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Most shameful act of terrorist.(in the name of Islam?)

How on earth can anybody do this to innocent children in the name of Islam. These guys are pythetic. I am sure these bombers will burn in hell forever.

Terrorists and extremists hardly qualify to be called muslims, they're blinded, derailed and brainwashed bunch thats become the cancer of the society.
No religion allows killing of the innocent or killing at all for that matter.

It is not the most shameful act yet---they are still to come----and after everyone of them---we will say it is the worse till the next one happens.

You guys are just looking at the tip of the ice burg at this moment. Most of you are clueless what death and destruction is. What it feels like when you hold the torn apart body of your dead young child, a dear beloved husband, brother, father, son, mother or a sister? You guys cannot even comprehend the heart wrenching screams of pain that will be coming out of your throats. The pain--it will be like an un-stopable train locomotive running over you again and again and the agony would never end. You wish you died with them, but no, you will live to bear the agony forever.

These religious fanatics are like rabbied animals---there is only one way to neutralize them---to eradicate terror is to eradicate them. The sooner we do it---the better off we will be. Any criminal act of death and destruction---must be nipped in the bud---right at the moment of its origination---ruthlessly. This is the islamic way. This is how Umar Farooq would have done it.

Pakistanis have a very hard time understanding this concept---case in point----the scenario at "RED MOSQUE". How this sore was left to fester----by the incopmetence of the government at first---then the media, the public and then last but not the least by the HON Iftikhar Ch.

People say that these people were trained by us---well and good---times have changed---and they have to change as well----otherwise the govt must act. It has been 4 plus years----one jirga after another---one deceit after another---half hearted actions---jobs left half done. Giving ample oppurtunity to the lunatics to learn from their mistakes and come up with new strategy and tricks for their future activities.

Strike hard, strike deep, strike with a purpose in mind to fulfill the goal and don't let off till the main culprit is apprehended. Time is still on our side today. Tomorrow, the things may take a turn for the worst

And last but not the least----don't go on the tv and tell the people how we did it---openly discussing the minute details of the operation on the world forum.
totally sickening.
and what is also sickening is usa's boot licking musharraf and co terming those bombers's acts "in the name of Islam".
now where the heck did the bombers say or write "we do this for Islam" or equivalent words?

Open up. Say what you want to say a little more clearly so that you can have a clear response.
totally sickening.
and what is also sickening is usa's boot licking musharraf and co terming those bombers's acts "in the name of Islam".
now where the heck did the bombers say or write "we do this for Islam" or equivalent words?

What a ridiculous thought!

If Pakistan has surfaced to the present position, where it is in the comity of nations and economically booming, it is because of Musharraf.

It sure does not please you that Musharraf is not decadent, antediluvian and an abject obscurantist!

It is time to understand what a modern man is!

You are a foreigner to this board sir, as shown by your flag. Just being a muslim, does not give you any right to insult the leader of my nation while you are being given the priveledge to stand right in the middle of my front yard.

I request you to delete your derogatory comments from your post about the leader of my country.
which derogatory comment are you talking about mastan khan?
rather which comment did you find derogatory? ok if i see that i'll delete it inshallah.
totally sickening.
and what is also sickening is usa's boot licking musharraf and co terming those bombers's acts "in the name of Islam".
now where the heck did the bombers say or write "we do this for Islam" or equivalent words?

Bd_wonder, thats the last time you've insulted my President!
Donot take our leniency for weakness, you're a guest here so behave like one!

Terrorists and extremists hardly qualify to be called muslims, they're blinded, derailed and brainwashed bunch thats become the cancer of the society.
No religion allows killing of the innocent or killing at all for that matter.

Well said, I'd just add they don't really qualify to be called human.
how can anyone do this. what is going through their brains. i mean it just gives me the shivers when i start thinking about this. what kind of man would do this. what ever was done to him or his handlers i am sure these children weren't a part of it. what kind of a man would do this kind of thing.
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