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Most air polluted cities on earth


Nov 4, 2011
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Most air polluted cities on earth
polluted cities.jpeg
Hotan's air is bad but it is not due to industrial pollution, the city doesn' t have any industries at all, but the city is in The Taklamakan desert and has sandstorms almost everyday, you go out for ten minutes and you will be covered with a thin layer of sand. there's nothing people can do unless we kill this desert.


Hotan's air is bad but it is not due to industrial pollution, the city doesn' t have any industries at all, but the city is in The Taklamakan desert and has sandstorms almost everyday, you go out for ten minutes and you will be covered with a thin layer of sand. there's nothing people can do unless we kill this desert.


more than the pollution its the strange smell in chinese cities and their food thats disconcerting.
Bahawalpur Pakistan, it's a low, sparesly populated city with wide gardens and open areas, and hardly any big industries, unless the stuble burning here and in India is causing the 2.5 P.M pollution.
more than the pollution its the strange smell in chinese cities and their food thats disconcerting.
You mean smells like urea and poo poo? Or spice mixed with poo? Or armpit sweat mix with spice in hot in tropical sun? Ooo food such as what cow dung and cow pee?

Hahahaha numb numb don't even know hotan is next to a desert with almost zero industries. Kashgar is the same.
Bahawalpur Pakistan, it's a low, sparesly populated city with wide gardens and open areas, and hardly any big industries, unless the stuble burning here and in India is causing the 2.5 P.M pollution.
just checked the site. Its some unknown Holland firm with major interests in China.
Associating with the Chinese has already reduced the quality of their study.
Probably a paid report.
Ignore it .
more than the pollution its the strange smell in chinese cities and their food thats disconcerting.

Why are you Hindutvadis such callous and mindless people totally disconnected from the acknowledging the seriousness of the discussion and from acknowledging the idiocy in India that creates extreme pollution within India and for Earth ? India is among the top three polluters in the world, the other two being USA and China. There are hundreds of millions of personal cars and two-wheelers in India, maybe 700 to 800 million, and the effect of all that unnecessary, very avoidable pollution reaches not only in melting the glaciers of the regional Himalaya mountains but also creates sufficient global warming to start melting of glaciers in the South American mountains to the West and the Russian Arctic waters in the North. On top of these personal vehicles there are those maddening yearly firecracker festivals like Diwali and Dussehra and other things like stupid Capitalist workplace buildings adding to the global warming.

I would say in order to warm up the very cold Mars transfer the 500 million Hindutvadis there. They will create enough stupid pollution there to create global warming and turn Mars from -60 celsius average to +25 celsius average. :lol:

But for now for India, all personal vehicles have to be immediately banned and all intra-city transport has to be carried out only in buses and taxis. This is of utmost urgency.
Although Hotan tops the chart of the worst air polluted city in the world, it's all just the sand, not industrial pollution, Hotan is in the world second biggest desert, it gets sandstorms a lot, in recent years, the government planted millions of trees around this desert town, water was being diverted to the town,so this town is being protected by a healthy green belt, so life in this town is not as scary as it seems to be.

Desert Town Hotan.

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