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Mossad cooperates with Saudis, Bahrain

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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‘Mossad cooperates with Saudis, Bahrain’


Mossad has close cooperation with Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, Israeli military says.

Israel says its Mossad spying agency has close cooperation with Bahrain and Saudi Arabia.

A report published on the Israeli military’s official website said that other countries that cooperate with Tel Aviv are the United Arab Emirates, Afghanistan and the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The report claimed that Bahrain has been providing Israel with intelligence on Iranian and Palestinian organizations.

The report also highlights the growing secret cooperation with Saudi Arabia, claiming that Mossad has been in direct contact with Saudi intelligence about Iran’s nuclear energy program.

The report says Tel Aviv has gathered intelligence on Iran through sources in Azerbaijan.

In 2011, the New York Times revealed that Israel had facilitated an arms deal between Germany and Saudi Arabia in a bid to improve relations with Riyadh.

Israel also sold a variety of military equipment including radars and machinery to the United Arab Emirates.

The countries mentioned in the report have not yet commented on it.

PressTV - ‘Mossad cooperates with Saudis, Bahrain’
PissTV the fake wannabe Arab Mullah propaganda "news" outlet and beacon of objectivity and truth when it comes to KSA, Sunni Muslims and Arabs in general?:lol:

Yes, and I am Santa Claus and the cousin of King David and Queen of Sheba.
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this guy in the video is an educated and respected SUNNI scholar.

LOL, some radical Indian Muslim that is based in Trinidad & Tobago and who does not even speak Arabic. Yes, very respected and well-known indeed. Among teenagers on Youtube that is.:lol: What was his name again?

PS: I like that dramatic background music. Very nice. Get's you in the conspiracy mode straight away. You just lack this.

Also no objection by the Saudi religious scholars or Saudi government about the destruction of the mosque in Jerusalem and confiscation of Arab Palestinian land is proof the Saudi government works closely with Israel. On all Mideast issues Israel and Saudi Arabias foreign policy are The same.

LOL, some radical Indian Muslim that is based in Trinidad & Tobago and who does not even speak Arabic. Yes, very respected and well-known indeed. Among teenagers on Youtube that is.:lol: What was his name again?

PS: I like that dramatic background music. Very nice. Get's you in the conspiracy mode straight away. You just lack this.

The same tactic Zionist Jew's use is to call everything that is true a conspiracy theory, the Saudi's do this as well .
Also no objection by the Saudi religious scholars or Saudi government about the destruction of the mosque in Jerusalem and confiscation of Arab Palestinian is proof the Saudi government works closely with Israel. On all Mideast issues Israel and Saudi Arabias foreign policy are The same.

Come on. Do you know which country that has and is donating the most money to Palestine? Money that actually helps the ordinary Palestinian.

KSA has been an integral part of the Palestinian-Israeli peace process and an integral supporter of Palestine.

In King Faisal we had a ruler that was more pro-Palestinian than any other ruler outside of Palestine since 1947.

The peace solution that King Fahd tried to put in place in 1981 was the best and closest deal to happening in that conflict. The Israelis rejected it and now Israelis that were part of this deal regret that. It was a deal that said that Israel should retreat to the borders pre-1967.

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The Saudi military has bought the best weapons in the world, yet it is a guarantee that they will NEVER use them to liberate their Palestinian Arab brothers. instead it is more likely they would team up with Israel to attack another Muslim country.

Come on. Do you know which country that is donating the most money to Palestine. Money that actually helps the ordinary Palestine.

KSA has been an integral part of the Palestinian-Israeli peace process and an integral supporter of Palestine.

In King Faisal we had a ruler that was more pro-Palestinian than any other ruler outside Palestine since 1947.

The peace solution that King Fahd tried to put in place in 1981 was the best and closest deal to happening in that conflict. The Israelis rejected it and now Israelis that were part of this deal reject it. It was a deal that said that Israel should retreat to the pre 1967 borders.

When Israel takes all the Palestinian lands or throws them into the sea, money will not help them.

plus Saudi government gives Palestinians money for public relations purposes to make themselves look good in the Arab world, and to cover their involvement with Israel. It is a clever deception to cover up their tracks.

with one hand Saudi gives you money and then with other hand Saudi gives you a knife to the back.
The Saudi military has bought the best weapons in the world, yet it is a guarantee that they will NEVER use them to liberate their Palestinian Arab brothers. instead it is more likely they would team up with Israel to attack another Muslim country.

When Israel takes all the Palestinian lands or throws them into the sea, money will not help them.

plus Saudi government gives Palestinians money for public relations purposes to make themselves look good in the Arab world, and to cover their involvement with Israel. It is a clever deception to cover up their tracks.

with one hand Saudi gives you money and then with other hand Saudi gives you a knife to the back.

Genius. Pakistan is the only Muslim country that is a nuclear power. Why does Pakistan, being the most powerful Muslim country, not attack Israel then? Are we not all Muslims? Anyway what do you think will happen should KSA "attack" Israel - a nuclear power that enjoys the UNCONDITIONAL support of the biggest world power and powers of the world for that matter? You make a guess.

Why does your lovely fake wannabe Arab Mullah's in Qom and Tehran not attack Israel instead of all the shouting each Friday about "death to Israel death to USA" or what they otherwise chant?

Israel has come to stay and you need to accept that. The Israelis and Palestinians need to find a solution and when that happens they should cooperate. Don't forget that 20% of the Israeli population are made up by Arabs (only growing) and that 50% of the Jewish population in Israel are Jews originally from Arab lands.

Humanitarian aid is given. To the ordinary Palestinian. I think they appreciate that more than anything else. If you consider that a knife in the back then that just tells all about your delusion and brainwashing.
Do you have a link of this purported link of Israeli military report?
You still don't see the connection? :cheesy:

I just want to see a link since it would be public...Bahrain can't provide intelligence on Palestinian organizations...their intelligence int beneficial to Israel.

However, powerful foreign intelligence organizations actually spy on Gaza for Israel, which is really disturbing actually but Hamas exposed them and caught the people. These foreign intelligence organizations spy more on Israel's enemies than their own so called sworn enemies of 'AQ' and Taliban.

Which is something very creepy and odd....
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