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Featured More than a pawn, Pakistan is a real player Between the U.S. and China

Wishful thinking by the Americans. Let them dream. It won't happen. The bridges have been burnt. Some things are irreparable.

Pakistan has clearly chosen a side. We don't stand with Uncle Sam.
We should have an independent policy
We should not be a battlefield between two superpowers

We should take as much benefits from both sides without risking our core interests

Like nehru India did from soviets and West
Made soviets jump into its war in bng but didn't come to aid to soviets in Afghanistan

But we should also stop taking China as all benevolent friend they helping us as it suits em
But we should look out for hidden motives as well
As we learnt from Americans and now even Saudis
There is no permanent friend or enemy
Only interests
US Still have chance if US invest it correctly in Pakistan. US send her companies to invest in Pakistan and also help Wakan corridor so that She can tapped Central Asia but chances are very low due to US past history with Pakistan and now Pakistan don't trust them. Recently T129 helicopter is the prime example Pakistan not to trust US

There is no chance. Pakistan future lies in alliance with China. We should not antagonize USA. We should be friends with all countries. But we must recognize USA and its European allies are very fickle. They just achieve their objective and then leave.
Well.. They destroyed Afghanistan down looking for the guy who was found living well in Pakistan and completely relied on your support until they realized their folly.

Factually incorrect.

USSR invaded it bore the initial responsibility for the destruction.

secondly taliban refused to hand over a suspect ie OBL despite Gen Musharraf plea.

third reason for destruction is India’s meddling by supporting the horrible north alliance which has no large scale support and there making a bad situation worse. Good think Trump keep india out of peace talks.

OBL raid was a farce any one who can do a little research and apply him self knows that.

You being an Indian are excused.
You are right that it is very confusing to figure out who has any legitmatcy in Pakistan.

PM IMran Khan is the boss.. who after all your begging to western and middleeast Capitals allowed him to be released.

if the military was in charge he would be released after your election and to add half your airforce would have been shot down. The ACM Mujid Khan was pushing for all out retaliation hence lots of Abilundon running around Pakistan getting whacked. Imran khan wanted only proportional response.

your are lucky Imran Khan was the boss and not Musharraf or General Zia as they would not have spared your nation.

the moment I think the only priority is getting through the covid crysis a

Thanks for confirming Indian projects are always full of hot air...just like the irani port ...

in mean time a-Stan has to rely on us ... reinforcing the view that India is powerless or impotent or just serious on TV.

to think you can play the big games with China...
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We should have an independent policy
We should not be a battlefield between two superpowers

We should take as much benefits from both sides without risking our core interests

Like nehru India did from soviets and West
Made soviets jump into its war in bng but didn't come to aid to soviets in Afghanistan

But we should also stop taking China as all benevolent friend they helping us as it suits em
But we should look out for hidden motives as well
As we learnt from Americans and now even Saudis
There is no permanent friend or enemy
Only interests

China and Pakistan interests are perfectly aligned and if that brings in conflict with USA so be it. US is on a permanent decline they won’t matter in another 30 years
You ignorant American racist brat. A cheater and a racist is going to teach us history LOL Aren't you the same guys who turned Iraq into a dump hole based on lies and deceit? Where are the WMDs? Your entire nation is built on lies and bloodshed.

It was okay for your lover India to go nuclear, right? You had no issues with that, did you fat American fvck? You throw fits at Pakistani nuclear capability. Fvck you and your duplicity. We went nuclear because your little lover India went nuclear. We had no other choice. Stop the hypocrisy. Did we give a rats *** about your onesided concerns? Hell no. We will do whatever we have to do. What are you going to do about it? Act like a keyboard warrior and vent your frustration LOL

Blah blah blah. Who gives a rats ***. We did what we had to do and you did what you had to do. Sure we made mistakes. I don't claim that we have angels on our side. It was temporary and transactional and you made it that way by turning your back after exploiting Pakistan. Good for you. Now stop crying about what is happening today in Afghanistan. We are simply doing what is necessary whilst your country is empowering India against our interests. You think we are just going to lie down and watch how you elevate India to undermine our interests? LOL Think again. We coming for you and your lover India. You should count yourself lucky that after all the backstabbing Pakistan still dragged the Taliban to the negotiating table. If it was up to me I would have let you drown in Afghanistan. You shouldn't get any exit from Afghanistan. You don't deserve it.

Who has forced you to give money to Pakistan? Did we put a gun to your head to give us money? Who told you to sell F-16s to Pakistan? Did we force you to sell F-16s? You had temporary interests. That is was why you sold F-16s and gave bribe money. You are not mother Teresa handing out free money and selling F-16s as charity. Stop using that as an excuse.

Your nation America backstabbed Pakistan and for that it is going to pay a price. Yes, Pakistan has fully moved into the China camp. Thanks for pointing out the obvious captain America. Burn and cry rivers just like your officials who hold daylight therapy sessions against OBOR and CPEC LOL It is a joy to see you burn like charcoal.
He feels great when you call him American, that was the obsession of his life he is fulfilling by means of a proxy server.
PM IMran Khan is the boss.. who after all your begging to western and middleeast Capitals allowed him to be released.

if the military was in charge he would be released after your election and to add half your airforce would have been shot down. The ACM Mujid Khan was pushing for all out retaliation hence lots of Abilundon running around Pakistan getting whacked. Imran khan wanted only proportional response.

your are lucky Imran Khan was the boss and not Musharraf or General Zia as they would not have spared your nation.

Thanks for confirming Indian projects are always full of hot air...just like the irani port ...

in mean time a-Stan has to rely on us ... reinforcing the view that India is powerless or impotent or just serious on TV.

to think you can play the big games with China...
I normally avoid rebuttals for the likes of you,

The fact is that Pakistan has completely lost the game and reduced itself into China's top courtesan/mujra dancer whose highest aspiration is to be used as a bargaining chip in Indo-China affairs in exchange for some power plants and roads.

If Musharraf was in charge you would not be typing right now, you would have no intenet or electricity or food to eat. Pakistan would have become another Afghanistan. Your halls of justice have ordered for Mushy's body to be dragged into prison and hanged for treason, because he already tried his best to take Kashmir - failed miserabbly. Pakistan played dirty because it cannot win clean, now theres nothing left to win or play - your army has decided they went too far and now they just trying to save whats left of the nation - but the likes of you will make this endeavor very difficult.

Your own soldiers died with indignity pretending to be terrorists not only in India but also within Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Factually incorrect.

USSR invaded it bore the initial responsibility for the destruction.

secondly taliban refused to hand over a suspect ie OBL despite Gen Musharraf plea.

third reason for destruction is India’s meddling by supporting the horrible north alliance which has no large scale support and there making a bad situation worse. Good think Trump keep india out of peace talks.

OBL raid was a farce any one who can do a little research and apply him self knows that.

You being an Indian are excused.
There is still a lot of disbelief and confusion inside Pakistan but 7 billion people of the world outside Pakistan are very clear about OBL, facts dont matter.
I normally avoid rebuttals for the likes of you,

Understandable.. from a person who loses every arguement due to posting a poorly research post.
If Musharraf was in charge you would not be typing right now, you would have no intenet or electricity or food to eat

Factually incorrect assumption

Under Muharraf the economy was much better managed. Seriously do you not do even a basic research before posting?..

oh wait you are from India. You are excused.
Pakistan played dirty because it cannot win clean, now theres nothing left to win or play - your army has decided they went too far

You just described India perfectly ..

Lost the air battle and stupidly threatened with SSM ... only to back down after western capitals intervened

Your army?.. lol

it got clobbered by the PLA... please Modi made us laugh with his radar theory, fake hospital visit and claimed nothing happened.
Your own soldiers died with indignity pretending to be terrorists not only in India but also within Pakistan and Afghanistan.

According your media, which now every knows is a global liar.
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There is still a lot of disbelief and confusion inside Pakistan but 7 billion people of the world outside Pakistan are very clear about OBL, facts dont matter

oh we are clear it was a scam... just like we know you couldn't kill a F-16 if your lives depended on it, just like we knew GW2 was based on lies, just like we knew Samjota express bombers were hindu Indians, just like we knew Yadav was a terrorist and not some silly businessman.. oh wait we have ICJ to give credit for that.
Understandable.. from a person who loses every arguement due to posting a poorly research post.

Factually incorrect assumption

Under Muharraf the economy was much better managed. Seriously do you not do even a basic research before posting?..

oh wait you are from India. You are excused.
Reasons for Pakistans better economic condition in Mushy time:
i) US support
ii) US aid for development
iii) US military hardware at discounted prices
iv) Less intense power disparity in the region
v) Inherently better Macro economic indicators than present time
vi) Global economy was strong with no pandemic etc
vii) Militiary Dictatorship allows for more efficient and less beurocratic decision making than a true democracy.

I dont know what kind of research you have learned to do when you make claims such as PAF can shoot down half of IAF when IAF has 3x the assets and did not even retaliate. If you try to be more realistic and less emotional I might get banned less often.

Reasons for todays bad economy:
i) No foreign investment other than China
ii) Raging arms race in S.E Asia puts straining pressure on Pak economy to provide for Pak military upgrades
iii) Disproportionate spending towards pet projects of military elite generals who have the real power.
iv) Papa general joe
v) Almost all retired generals have house in europe, big land in Pakistan, and children living in europe or usa
vi) massive corruption, land mafia, wheat mafia, sugar mafia
vii) PIA complete failure
viii) No faith in democratic process with PDM protesting in massive ways, hidden cameras in electrol booths
ix) Pakistan does not export any value added products other than footballs. Almost everything that Pakistan consumes is made in China except for agriculture products and textiles.
x) Due to the lack of opportunities inside Pakistan and constantly screwing it up even more to make problems with India, almost all capable Pakistanis either move to middle east for work or better countries acccording to their stature. The smart ones who stay back find opportunities to make money through military or corrupt practices because its the only way you can live a good life and this is what everyone does.
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Reasons for Pakistans better economic condition

love your U turns.... just a post ago you claimed we would be worse under Musharaf.

you are a true indian

BTW the main brain child of better performance was Shaukat Aziz and he did a turn around well before 9-11. Do some reading on it.. you might learn something

dont know what kind of research you have learned to do when you make claims such as PAF can shoot down half of IAF

PAF had superiority in EW .. your planes were blind and deaf... it would have been one big turkey shoot...

PAF pilots who were part of Swift retort claimed 9 hard lock on , but were denied permission.

Good thing the IAF backed down knowing it was totally out classed and stayed quietly in their pens.
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love your U turns.... just a post ago you claimed we would be worse under Musharaf.

you are a true indian

BTW the main brain child of better performance was Shaukat Aziz and he did a turn well before 9-11. Do some reading on it.. you might learn something

PAF had superiority in EW .. your planes were blind and deaf... it would have been one big turkey shot...

PAF pilots who were part of Swift retort claimed 9 hard lock on , but were denied permission.

Good thing the IAF backed down knowing it was totally out classed and stayed quietly in their pens.

These are just stories floating around Pakistan and Pakistani expats to make them feel better and give themselves a pat on their own backs feeling better about an otherwise morbid situation.

I hope there are no more aerial engagements between India and Pakistan so that Pakistanis can keep thumping themselves for the rest of their lives about the greatness of swift retort.

We have our own stories floating around.

The fact is that PAF was well prepared, brave and made a good move but thats about it. For what would come next, nobody was prepared and there was nothing to gain.
se are just stories floating around Pakistan and Pakistani expats to make them feel better a

in your head ... sure.
I hope there are no more aerial engagements between India and Pakistan

I believe every IAF pilots prays for that.
the rest of their lives about the greatness of swift retort.

we have seen a U turn in Indian attitude... what ever we did.. it worked.
. For what would come next, nobody was prepared and there was nothing to gain.

exactly why Modi crawled back in his cave....

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your economy did collapse and was on the very verge and if we hadn’t given u 6.5 billion it definitely. Again have your opinion just don’t change the facts

means the behavior continues. You again came to us asking for money

Also being a nuclear nation has no relevance with ur economy. that’s like saying I can fly because I have a car

Whatever. Trump stopped all economic and military aid to Pakistan. Years have passed. Tell me what difference that made.

You say what you want, your leaders will take every carrot that they can smell.

This article conveniently ignores the backstabbing nature of Pakistans friendship with the US and Pakistans marriage with China.

Now Pakistan China are no longer in dating phase and it is impossible to reverse the strategic commitment and economic reliance made by Pak leaders in all their infinite wisdom and glory and approval of its people.

For the most part CPEC has been all air and no substance, Pakistan pays Chinese people to come to Pakistan and build power plants to curb load shedding. They will always arm you only enough that you can never be a sizeable threat to them and eventually when the economy collapses they would very much like to help liberate your people from the feudal elite tyranny.

LOL right now your papa USA is the one making advances towards Pakistan fool. It is not the other way round. Even Indian messiah Trump realised that Pakistan cannot be taken lightly. You Indians were worshipping Trump because he was supposed to teach Pakistan a lesson like never before. What happened RSS cheerleader? Trump invented the library taunt. Trump curbed visas. Trump made a deal with the Taliban through Pakistan. That was your prophet Trump.

I can sense a lot of pain from you RSS pandit. The thing is, you can't do shit about it. Pakistan China relations are most crucial and they will balance out India US relations. Deal with it. This is nature doing its work. CPEC this CPEC that. I know you are having heartaches LOL May CPEC haunt you for an eternity.
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