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Most Afghans want US troops


Jul 11, 2010
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The true intentions of Afghan war are being exposed and this is the first calculated media outcry towards building favorable public opinion and make is sound like an Afghan request rather than and American intention. Sure, with american puppets in-charge of Kabul, it is not very difficult to distort. Who the hell in the world send out in invitation to be occupied especially when you are dealing with a nation reputed to be graveyard of empires?? The psy-ops look and sound all too familiar to tactics employed in Gulf war 1 when the American puppet King Fahd came all out in the open and begged for permanent American bases in the gulf under pretext of countering Iraq.

Karzai adviser: Most Afghans want US troops

Published: Aug 31, 2011 23:20 Updated: Aug 31, 2011 23:20

QUANTICO, Virgina: Most Afghans want a binding security pact with the United States that would keep American troops in Afghanistan indefinitely, a senior adviser to Afghan President Hamid Karzai said Wednesday.

Negotiations for such a pact have lagged in part because “some in the Afghan government are trying to sabotage it,” said Taj Ayubi, minister-counselor to Karzai.

Ayubi was not specific, but was apparently referring to factions within the weak central government with ties to Iran, or to a lesser extent, Pakistan or the Taleban insurgency. Iran opposes any US military presence in Afghanistan, and US and other officials say Iran is trying to use its growing influence in neighboring Afghanistan to lobby against a deal that would provide the US a long-term military perch.

The agreement, now in draft form, would give the US use of Afghan-run or jointly-run bases after 2014, when the formal combat role is set to end. Senior US officials have said its central function is to provide assurance to Afghans that the US will not shut the door on Afghanistan in 2014, while establishing terms for continued US counterterrorism, training and counter-narcotics operations.

US officials stress that US military presence will be at Afghanistan’s invitation.

Ayubi said the document would give security assurances “from 2014 until we can stand on our own.”

The agreement is not expected to include firm deadlines for the close of US operations.

After nearly 10 years of war, many Afghans are weary of foreign troops and blame the flood of US cash for various security and stability programs for distorting the economy and sucking up a corps of talented Afghans for contract labor. Still, Ayubi predicted broad backing for an agreement once it is in hand.

The US public and Congress are increasingly frustrated by the war, with a majority in public opinion polls now saying it is probably not worth fighting.

“Most people in Afghanistan are strongly in favor of the US presence in Afghanistan,” Ayubi told an audience at Marine Corps University.

“They are in favor of a long-term strategic agreement that includes basic rights for the US military, despite the objections of neighbor states” he said. “Afghanistan is the most logical place for the US to have a base.”

Spelling out that some level of US forces intend to remain would strengthen Karzai’s hand against foreign meddling and in any eventual political negotiation with the Taleban, Ayubi suggested.

“Basing rights would bring a lot of stability and it would also convince the outside actors that the US is there to stay,” he said.

Two US officials said somewhere between 20,000 and 40,000 troops would probably be needed for the smaller role envisioned after 2014, but the security pact is not expected to give exact parameters.

National Security Council spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden said President Barack Obama has not made any decisions about US troops in Afghanistan after 2014.

“Those decisions will be made at the appropriate time, based on our interests and conditions on the ground,” she said.

Karzai sought the agreement more than a year ago amid growing Afghan concern that the US planned a rapid military withdrawal. The US is the biggest international backer of Karzai’s government and its approximately 100,000 troops are a security buffer against the Taleban insurgency that opposes him.

The pact would not have the force of law, although Afghanistan is expected to seek consensus from a panel of elders called a loya jirga. The United States is not expected to submit the document to Congress for approval.

Afghan officials told The Associated Press this week that the document is too vague and does not go far enough to justify the risk they will take in signing it.

A delegation led by Afghanistan’s national security adviser will be in Washington next week for a third round of talks on the agreement. A senior US official and two Afghan officials with knowledge of the talks said the two countries intend to finish an agreement before an international conference on Afghanistan’s future to be held in Bonn, Germany, in early December. The NSC’s Hayden said there is no deadline to complete negotiations.

Among the sticking points being negotiated are which troops will take the lead in conducting nighttime kill-and-capture raids, a flash point for anger over foreign meddling in Afghanistan and whether detention operations will be run by the Afghans or Americans.

© 2010 Arab News
The uprising of the Taliban in last 3 years shows US it self wants to make Afghans say this so! but we have no other choice but to accept this and I want them to stay for at least 10 years more, not alot of them but around 1000-3000 trainers, advisers and air force members. I believe if any pact on their stay for another decade is signed you will see a massive decrease in Taliban attacks and control but only ISI supported Taliban will not leave fighting though they might increase their attacks!
The uprising of the Taliban in last 3 years shows US it self wants to make Afghans say this so! but we have no other choice but to accept this and I want them to stay for at least 10 years more, not alot of them but around 1000-3000 trainers, advisers and air force members. I believe if any pact on their stay for another decade is signed you will see a massive decrease in Taliban attacks and control but only ISI supported Taliban will not leave fighting though they might increase their attacks!

If you are soo confident about ISI backed talibans then why not bring the evidence and confront it..or better yet..ask the ISI politely and address their grievances.. The situation of today is not different than Soviet invasion. Afghans keep calling foreign powers into their territory and then cry a river.

they know what Usa can give to them and what pakistan can give to them;)

and none of that is available from India..so STFU!
If you are soo confident about ISI backed talibans then why not bring the evidence and confront it..or better yet..ask the ISI politely and address their grievances.. The situation of today is not different than Soviet invasion. Afghans keep calling foreign powers into their territory and then cry a river.

Their situation has been improved,atleast they started to build army;)..if usa stays there,m sure they will change the ideology and uproot the taliban ,
If you are soo confident about ISI backed talibans then why not bring the evidence and confront it..or better yet..ask the ISI politely and address their grievances.. The situation of today is not different than Soviet invasion. Afghans keep calling foreign powers into their territory and then cry a river.

Yeah the only difference is that, Afghans didn't invite Americans this time. Americans were forced to come to Afghanistan after 9/11. Unless you are one of those people who think 9/11 was an inside job.
Yeah the only difference is that, Afghans didn't invite Americans this time. Americans were forced to come to Afghanistan after 9/11. Unless you are one of those people who think 9/11 was an inside job.

I was referring to the statement of Karzai advisor asking Americans to stay..I know Afghans did not invite americans to invade their country..and yes 9/11 was in inside job much like the German Reichstag was.
This thread is hillarious. Americans put in a puppet govt that does their bidding and then american propaganda says in american papers that the puppet afghan regime wants americans to stay. Well I think afghans have told the americans what they want and actions like killing americans in afghan speak louder
If you are soo confident about ISI backed talibans then why not bring the evidence and confront it..or better yet..ask the ISI politely and address their grievances.. The situation of today is not different than Soviet invasion. Afghans keep calling foreign powers into their territory and then cry a river.

It's not only us who is confident of this!

Pakistan's ISI still supporting the Taliban, say Afghans - Telegraph

Pakistan puppet masters guide the Taliban killers - Times Online

Officials Lay Out Details of How Pakistan’s Spy Agency Supports Militant Groups - NYTimes.com

BBC News - Pakistani agents 'funding and training Afghan Taliban'

Recording reveals Afghan attack plot - Asia - Al Jazeera English

Pakistan: "The Taliban's Godfather"?

Wikileaks: Pakistan accused of helping Taliban in Afghanistan attacks - Telegraph

There might be drawers of files filled with evidence against them but due to this that some other people are also involved no evidence is inquired by international courts, It's not a bad thing if a country's intelligence is doing this for protecting it's country/public interest in the region but it's our fault that we are not capable of handling this so good.
I was referring to the statement of Karzai advisor asking Americans to stay..I know Afghans did not invite americans to invade their country..and yes 9/11 was in inside job much like the German Reichstag was.

and if we ask the americans to leave the country at this moment, there will be again huge bloodshed and loss of civilians lives and civil war, as a result we not only lose all what we have achieved in the last decace, but it will be reveresed brutally and the country once again go nose diving with countless number of peopole losing their lives, so their stay is vital-not because we are in love, but because of necesity.
All of the above are press articles from private media which cannot be granted the status of evidence in any sensible court...I can put an article saying "Karzai is an Opium peddler". Bring in a few people on camera to supposedly "confess" working with Karazi in the opium ring and fabricate some evidence. It not all that difficult to put something in the press even for an individual with limited resources and cash.

and if we ask the americans to leave the country at this moment, there will be again huge bloodshed and loss of civilians lives and civil war, as a result we not only lose all what we have achieved in the last decace, but it will be reveresed brutally and the country once again go nose diving with countless number of peopole losing their lives, so their stay is vital-not because we are in love, but because of necesity.
Exactly and how will few thousand american trainers or even commands and ground forces turn around the situation when Afghan's own security forces are soo incompetent and corrupt? They keep selling their official ammo to the terrorist and defect.

And remember, America is trying to broker a peace deal with the same so-called "ISI Sponsered" talibans.

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This thread is hillarious. Americans put in a puppet govt that does their bidding and then american propaganda says in american papers that the puppet afghan regime wants americans to stay. Well I think afghans have told the americans what they want and actions like killing americans in afghan speak louder

When Taliban kills Americans/Afghans its the verdict of the people, When the TTP kills Pakistanis they become terrorist scumbags? Not biased at all eh?

A terrorist is a terrorist, be it in Afghanistan, Pakistan or India.
All of the above are press articles from private media which cannot be granted the status of evidence in any sensible court...I can put an article saying "Karzai is an Opium peddler". Bring in a few people on camera to supposedly "confess" working with Karazi in the opium ring and fabricate some evidence. It not all that difficult to put something in the press even for an individual with limited resources and cash.

True but the sources I provided most of them are well trusted in the world! You didn't got my point I said ISI is protecting their country's interest that's not a bad thing for it's people!
When Taliban kills Americans/Afghans its the verdict of the people, When the TTP kills Pakistanis they become terrorist scumbags? Not biased at all eh?

A terrorist is a terrorist, be it in Afghanistan, Pakistan or India.

The Taliban is killing an armed combatant.
TTP is killing civilians going about their daily life.

If you cannot see the obvious different, you sir need to check your eyes!
True but the sources I provided most of them are well trusted in the world! You didn't got my point I said ISI is protecting their country's interest that's not a bad thing for it's people!

Protecting the intrest could be better achieved by working with a sane Afghan government with stake in regional interests rather than sending terrorist? dont you agree with this? ISI is a professional institute they dont harvest cave mentality of sending thugs aka "Bashiriyas" in local slang to solve every problem with AK-47. The sad fact that the current non-representative colonial Afghan government is more interested in stirring up anti-Pakistani issues rather than working with the neighbors. A nascent disease which has infected every Afghan government since the cold war days and the result is for all to see.

End of the day Pakistan is a neighboring country and there is no doing away with that fact. The only "so-called" interest Pakistan has in Afghanistan is the energy security and trade corridor to Central Asia. That is not something hard to give for Afghanistan or to receive by Pakistan. The rest all are rumors.

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