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Moscow could destroy US, Patrushev warns


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Ukraine-Russia updates: Moscow could destroy US, Patrushev warns​


People stand in front of a heavily damaged building

People stand in front of a heavily damaged building after a Russian attack in Sloviansk, in the Donetsk region of Ukraine [Libkos/AP Photo]
By Edna Mohamed and Virginia Pietromarchi
Published On 27 Mar 202327 Mar 2023

The live blog is now closed, thank you for joining us. Here are the updates for Monday, March 27:
  • Nikolai Patrushev, secretary of Russia’s Security Council, warns that Moscow has enough weapons to destroy “any adversary”, including the United States, if its existence is threatened.
  • The United Nations Security Council has rejected a resolution tabled by Russia calling for an independent inquiry into September explosions on the Nord Stream gas pipelines.
  • The Ukrainian governor of Donetsk says at least two people have been killed and 29 are wounded, including a child, after a Russian attack on Sloviansk early Monday morning.
  • President Vladimir Putin says Western criticism will not influence Russia’s plans to deploy tactical nuclear weapons in neighbouring Belarus.
  • Russian forces are turning Avdiivka, a city in the Donetsk region near Bakhmut, into “a place from post-apocalyptic movies”, a top Ukrainian official says.

Ukraine-Russia updates: Moscow could destroy US, Patrushev warns​

View attachment 922427
People stand in front of a heavily damaged building

People stand in front of a heavily damaged building after a Russian attack in Sloviansk, in the Donetsk region of Ukraine [Libkos/AP Photo]
By Edna Mohamed and Virginia Pietromarchi
Published On 27 Mar 202327 Mar 2023

The live blog is now closed, thank you for joining us. Here are the updates for Monday, March 27:
  • Nikolai Patrushev, secretary of Russia’s Security Council, warns that Moscow has enough weapons to destroy “any adversary”, including the United States, if its existence is threatened.
  • The United Nations Security Council has rejected a resolution tabled by Russia calling for an independent inquiry into September explosions on the Nord Stream gas pipelines.
  • The Ukrainian governor of Donetsk says at least two people have been killed and 29 are wounded, including a child, after a Russian attack on Sloviansk early Monday morning.
  • President Vladimir Putin says Western criticism will not influence Russia’s plans to deploy tactical nuclear weapons in neighbouring Belarus.
  • Russian forces are turning Avdiivka, a city in the Donetsk region near Bakhmut, into “a place from post-apocalyptic movies”, a top Ukrainian official says.
Russia is the one talking about weapons and threatening others. Not sure how they think their existence is threatened.
Russia is the one talking about weapons and threatening others. Not sure how they think their existence is threatened.
INF might have weakened Russian missile capability in the mid range but they have super-destructive long range nuclear missiles from hypersonic gliders to multi warhead ICBMs capable of wiping off USA from the world map.

You messed with them, that's what they are capable of.
The fact is Putin is an idiot and he has destroyed his country for his own political ambitions. Nukes without a strong economy is the same as North Korea; a barking dog who cannot bite.
The fact is Putin is an idiot and he has destroyed his country for his own political ambitions. Nukes without a strong economy is the same as North Korea; a barking dog who cannot bite.
but russia has nuclear subs prowling near american coast,china can only these type of geographic advantage.
Russia can do everything it claim about america.
The fact is Putin is an idiot and he has destroyed his country for his own political ambitions. Nukes without a strong economy is the same as North Korea; a barking dog who cannot bite.

This is why China may support Russian conventional weapons.

If NATO is unwilling to end the war in Ukraine and continues to deliver offensive weapons to Ukraine, Russia will use nuclear weapons if there are too many casualties in a conventional war.

If Russia uses nuclear weapons, the catastrophe it will cause to the world is too terrible, it is better to use China's conventional weapons.
INF might have weakened Russian missile capability in the mid range but they have super-destructive long range nuclear missiles from hypersonic gliders to multi warhead ICBMs capable of wiping off USA from the world map.

You messed with them, that's what they are capable of.
You act like Russia is the only one with nukes. For sure that the U.S. has a few Trident submarines ready to nuke Moscow and other major cities in less than 10 minutes. Probably even less.

This is why China may support Russian conventional weapons.

If NATO is unwilling to end the war in Ukraine and continues to deliver offensive weapons to Ukraine, Russia will use nuclear weapons if there are too many casualties in a conventional war.

If Russia uses nuclear weapons, the catastrophe it will cause to the world is too terrible, it is better to use China's conventional weapons.
Well then the best thing to do is pull out of Ukraine if they want to avoid too many casualties.
They can't , and the prove is the Ukraine mess.

USA is only so brave against Russia when they fully deployed their ABM shields.

That's the difference between today and the USA former respect to towards Russia in cold war.

There is no MAD doctrine anymore, USA mainland can't be attacked, USA knows it, and they provoke wherever they go, they are not afraid.

In her heart she boasts,
‘I sit enthroned as queen.
I am not a widow;
I will never mourn.’

Rev 18:7

And they dont care if they drag EU into full destruction.

You have trusted in your wickedness and have said, ‘No one sees me.’ you say to yourself, ‘I am, and there is none besides me.’
Isaiah 47:10
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Ukraine-Russia updates: Moscow could destroy US, Patrushev warns​

View attachment 922427
People stand in front of a heavily damaged building

People stand in front of a heavily damaged building after a Russian attack in Sloviansk, in the Donetsk region of Ukraine [Libkos/AP Photo]
By Edna Mohamed and Virginia Pietromarchi
Published On 27 Mar 202327 Mar 2023

The live blog is now closed, thank you for joining us. Here are the updates for Monday, March 27:
  • Nikolai Patrushev, secretary of Russia’s Security Council, warns that Moscow has enough weapons to destroy “any adversary”, including the United States, if its existence is threatened.
  • The United Nations Security Council has rejected a resolution tabled by Russia calling for an independent inquiry into September explosions on the Nord Stream gas pipelines.
  • The Ukrainian governor of Donetsk says at least two people have been killed and 29 are wounded, including a child, after a Russian attack on Sloviansk early Monday morning.
  • President Vladimir Putin says Western criticism will not influence Russia’s plans to deploy tactical nuclear weapons in neighbouring Belarus.
  • Russian forces are turning Avdiivka, a city in the Donetsk region near Bakhmut, into “a place from post-apocalyptic movies”, a top Ukrainian official says.

russia can't even defeat 7-8 times smaller ukraine, yet they think they can destroy america........... :lol:..........russia just has a loud mouth, nothing else. The russian military and russian top of the line weapons systems are all a joke.........:lol:
This is why China may support Russian conventional weapons.

If NATO is unwilling to end the war in Ukraine and continues to deliver offensive weapons to Ukraine, Russia will use nuclear weapons if there are too many casualties in a conventional war.

If Russia uses nuclear weapons, the catastrophe it will cause to the world is too terrible, it is better to use China's conventional weapons.

Correct!! And Russia will use tactical nukes in case of a conventional defeat in Ukraine. Putin knows he's finished if he is seen to be losing the war after so much loss. He has already put Russia decades back and he will want to salvage something out of the war.

There is no MAD doctrine anymore, USA mainland can't be attacked, USA knows it, and they provoke wherever they go, they are not afraid.

MAD doctrine still exists as long as Russia can wipe off even one major America city and all that will take for that would be only ONE nuke launch successful whether from one of the multiple submarines prowling the oceans or some aircraft. Only ONE! Americans and Russians have known each others' nuclear capabilities for since the 1950s and know the risk. Putin's ultimate shield and ultimate sword are the nukes.
MAD doctrine still exists as long as Russia can wipe off even one major America city and all that will take for that would be only ONE nuke launch successful whether from one of the multiple submarines prowling the oceans or some aircraft. Only ONE! Americans and Russians have known each others' nuclear capabilities for since the 1950s and know the risk. Putin's ultimate shield and ultimate sword are the nukes.
Truth is you dont know, and I dont know.

But facts, USA behavior, and ABM shield deployments suggest that MAD doctrine doesnt exist anymore for USA.

There are only two options:
-USA can stop any kind of Russian first strike against USA mainland.
-USA ruling elite are crazy and they want to suicide

"It is an old maxim of mine that when you have excluded the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth" -Conan Doyle

And the impossible here is that smart twisted American ruling elite wants to suicide.

About ABM shields, we must remember:

-USA ABM shields officially have a lot of fails tests, but that can be simulate to deceive "allies" (vassals).

Israel has their own ABM shield, Hetz-3 (Arrow 3) and it does NOT fail in his tests.

My bet and suspicious is: USA ABM shields have a error ratio of 0,000000% and it's made to work in dead hand mode, no room to human error. It's not needed President permission to launch a interceptor.
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Truth is you dont know, and I dont know.

But facts, USA behavior, and ABM shield deployments suggest that MAD doctrine doesnt exist anymore for USA.

There are only two options:
-USA can stop any kind of Russian first strike against USA mainland.
-USA ruling elite are crazy and they want to suicide

"It is an old maxim of mine that when you have excluded the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth" -Conan Doyle

And the impossible here is that smart twisted American ruling elite wants to suicide.

About ABM shields, we must remember:

-USA ABM shields officially have a lot of fails tests, but that can be simulate to deceive "allies" (vassals).

Israel has their own ABM shield, Hetz-3 (Arrow 3) and it does NOT fail in his tests.

My bet and suspicious is: USA ABM shields have a error ratio of 0,000000% and it's made to work in dead hand mode, no room to human error. It's not needed President permission to launch a interceptor.

Very interesting post!
True, neither you or me know for sure. But my very strong understanding is that the MAD still exists. A nuke launched from a Russian submarine near the American eastern or western coasts will make a successful wiping off Washington or NYC or LA or Seattle very much possible. It is a risk no President of America would be willing to take. And hence there is MAD.

Some others here can shed better light on this.
Very interesting post!
True, neither you or me know for sure. But my very strong understanding is that the MAD still exists. A nuke launched from a Russian submarine near the American eastern or western coasts will make a successful wiping off Washington or NYC or LA or Seattle very much possible. It is a risk no President of America would be willing to take. And hence there is MAD.

Some others here can shed better light on this.
If Israelis can do this:

What can't do the Americans?

But Israel has not budget to make fake failed tests like the Americans.
If Israelis can do this:

What can't do the Americans?

But Israel has not budget to make fake failed tests like the Americans.

Israel can be destroyed by crippling its economy by the launch of thousands of rockets fired from many locations for weeks. Israel, unlike America, is a tiny country and is not an island nation--on the contrary!!!
About the American vulnerability to Russian nukes, I think I have said enough above. The MAD is still very relevant and I believe that fact is known to even our senile President Biden.
I compared the Russian military to a mechanic who can do only two things: change the oil or change the engine, and no skills in the middle.
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