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More than 20 dead, doctor says, as anti-China riots spread in Vietnam

Yes, it is singapore flag. We do not discriminate any chinaman whether they're mainland, taiwan, hong kong, or singapore.
Why riots against Singapore?

Vietnamese want to turn the whole Asean against them?
That hillarious bunch of protestors. Couldn't riots against China turn to destroy Taiwain and Singapore factory that provide Vietnamese hundred thousand of jobs.
Peaceful protest to win moral support, violent riots against Singapore and Taiwain will turn the outside world against Vietnam

Who in their right mind will bring investment into Vietnam in the future?
Why riots against Singapore?

Vietnamese want to turn the whole Asean against them?

perhaps their low IQs, they could tell the difference between Chinese flag and singapore one. They just burn one with stars on it except their own one
Yeah, I am a part of TPP or any other similar FTA ...
TPP is more strict than other FTA, it regulated that the materials of the product must be produced within TPP countries,
other FTAs would allow a ratio of materials have origin from outside,

That's why Taiwan has a rally with China to invest into Vietnam for producing materials as input for TPP products.
Actually, TPP product lists are award of USA to their partnerships to freely access to huge market of USA
I thought you know more, what a vainglorious vietnamese "expert"!
from you comments, I find you don't know more than me, so you don't here play as "expert" and teach me, hehe.

we are living in modern time, not in jungle where is animal rules are applied..
Saddam annexed Kwait then now Irak people paid for this mastake. The game is just going on.
You think you are Kwait, we are Saddam? why can't say you are paying for your mistake that occupy our island illegally?

Game?! I remeber a vietnamese criticize me for I saying this is game, said, for our Chinese, it is game, for you vietnamese it is not, is him you?

First, because these picture are the truth, why I can't post the truth? Do you have problem with the truth about our country's atrocity? Using only Baidu but not all sources available represents your first problem. You are indoctrinated by the PRC bias.
Second, I don't find anything about Vietnam killing Chinese citizens on Chinese border during the war in 1979. So your claim has no backing.
Third, you invaded us but we can't defend ourselves by attacking you because some Chinese men online years later will consider the two things equivalent, nice logic. Was China in the wrong by attacking invading Japanese forces?
Fourth, it's funny now that you have gone out of your way to defend the "evil" Japan, just so that you can whitewash Chinese's atrocity. You original talk about killing Vietnamese is tasteless and is a disgrace to our deaths. Would you want Japanese to talk about "pleasure women" in Nanjing so casually and tell you that Chinese are bad so they have no right to complain? Oh, and how can anyone be "childish" by honoring their countrymen's death. You, on the other hand, is truly childish by talking about killing as it's a fun and game to you. You have detached from reality too much. Deaths and suffering are always horrible and we have to talk about those with utmost care and respect to the deceased. Bring your game talk to the game forum.
First: you have make conclusion that I am indoctrinated by the PRC bias, why you waste time here arguing with me? still that word, you sure you are right, I can't deny you or something, do need argue?!
Second: Why not just google whether you kill Chinese citizen, why not others? for you, google is truth, that's your opinion, if it is, why there are snowden?!
Third: Did I said you can't defend yourself by attack us? you armed citizen attack us, why can't we attack them?
Fourth: Very interesting in that how do you get I turn into defend Japanese "evil" atrocity,
Why should I be sad for your death of armed citizen? as you logic, on the contrary, are you sad for the death of our soldiers?

You kicked us in less than one month? after we killing your vietnamese men, they you kicked us by women?
BTW, Vietnamese woman have good figure, but man is a little ugly,
From my above comments, you got the conclusion I love killing, find you are very ridiculous, I know you are sad for your death at that war, because you are vietnamese, that's you stand in your ground, but don't think others must follow you, sad with you, I don't defend any atrocity, I just tell you, if it is armed citizen, I don't care, because they don't die, my soliders will, and don't think you are clean in the war, because you don't "google" the atrocity you did to Chinese, not mean they don't exist, or you didn't do to other race, OK?!

The end, maybe offend you, find you argue with me rascally, seems only you are victim.
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When the government can't stop the riots from burn down the factory, they will crack down hard on the protestor then sure lead to a population revolt against the government.
Who care whether is China, TaiWan or Singapore even Japan ? Just smash all companies & factories which used Chinese HanZi in their brands at the front of gate. For mobs, they r all "Chinese" :pop:








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perhaps their low IQs, they could tell the difference between Chinese flag and singapore one. They just burn one with stars on it except their own one
dont expect them to tell difference between chinese and singapore flag。.
they even smash japanese factories
These riots look for excuse to start revolt against the Vietnamese government. China did give Vietnamese a good reason to start a revolution.

Wow this like the last straw will break the camel back. Oil rig from China will topple the Vietnamese government.
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I thought you know more, what a vainglorious vietnamese "expert"!
from you comments, I find you don't know more than me, so you don't here play as "expert" and teach me, hehe.

You downplay me ?
Protest all you want. Our rig ain't going anywhere. Vietnam is utterly powerless to do anything about it.

Vietnam has no EEZ.
nice. viets, keep going. the bigger the better. we Chinese fully support you
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