used for trade but at the end it will be fine.We atacking ISIS in Iraq for hostage rescue means also fighting them in Syria and today they are very spread on Turkiye-Syria border they could easily send hundreds of car bombs to border cities and create havoc.Not mention if we atack and weaking ISIS do you know who will benefit most? It will be PYD Kurds in Syria , all the territories hold by ISIS today will fall into the hands of PYD and borders of Syrian Kurdistan will spread three times of its current size in no time.Thats why we must at all cost maintain current truce with them and not weaken them because they are doing what we incapable of.
You painted the complete picture. One thing you forgot. Turkish ecnomy will also be strained by funding an useless war. We won't be allowed to get the natural resources if we capture those energy rich territory. Also in case of war, investment will shy away from Turkey. And also like you said the Kurds will take advantage of it. The best thing is to let the Kurds and ISIS fight each other. In the mean time our economy and military can grow. When our economy has reached a mature level and we can afford war. I'm sure Turkey will sweep the neighborhood. We are not buliding this military for nothing.
Haha, I created that a long time ago or did you do a new one?

Those extremists are a pain in the *** and it is known who is financing those twats all over the world the Saudis and Qatar. Even the Americans know that they financed a certain terrorist attack on their soil.

What the **** is wrong with these people?
Haha, I created that a long time ago or did you do a new one?

Those extremists are a pain in the *** and it is known who is financing those twats all over the world the Saudis and Qatar. Even the Americans know that they financed a certain terrorist attack on their soil.

What the **** is wrong with these people?

Oh come on now, that is weak cheese.

It is in the benefit of the western world to see a discombobulated Islamic world. It is up to us Turks to unite Islamic countries and start conquering again. :man_in_love:

ISIS will not bomb Turkish cities stop spreading BS , as long as we don't touch them they will not touch us too.

2013 Reyhanlı bombings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Oh come on now, that is weak cheese.

It is in the benefit of the western world to see a discombobulated Islamic world. It is up to us Turks to unite Islamic countries and start conquering again. :man_in_love:

2013 Reyhanlı bombings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I always believed this bombing done by Assad regime's intelligent agency(they were called Musarraf i believe) to show Turkish population(specially anti-AKP ones like us) the price of AKP goverment's suppport to FSA so public opinion would be manipulated againts AKP and Turkiye would stop supporting FSA.
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Davutoglu said Wednesday that the Iraqi government was responsible for the security of its consulate workers after the staff, including the consul-general and family members, were seized in Iraq's second-largest city earlier in the day.

"No one should dare test Turkey's power," said Ahmet Davutoglu, as he prepared to leave a UN meeting on counter-terrorism in the United States to return to the Turkish capital to deal with the incident.

He said: "We sent an evacuation order to the the consulate three days ago. However, as clashes have intensified, we left the decision up to our staff there.

"We were informed by the Iraqi government that the evacuation of our staff would be riskier, without security being provided, than staying within the consulate."

He added that the Iraqi government was responsible for the group's welfare.

Calling for "solidarity," he said: "What is important in such circumstances is not to panic and to draw a road map for the security of our citizens."

Turkey 'to retaliate' if abducted staff harmed in Iraq | Turkey | Worldbulletin News

İ wasn't trolling.
Karma is a b!tch right :)

Although this incident can't be compared with that incident.
Nah im saying that their problem became ours.
I always believed this bombing done by Assad regime's intelligent agency(they were called Musarraf i believe) to show Turkish population(specially anti-AKP ones like us) the price of AKP goverment's suppport to FSA to manipulate public opinion againts AKP so Turkiye would stop supporting FSA.

Islamic nutjobs "conquering" land for a new nut job country or nationalistic Kurds, I know which one I'd go for.
well, i said before in another related thread like this that turkey being a neighbour of Syria made a huge mistake supporting these islamists/terrorists in Syria. Our governments in the west can still afford to support these rebels/extremists(which i think is wrong) for their own gains/counter Russia/Iranian influence, which i understand since its in our interest and we are far away from the region. But for turkey sponsoring/supporting these groups, i dont understand why. Maybe they miscalculated thinking Assad will fall easily/fast like Gadaffi(which i must confess i thought the same in the beginning). But i thought turkey realising that he wont fall/the regime wont collapse would have changed its policy towards these groups, But surprisingly they didnt.

It seems Turkey hasnt learned from Pakistan, if you nurture/help this extremists/islamist groups for your own interests, they will one day come back to bite you when they consider you are no longer necessary to them/your interests dont converge anymore. These people will kill whoever comes across their way regardless of religion(sunnis. shias, christians, etc).

However, will be interesting to see the reaction of the U.S/west to this situation, since the gulf states(saudi arabia/qatar) are the main sponsors of these groups. I think we need to support the iraqi government more, these groups could soon be a threat to our own security if they establish/take control of more regions in Iraq, since this will provide them with a safe heaven/equipments/logistics for jihadist training and attacks against the west . The middle east is a real mess, i dont envy Israel at all living in this region.:disagree:

Turkey isnt supporting islamists in Syria or Iraq, it's the FSA you mean and they are fundementally not islamists.
Are you being sarcastic or you are serious? Turkey isn't supporting Islamists in Syria is the biggest joke i have heard so far on this topic. :lol:
Everybody knows they have been/are supporting islamists in syria. The question now should be : will they keep supporting them after this action by these islamists?
Anyway, i think it was a mistake the U.S made withdrawing completely from Iraq, they should have left a some soldiers behind to provide logistics/support to the Iraqi armed forces. You cant just destroy a country and leave it stateless and expect it to come out of it peacefuly(especially with the Syrian conflict going on). This should have been expected. Hopefully washington will look more into this and provide more help/training to the Iraqi government to deal with these terrorists. :bounce:
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Question is why take inocent turk civilians hostage?Turkish enjoy good reputation among sunnis of middle east don't they?If it was shia militant group i would have understood.This sectarian conflict in the middle east but really end now....everywhere people getting killed.:tdown:
Question is why take inocent turk civilians hostage?Turkish enjoy good reputation among sunnis of middle east don't they?If it was shia militant group i would have understood.This sectarian conflict in the middle east but really end now....everywhere people getting killed.:tdown:
So they can request money for their release? It takes money to run an insurgent group you know.
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