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Moscow and Beijing love Pakistan

another NATO

PAK,CHINA,INDIA,RUsssia,Central Asia,Turkey.

More powerful than NAto

And Afghanistan?

That is where the stuff lies where dreams are spun in day time.

I am surprised at the jubilation that you chaps get when you have some shoulders to rest on.

Is the Pakistani identity in such a crisis?

I don't think that this psyche does Pakistan proud, or does it?
I can see that truth burns like fire in your a**. Is that your a** or your head which is burning?

i think its your a** thats on fire.
You are repeting same sentance like parrot and on asking for source tries to attack pesonally.
Your reply in this post surly stats a fact that either your head is buring or you dont have one.
So before you reply to me, provide me with source of your insite-ful knoledge of India and its policies on the basis of which you are making your statement.
Or if not then stay out of the matter of which you dont have knoledge.
asia could be the new NATO...if pakistan parts ways with the US....and according to the article....goes with russia and china...then russia china india pakistan,central asian states and even turkey can join hands....to balance the power of NATO.

All those countries can join............except only one country........that is Indian.........they always has negative response.
There's an interesting distinction between fatherland and motherland so perhaps not.
Pakistani leaders are getting ready to visit China, where will be receiving unqualified support.
No, that isn't what is going to happen. The support WILL be qualified; the Chinese will not permit Pakistan to pull its tail.

America showed great patience before and competence during the Abbottabad raid. The competence everyone knows about. The patience part people don't: for over twelve years and three U.S. presidents and multiple Pakistani leaders Pakistan had promised to deliver bin Laden. That's right, even when Bill Clinton was president and OBL was in Afghanistan. Pakistan promised but did nothing and eventually even disbanded the P.A. unit dedicated to looking for bin Laden. No surprise, then, that when U.S. officials strongly suspected - with some evidence - that bin Laden was comfortably ensconced in the bosom of the Pakistani military that they concluded Pakistan had either been lying to them or continued to boast, "No Osama here!" to cover up their own ignorance.

I don't doubt that traveling Pakistani officials are greeted with smiles in Moscow and Beijing . A smile is what's left when people try to restrain their mirth and relief. Didn't the Abbottabad episode demonstrate that a devious Pakistan is not to be feared nor (as the U.S. demonstrated) respected? After a while they may tire of the amusement and lose interest in their Pakistani guests entirely.
No, that isn't what is going to happen. The support WILL be qualified; the Chinese will not permit Pakistan to pull its tail.

America showed great patience before and competence during the Abbottabad raid. The competence everyone knows about. The patience part people don't: for over twelve years and three U.S. presidents and multiple Pakistani leaders Pakistan had promised to deliver bin Laden. That's right, even when Bill Clinton was president and OBL was in Afghanistan. Pakistan promised but did nothing and eventually even disbanded the P.A. unit dedicated to looking for bin Laden. No surprise, then, that when U.S. officials strongly suspected - with some evidence - that bin Laden was comfortably ensconced in the bosom of the Pakistani military that they concluded Pakistan had either been lying to them or continued to boast, "No Osama here!" to cover up their own ignorance.

I don't doubt that traveling Pakistani officials are greeted with smiles in Moscow and Beijing . A smile is what's left when people try to restrain their mirth and relief. Didn't the Abbottabad episode demonstrate that a devious Pakistan is not to be feared nor (as the U.S. demonstrated) respected? After a while they may tire of the amusement and lose interest in their Pakistani guests entirely.

Let me start with saying very bluntly for a HOOYA minded hick like you.....................FCUK YOU & FCUK YOUR USA!!!!

If you think for a moment that loosing a few lousy souls in the twin towers equals the massive price that we Pakistanis have paid for this imposed USA so called war on terror on us, then you are seriously mistaken! Pakistan is not a 'humble servant' to US interests! We have our own strategic interest in this region and if those at some stage conflict with those of the USA, well then tough $HIT!!

Abbotabad episode was simply a 'wake-up' call for Pakistan (and a good one at that) and it was less the US capability and more of our own stupidity to be caught sleeping because of the little trust that we had!

Remember we are not Yemen or Libya or Bahrain or Qatar or Iraq or Iran where you can barge-in with your Hornets or with your Raptors!!!! You start a fist fight with us, we will most certainly bite back irrespective of the eventual consequences!! Keep that in mind before you open your mouth again to blurt brainless nonsense about Pakistan the next time! Kapeesh Gringo!!!!
Let me start with saying very bluntly for a HOOYA minded hick like you.....................FCUK YOU & FCUK YOUR USA!!!!

If you think for a moment that loosing a few lousy souls in the twin towers equals the massive price that we Pakistanis have paid for this imposed USA so called war on terror on us, then you are seriously mistaken! Pakistan is not a 'humble servant' to US interests! We have our own strategic interest in this region and if those at some stage conflict with those of the USA, well then tough $HIT!!

Abbotabad episode was simply a 'wake-up' call for Pakistan (and a good one at that) and it was less the US capability and more of our own stupidity to be caught sleeping because of the little trust that we had!

Remember we are not Yemen or Libya or Bahrain or Qatar or Iraq or Iran where you can barge-in with your Hornets or with your Raptors!!!! You start a fist fight with us, we will most certainly bite back irrespective of the eventual consequences!! Keep that in mind before you open your mouth again to blurt brainless nonsense about Pakistan the next time! Kapeesh Gringo!!!!

I second that.

they completely ignore how much sacrifices Pakistan endured during these years, . USA is such a SELFISH and RUDE country, not to mention they are invade our country. unilateral action, go to hell .

if an ally is doing such things.it's an insult, I'd rather we have no such "ally". we tell them, FU@K OFF.
Motherfuckers like solomon are the reason why this world has so much miseries! They think that americans are greeted with smile everywhere they go, they say that the spit they get as hypocrites is actually a sign of love!

You seem to be an expert on pornographic expletives.

I thought you were a pious Muslim as you tend to portray.

Is this piety?

I am sorry all this brouhaha that one encounters of being a Muslim is the last word in life since they are pious and holy seems to be made a mockery of by chaps like you and others who revel in pornographic expletives and imagery!!
If you think for a moment that loosing a few lousy souls in the twin towers equals the massive price that we Pakistanis have paid for this imposed USA so called war on terror on us, then you are seriously mistaken!
I genuinely believe that the price you are paying is because this is what the Pakistani Army leadership desires. It was the parliamentary testimony yesterday that finally convinced me: the head of the ISI fighting for Pakistan's right to defend mass-murdering terrorists like OBL, rather than thank the U.S. for helping Pakistani remove such an abomination from its midst.

We have our own strategic interest in this region and if those at some stage conflict with those of the USA, well then tough $HIT!!
Sure. But what excuse do you have to offer the people of Pakistan for their suffering?
they say that the spit they get as hypocrites is actually a sign of love!
There is a communication problem. Those "Go, America, Go!" signs from demonstrations last week? They could easily be misinterpreted as Pakistani endorsement of America's efforts, not a call for Americans to leave the region. As the Brits say, the Americans and English are two peoples divided by a common language!
I genuinely believe that the price you are paying is because this is what the Pakistani Army leadership desires. It was the parliamentary testimony yesterday that finally convinced me: the head of the ISI fighting for Pakistan's right to defend mass-murdering terrorists like OBL, rather than thank the U.S. for helping Pakistani remove such an abomination from its midst.

Sure. But what excuse do you have to offer the people of Pakistan for their suffering?

what are you talking about? are you insane?

pakistan is more than happy to invade u.s.a. to get rid of those drug dealers? and u.s.a. cannot hide this drug dealer, or should be denounced worldwide. and u.s.a should thank us for doing this.

hell, what a mental.
Let me start with saying very bluntly for a HOOYA minded hick like you.....................FCUK YOU & FCUK YOUR USA!!!!

If you think for a moment that loosing a few lousy souls in the twin towers equals the massive price that we Pakistanis have paid for this imposed USA so called war on terror on us, then you are seriously mistaken! Pakistan is not a 'humble servant' to US interests! We have our own strategic interest in this region and if those at some stage conflict with those of the USA, well then tough $HIT!!

Abbotabad episode was simply a 'wake-up' call for Pakistan (and a good one at that) and it was less the US capability and more of our own stupidity to be caught sleeping because of the little trust that we had!

Remember we are not Yemen or Libya or Bahrain or Qatar or Iraq or Iran where you can barge-in with your Hornets or with your Raptors!!!! You start a fist fight with us, we will most certainly bite back irrespective of the eventual consequences!! Keep that in mind before you open your mouth again to blurt brainless nonsense about Pakistan the next time! Kapeesh Gringo!!!!

Learn how to debate first, you yourself are setting the worst impression of Pakistan. The sign of a weak nation or people is when they start abusing the other person and run out of things to say.
asia could be the new NATO...if pakistan parts ways with the US....and according to the article....goes with russia and china...then russia china india pakistan,central asian states and even turkey can join hands....to balance the power of NATO.

Where does Moscow come into this? Is it because of the SCO initiative? NATO is not loony to spend its money, men, time and energy on unaware civilians. There is a reason why they are here. Of course resource scourging is one of them; but not the main reason as we all know heart in heart.
As for Pakistan parting ways with US, there is a reason why it has not done so despite thousands of protests against US-Pakistani relationship, isn't it?

Why do you think that neither the Pak government nor the powerful Army has decided to ditch USA all of a sudden and join the Chinese bandwagon? I think a bit of analysis here without bringing emotions should be done. Figure it out, it is your country.
Let me start with saying very bluntly for a HOOYA minded hick like you.....................FCUK YOU & FCUK YOUR USA!!!!

If you think for a moment that loosing a few lousy souls in the twin towers equals the massive price that we Pakistanis have paid for this imposed USA so called war on terror on us, then you are seriously mistaken! Pakistan is not a 'humble servant' to US interests! We have our own strategic interest in this region and if those at some stage conflict with those of the USA, well then tough $HIT!!

WTH? Are you seriously out of your mind? Those who died there had nothing to do with your blasts! Those who died in those twin tower crashes also had families like the ones that are getting killed in your country. If you think they are lousy souls, then you are pitiable for you do not know to value even the deceased. Is this so hard to get that your common people who're dying and the ones who died in 9/11 are no different from each other?

Abbotabad episode was simply a 'wake-up' call for Pakistan (and a good one at that) and it was less the US capability and more of our own stupidity to be caught sleeping because of the little trust that we had!

How about you convince your leadership to do this? There have been dozens of protests staged all around Pakistan against US-Pak ties; Zardari and Gilani are just faces while your Army has more power than either; and still they don't jump the bandwagon. Why is that? Figure it out.

Remember we are not Yemen or Libya or Bahrain or Qatar or Iraq or Iran where you can barge-in with your Hornets or with your Raptors!!!! You start a fist fight with us, we will most certainly bite back irrespective of the eventual consequences!! Keep that in mind before you open your mouth again to blurt brainless nonsense about Pakistan the next time! Kapeesh Gringo!!!!

Calm down man. You're talking out of reason and full of emotions; both not useful when thinking of strategy. Your sovereignty got violated and that's wrong. But you had the most wanted man by US hidden in your territory, according to OBL's wife, for 5 years just a few meters away from your military academy and none of your commanders or intelligence officers knew about it. What do you make of that? US SEALs did cross into your border but did not kill a single Pakistani civilian or army man and instead only gunned down OBL and his guards in that house.

So what steps you take depends on sensible thinking rather than anger and emotion. There is something definitely in for Pakistan and USA, which is why both countries continue to cooperate at some or the other level despite souring of ties. This is what foreign policy dictates.
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