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Mossad, Bush planned, executed 9/11

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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‘Mossad, Bush planned, executed 9/11’

By Gordon Duff

Recent revelations published on the Press TV website, the New York Post and Veterans Today have changed history.

The story was simple, two American congressional representatives were allowed to read the Congressional 9/11 Investigation Report, this time including the areas President Bush had ordered removed. Both congressmen clearly state that the redacted pages of the report place full responsibility for the planning and execution of 9/11 on one or more foreign intelligence agencies, not “terrorists.”

What is also clear is that President Bush’s personal role in covering this up protected the real perpetrators of 9/11 and pushed the US into, not just two insane wars but draconian moves against America’s government.

The NSA and the Bush 9/11 coup

Nine eleven was a coup against the constitution. Additional reports released this week make clear some of the reasons Bush lied to the American people, to congress, our military and our allies, “Obama’s Director for National Intelligence, James Clapper, has declassified new documents that reveal how the NSA was first given the green light to start collecting bulk communication data in the hunt for Al-Qaeda terrorists after 9/11. President Barack Obama’s administration has for the first time publicly confirmed ‘the existence of collection activities authorized by President George W. Bush,’ such as bulk amounts of Internet and phone metadata, as part of the ‘Terrorist Surveillance Program’ (TSP). The disclosures are part of Washington's campaign to justify the NSA’s surveillance activities, following massive leaks to the media about the classified programs by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden. Clapper explained on Saturday that President George W. Bush first authorized the spying in October 2001, just weeks after the September 11 attacks.”

We can prove Bush was fully criminally culpable in covering the tracks of those responsible for 9/11.

AIPAC through Bandar and bush “under a bus”

More frighteningly, the articles published this week in Rupert Murdoch’s New York Daily News, written by Hoover Institute fellow and AIPAC member, Paul Sperry, now not only blame Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia as the 9/11 mastermind but tie Bush (43) in as well.

In fact, the entire AIPAC apparatus, the largest lobbying organization in Washington, is currently engaged in a “full court press,” to stop congress from pushing for the release of the real report. Is this because the real report accuses Israel, not Saudi Arabia, and AIPAC wants the Murdoch/Sperry story to stand?

Bin Laden myth “crashes down”

The real report, called “shocking” by the legislators, who have called for President Obama to declassify the entire report, proves that there was no al-Qaeda involvement, no reason to invade Afghanistan or Iraq and no reason to hunt CIA operative, Colonel Tim Osman, also known as “Osama bin Laden.”

In fact, Ambassador Lee Wanta, a former White House Intelligence Chief and Inspector General of the Department of Defense under Reagan, has cited meetings between key government officials and “bin Laden” that he attended, meetings held in both Los Angeles and Washington DC while the US was supposedly hunting him.

From Wanta, who was present during these meetings, “In early 1990, bin Laden, suffering from advanced kidney disease, was flown to an American facility in the Persian Gulf. From there, bin Laden flew to Los Angeles, landing in the Ontario airport, met by Albert Hakim, representing President Bush (41), Ollie North (free on appeal bond), Admiral William Dickie, attorney Glenn Peglau and General Jack Singlaub, one of the founders of the CIA. Hakim was the personal representative of President Bush and in overall charge of the project. ‘Bud’ McFarlane, an Iran-Contra figure pardoned by President Bush in 1992, was also a part of the group.
Bin Laden then left Los Angeles for Washington DC. There he stayed in the Mayflower Hotel. Meetings were held at the Metropolitan Club in Washington. Attorney Glenn Peglau stayed at the Metropolitan. While there, Peglau’s room was broken into and “items” removed. At no point is there record, classified or public, that this ‘working group’ was ever dissolved nor is there any record that Osama bin Laden’s status as a security operative working for the US government ever ended. In 2001, Osama bin Laden’s last public statement denied any involvement in the 9/11 attacks. There are no classified documents tying bin Laden to 9/11 or citing him to be a ‘rogue CIA operative.’”

Which 9/11 is real?

In 2007, the FBI flew a team to Bangkok to interview former Soviet nuclear intelligence specialist Dimitri Khalezov. Khalezov told the FBI that, in the morning of September 12, 2001, he attended a breakfast gathering with Mossad Operations Chief Mike Harari and his son along with other Israeli operatives.

Khalezov reported to the FBI that this gathering was to celebrate the 9/11 attacks, not as Netanyahu had said, as a “fortunate happenstance for Israel” but as a Mossad attack on the United States. At that meeting, Harari also claimed credit for a role in the Oklahoma City bombing. According to Khalezov, Harari was courting him to join their group for an upcoming operation, a bombing attack on Bali, scheduled for 2002.

On October 12, 2002, a huge explosive device devastated nearly a square mile killing 202 people. An Islamic group was blamed, just as with not just 9/11 but, initially, Oklahoma City as well.

Khalezov told FBI agents that Harari claimed nuclear weapons were used to bring down the twin towers on 9/11. Harari also said he got a “cruise type” missile, a Soviet “Granit” for the Pentagon attack, purchased through Victor Bout, the “Lord of War” played by Nicholas Cage in the film of the same name.

Bout, residing in Bangkok with Harari and Khalezov, was extradited to the United States based on a highly classified indictment accusing him of supplying the guided missile used to attack the Pentagon on 9/11. Bout was arrested in Bangkok in 2008, not long after the FBI visit. He was officially convicted of supplying arms to rebels in Colombia, an activity Bout had long been engaged in on behalf of the CIA, his arms dealing partners for many years.


Thus far, the initial report to congress on the Bush falsification does not qualify as a leak. Only Bush stands accused, the 9/11 perpetrators are still safe, their identities still protected by security protocols maintained by President Obama, despite congressional demands.

“Claimed” leaks reported by Sperry in the Washington Post blame Bandar and Saudi Intelligence for 9/11. Sperry cites the CIA as a source but, quite suspiciously, seems to be attempting to deflect the possible fallout against Israel when or if then real report is made public. The Sperry story, coordinated with AIPAC’s moves to quell congress’s demand to declassify the report may well be an indication that Israeli intelligence, as Khalezov indicates, worked with Bush to plan and execute 9/11.

From the Press TV article: “This week, Congressional representatives Stephen Lynch (D-MA) and Walter Jones (R-NC) have officially requested a congressional resolution demanding President Obama declassify the heavily redacted Congressional Investigative Report on 9/11. The two representatives had just been given authority under penalty of ‘national security secrecy’ to read the censored 28 pages of the 800-page report that had not been seen. What has been made clear is that President Bush was fully aware that neither Afghanistan nor Iraq were involved in 9/11 and that military action against those two nations was done to cover involvement of his administration in 9/11, involvement that included support from foreign intelligence agencies. The representatives, while reviewing the report, came to the portion titled ‘Specific Sources of Foreign Support.’
A 28-page section here had been ‘butchered’ by the White House on the personal orders of President Bush. On the original report given to Congress, an estimated 5-10,000 words were omitted from this section with page after page of dotted lines replacing text.”

This is only the most recent of revelations that AIPAC has managed to suppress through pressuring congress and its powerful assets in the press. What is increasingly clear is that many of AIPAC’s allies in Washington had access to the non-redacted report. An entire administration, leaders in congress and the Pentagon, the CIA, NSA and a dozen other organizations, all knew what was in the congressional report. They all lied to the 9/11 Commission. They all ordered measures to suppress freedom at home and to butcher hundreds of thousands around the world, kidnap and torture thousand more, all based on lies.

Countries were virtually wiped off the map on a whim. Often we hear it asked, “How could thousands be involved in a conspiracy so heinous?” We now stand ready to answer. The time has come to ask.

PressTV - ‘Mossad, Bush planned, executed 9/11’
I'm not sure where this information is coming from or what sources are used....

Although I can agree on one thing about the leaked reports claiming there are classified documents pointing blame at Saudi intelligence is suspicious and seems to be a way to divert from something.

I immediately thought that they are trying to divert attention from any information related to Israeli or an Israeli intelligence agency in the report if there as any though.

Certainly that part is odd...although the other stuff mentioned is almost funny. Like the claim nuclear devices were detonated to bring down the towers.

I know you're a believer but take your case with reliable verifiable information. This is what other people want from you here.

Although, whoever tells you to not suspect any single different detail other than what was presented to us ignore him as that is an attempt to censor people from diving in to answer other questions.

So I'm with you on that.
Anyone who believes this tripe is irredeemably stupid. We just have to hope that they have no children to whom they pass on their stupidity genes

Ditto on this.

"Khalezov told FBI agents that Harari claimed nuclear weapons were used to bring down the twin towers on 9/11. Harari also said he got a “cruise type” missile, a Soviet “Granit” for the Pentagon attack"

WTF? There were hundreds of people driving on major highways next to the Pentagon when it happened. They all saw the plane. Nobody saw a missile. Here's a pic to show you the pentagon is surrounded by highways.

marchroute2.jpg (image)
Ditto on this.

"Khalezov told FBI agents that Harari claimed nuclear weapons were used to bring down the twin towers on 9/11. Harari also said he got a “cruise type” missile, a Soviet “Granit” for the Pentagon attack"

WTF? There were hundreds of people driving on major highways next to the Pentagon when it happened. They all saw the plane. Nobody saw a missile. Here's a pic to show you the pentagon is surrounded by highways.

marchroute2.jpg (image)

In the video footage it can appear to be a cruise missile but the resolution is pretty low. I wonder why there's a low resolution camera around the pentagon....

Although if there were more cameras around the pentagon with higher resolutions I'd like to see those videos released to the public.
There was a major traffic jam at the time of the Pentagon hit. There were thousands of witnesses.
Another 9/11 conspiracy thread on PDF. What a shocker! :sarcastic:
These things are normal from opposition parties to create pressure on ruling parties. May it be India or USA or England, Every country end up being the culprit of some major event. Take it with pinch of salt.

People need to understand if its inbuilt, it needs a huge proportion of internal collaboration which is not possible to execute, no matter how much any intelligence plan things. People very conviniently fuget this.
Ditto on this.

"Khalezov told FBI agents that Harari claimed nuclear weapons were used to bring down the twin towers on 9/11. Harari also said he got a “cruise type” missile, a Soviet “Granit” for the Pentagon attack"

WTF? There were hundreds of people driving on major highways next to the Pentagon when it happened. They all saw the plane. Nobody saw a missile. Here's a pic to show you the pentagon is surrounded by highways.

marchroute2.jpg (image)

These people are stupid beyond redemption. People claiming a 10 meter long Granit was used instead of a 50 meter long 757 are plain retarded, nothing less.

Anyone actually believing that a bunch of Arabs can outsmart the American intelligence agencies and military and carry out such an attack all by themselves is kidding themselves.

Chinese maintain many times more stringent controls over people in China yet Uighurs carry out attacks from time to time, even at Tianenmen, obviously its the Chinese state carrying it out eh?

Oh now it sounds retarded? Exactly. It is.
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These people are stupid beyond redemption. People claiming a 10 meter long Granit was used instead of a 50 meter long 757 are plain retarded, nothing less.

Chinese maintain many times more stringent controls over people in China yet Uighurs carry out attacks from time to time, even at Tianenmen, obviously its the Chinese state carrying it out eh?

Oh now it sounds retarded? Exactly. It is.

This kind of operation is only done by intelligence agencies. No damn way in hell can a bunch of arabs hijack planes and crash into the Pentagon and the WTC. No way can Building 7 just collapse like it did. For a pilot to crash perfectly into the pentagon without ever touching the ground at that speed is outrageous.

The story the American regime wants the world to believe is beyond outrageous. No one in their right mind believes such fantasy stories.

The Americans have a history of false flag operations (Gulf of Tonkin incident, etc) and this false flag was the perfect excuse they needed to justify invasions for the imperial agenda.

This was a false flag operation plain and simple.

Believe the regime all you want but no one will ever convince me of the official story.
This kind of operation is only done by intelligence agencies. No damn way in hell can a bunch of arabs hijack planes and crash into the Pentagon and the WTC. No way can Building 7 just collapse like it did. For a pilot to crash perfectly into the pentagon without ever touching the ground at that speed is outrageous.

The story the American regime wants the world to believe is beyond outrageous. No one in their right mind believes such fantasy stories.

The Americans have a history of false flag operations (Gulf of Tonkin incident, etc) and this false flag was the perfect excuse they needed to justify invasions for the imperial agenda.

This was a false flag operation plain and simple.

Believe the regime all you want but no one will ever convince me of the official story.

They enrolled in a flight instruction school. If you have the money and the time you can enroll too and learn to fly a plane. I believe one place was in the middle of Kansas or something. It isn't exactly rocket science. The planes these days almost fly themselves. Even John Travolta flies a passenger jet (it's his).

You don't need a high IQ or a PhD to fly a plane.

There's no denying planes hit the twin towers.. it's on film. Whether the collapse of another building was aided by explosives doesn't (which is silly) doesn't make the plane strikes irrelevant.
They enrolled in a flight instruction school. If you have the money and the time you can enroll too and learn to fly a plane. I believe one place was in the middle of Kansas or something. It isn't exactly rocket science. The planes these days almost fly themselves. Even John Travolta flies a passenger jet (it's his).

You don't need a high IQ or a PhD to fly a plane.

There's no denying planes hit the twin towers.. it's on film. Whether the collapse of another building was aided by explosives doesn't (which is silly) doesn't make the plane strikes irrelevant.

lol you believe what you want. No one will EVER convince me.

Its a world known fact that Mossad did it to blame it on Muslims so as to carry out attack on Afghanistan and wipe out the merciful and kind rule of Taliban.

Mossad and RAW thought that Pakistan wont support this War on Terror, and then we can justify attack on Pakistan too. But Pakistan obeyed US and supported.

Hence we lost the chance to attack Pakistan too. (But no worries, we have paid our goons to carry out regular attacks on Pakistan.)

Mossad hired 21 yindoos to carry out the attack. (Why yindoos? Simple, because such pathetic acts can only be done by Kaafirs. No Muslim can be convinced to perform a terrorist act.)

So, Mossad hired few yindoo bharotis to carry out the attack. Those black bharotis were given full support from US state department. They left these baniyaas directly into the cockpit so that CIA can prove kidnapping recorded in the Black box.

But too bad that our conspiracy against these innocent Muslims finally revealed by intellectual people of PDF.
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